Basi L'Gani 5725 #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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לעילוי נשמת הרה”ג הרה”ח שניאור חיים הכהן
בן הרה”ג הרה”ח מרדכי זאב הכהן
Dedicated by Ezra Dovid Philipp to the Rebbe, and his shluchim, for creating a revolution to bring Moshiach now.
This class was presented on Thursday, 8 Shvat, 5785, February 6, 2025, Parshas Beshalach, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Basi L'Gani 5725 #7
Rabbi YY Jacobson
לעילוי נשמת הרה”ג הרה”ח שניאור חיים הכהן
בן הרה”ג הרה”ח מרדכי זאב הכהן
Dedicated by Ezra Dovid Philipp to the Rebbe, and his shluchim, for creating a revolution to bring Moshiach now.
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Anonymous -6 days ago
Or Eyn Sof , Tzimtzum Gaza and Geulah
In unbelievable tzimtzum such as a tunnel in Gaza, Sarit Cohen was so in touch with Ayn Sof, Or, Ayn Od Milvado and the light of it was so real and intense that this terrorist saw it...drew it on paper. Maybe the darkness of 10/7 will bring us a step closer to the true source of light and therefore to Mashiach. Even in a tunnel in Gaza?
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Moshe Isenberg -7 days ago
His name was "Chutzpah ha'Mitargum"
"Chutzpah", because it takes Chutzpah to translate something, faithfully.
But, when he was named at his bris he was not yet a translator! Or, because parents have a touch of reach hakodesh, this was his purpose abd potential so later the name fit
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