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How to Live with an Open Heart

IFS and the Tanya; The Value of Joy; What Moshiach Wanted From The Baal Shem Tov

1 hr 33 min

Class Summary:

This is the second of a series of text-based classes on a maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, "Reishs Goyim Amalek," presented at the Farbrengen of Tuesday, 14 Adar, Purim 5715, March 8, 1955.

This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Terumah, 6 Adar I, 5784, February 15, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    So all those Jewish girls who got raped and tortured were conncted to their Source, and that was their avodah.

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  • MY

    mendel yakovson -1 year ago

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Haman, his trauma and epigenetics

    Haman, his trauma and epigenetics.

    Most likely haman suffered from great trauma for his enslavement, early life of poverty, as well as his family history and epigenetics, especially, since that he heils from the descendants of amalek.If this is the case why is he held accountable for his abhorrent and evil ways and deeds?

    can he not get some dispensation because of his experience of trauma and suffering?

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    There's fear/yirah of punishment for aveirahs

    And then there's fear of losing something, like a relationship. 

    Notice, no one takes great care to safeguard some pocket change. But everyone takes great care tp safeguard a huge stash of cash. Ditto for a worthless trinket compared to a diamond. 

    So too, the more precious a relationship the more one must safeguard it, the more fear there is of losing it.

    And the relationship with Hashem is the MOST precious.  

    Except, even if we don't safeguard it properly,  He will never abandon us...

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  • H

    Had -1 year ago

    "All beginnings are difficult"

    And Amalek was the "beginning" of sinas chinam, baseless hatred. Which still exists today, e.g. Hamas who just hate and want to kill Jews for no logical reason. 

    "Zeh l'oomah Zeh". Everything has its Polar opposite.  

    So too, therefore we have Avraham Avinu who was the first to recognize Hashem on his own (yeshiva of Shem and Ever notwithstanding) and sought, based on ahavas chinam to spread monotheism. 

    These 2 beginnings by Amalek and Avraham continue until today as we can see......until Moshiach comes when the good will replace the bad

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Maamar Reishis Goyim Purim 5715 #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 15, 2024
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  • 6 Adar I 5784
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Dedicated by Nancy Miller in honor of my parents’ yartzheits: Moshe ben Elezar on 6 Adar (22nd yarzheit), Tzeril bas Dovid on 6 Adar 1 (16th yartzheit). May they continue to be good interbetters for their family and all klal Ysroel.

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