Maamar Reishis Goyim Purim 5715 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Devora Zeiger to partner in the work of disseminating the soul of Yiddishkeit.
Dedicated in memory of Esther bas Yaakov Shlomo, who passed away at the age of 100 on 29 Shevat 5784.
This is the first of a series of text-based classes on a maamar, Chassidic discourse, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, "Reishs Goyim Amalek," presented at the Farbrengen of Tuesday, 14 Adar, Purim 5715, March 8, 1955.
This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Monday, Parshas Terumah, 3 Adar I, 5784, February 12, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Maamar Reishis Goyim Purim 5715 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Devora Zeiger to partner in the work of disseminating the soul of Yiddishkeit.
Dedicated in memory of Esther bas Yaakov Shlomo, who passed away at the age of 100 on 29 Shevat 5784.
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -10 months ago
מכתב הבעל שם טוב
לשון אגרת הבעל שם טוב:
"עליתי מדרגה אחר מדרגה עד שנכנסתי להיכל משיח ששם לומד משיח תורה עם כל התנאים והצדיקים וגם עם שבעה רועים, ושם ראיתי שמחה גדולה עד מאוד, ואיני יודע לשמחה זו מה הוא עושה, והייתי סובר שהשמחה זו חס ושלום על פטירתי מהעולם הזה והודיעו לי אחר כך שאיני נפטר עדיין כי הנאה להם למעלה כשאני מייחד יחודים למטה על ידי תורותיהם הקדושה, אבל מהות השמחה אינו יודע עד היום הזה. ושאלתי את פי משיח אימת אתי מר והשיב לי בזאת תדע בעת שיתפרסם למודך ויתגלה בעולם ויפוצו מעינותך חוצה מה שלימדתי אותך והשגת, ויוכלו גם המה לעשות יחודים ועליות כמוך ואז יכלו כל הקליפות ויהי' עת רצון וישועה.
"ותמהתי על זה והיה לי צער גדול באריכות הזמן כל כך מתי זה אפשר להיות, אך ממה שלמדתי בהיותי שם, שלשה דברים סגולות, ושלשה שמות הקדושים, והם בנקל ללמוד ולפרוש, ונתקרר דעתי וחשבתי אפשר על ידי זה יוכלו גם כן אנשי גילי לבוא למדרגה ובחינה כמותי, דהיינו בהיותם יכולים לעליות נשמות וילמדו וישיבו כמו אני, ולא נתנה רשות כל ימי חיי לגלות זאת, ובקשתי עבורך ללמוד אותך ולא הורשתי כלל, ומושבע ועומד אני על זה".
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Had -10 months ago
In Yiddishkeit, understanding is not the
Ultimate. One must absorb Yiddishkeit and BE a yid, exemplify what a yid must do and be.
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Had -10 months ago
If there was no Amalek, if there were no
Challenges, tests, yetzer Hora, etc., then life would be too easy. The whole concept of free will requires a duality, a test between good and bad.
If there was no Gaza war, the soldier could not have gone into the booby trapped building first ahead of his commander. No test. No reward.
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Had -10 months ago
"Is the Tanna responsible for the bird
That got burnt as it flew over the fire that came from the learning?"
Simple question to the Litvack. The bird is ownerless, so he's not liable for damages! Speak to the Litvack (or anyone) on his level.
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Had -10 months ago
How could the.IDF soldiers volunteer
To "go into" a potentially booby trapped building first before the other?
They realize that they are all part of one body. If one hand is being threatened by a trap, by an animal, etc., will not the other hand try to rescue his mate? We are all part of one Jewish body.
As with many things that are hard to understand, we must take the BROAD AND LONG and DEEP perspective. Look at the whole picture, the whole world, the entire nation, all of history, this and the next world, etc. The wide and long and deep perspective will change our perception of the narrow, limited temporal understanding
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Had -10 months ago
"How do I know I exist?"
Right. Maybe we are just Artificial Intelligence of a Higher Being, the One who created our robotic bodies with AI!
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Elizabeth -10 months ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -10 months ago
what do you mean? please explain? מלכה?
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Had -10 months ago
Amalek was the first to attack, to cool off
The new nation of yidden. Notice though that the yidden, as a new nation were likewise rhe first to exemplify kedusha and G-dliness. This first came to "balance" that first.
So roo, Adam and Chava were the first to exemplify G-dliness, (not as a nation), and the snake, also with chutzpah and gaavah to challenge and fight the G-dliness of Adam and Chava.
In a way, just like we have a yetzer tov and a yetzer Hora, the yidden are the yetzer tov of the world (which explains never ending anti-semitism) and Amalek is the yetzer Hora of the world.
Hashem seems to desire this internal and world wide opposition of forces, and not have it all one sided and therefore no.challenge.
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