Basi L'Gani 5725 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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לעילוי נשמת הרה”ג הרה”ח שניאור חיים הכהן
בן הרה”ג הרה”ח מרדכי זאב הכהן
Dedicated by Ezra Dovid Philipp to the Rebbe, and his shluchim, for creating a revolution to bring Moshiach now.
This class was presented on Sunday, 19 Teves, 5785, January 19, 2025, Parshas Vaera, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Basi L'Gani 5725 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
לעילוי נשמת הרה”ג הרה”ח שניאור חיים הכהן
בן הרה”ג הרה”ח מרדכי זאב הכהן
Dedicated by Ezra Dovid Philipp to the Rebbe, and his shluchim, for creating a revolution to bring Moshiach now.
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Anonymous -1 month ago
I can feel that all of this world doesn't really exist, but pain and suffering feels so real, it is so hard to feel that it doesn't really exist.
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Moshe Isenberg -1 month ago
We heard the famous moshel of the Zona hired by the king to test his son
Perhaps Mrs. Potiphor was also hired by the King of Kings to test his son, Yosef.
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Moshe Isenberg -1 month ago
The concept of fear was discussed as a negative thing
Yet we see in Parsha Shemos we see Moshe Rabbeinu was afraid that it was known that he killed a Mitzri, what appears to be a lack of bitichon!
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Moshe Isenberg -1 month ago
Before anyone builds anything....
One must have tools. Even mankind had to invent tools before building civilization, e.g. Noah credited with inventing the plow. Therefore, before creating the world, Hashem had to create/invent the tools with which to create. These are the letters of creation.
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Chava G -1 month ago
What page please?
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