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My Core Self Always Embraces My Inner Child & My Inner Adult

If I Was Not Allowed to Be a Child, Can I Ever Grow Up?

1 hr 57 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Shlach, 23 Sivan, 5783, June 12, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • SC

    Shmuel chein -1 year ago

    Dogs and Lions

    Noteworthy to mention, Rabbi Salanters insight about leaders of the generation before moshiach comes mentioned in Sota, the Talmud in yoma 21b mentions that the smoke of the wood arrangement in the second Temple had the shape of a dog, first temple was that of a lion. First temple was a Lion because it was built by king Solomon, but second Temple was built by Persian empire who's likened to a dog. Also first temple divine presence resided likeness of a lion on the divine celestial chariot, second Temple, impurity crept in, likened to a dog.

    In reference to our conversation about leadership, lions attack more than roar, dogs bark more than they attack. One (lion) embodies behavioral confidence, the other (dog) embodies communicative confidence.

    I would take behavior over communication any time of day.

    Especially in this week's Parsha, the spies wanted to keep the Torah and mitzvot relegated to the realm of thought and speech, they didn't want it to evolve into the realm of action.

    What this can mean to us today, don't be happy with communication alone, when there's a need and possibility for behavior.

    Behavioral changes over just communicative changes.

    Thank you Rabbi!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    one can interrupt giving a shiur to ensure

    that a child has a ride to school. Some end such a call with "goodbye" and some end with "I love you".

    which is higher?

    one would think that "I love you" is higher.

    but....the root of "goodbye" is "G-d be with ye". Perhaps that higher. 

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  • LH

    levi hassine -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    so you can decide how a plant grows through SPEECH?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    we don't stand up for the fetus in the womb

    because he's learning only for himself.

    really? what if it's twins? and with whom is that fetus learning, his chavrusa, so he's not learning only for himself. 

    and, maybe the Talmud chocham one should stand for is also learning for himself? 

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  • A

    Aharon -1 year ago

    The Rebbe was an extremely present person.  

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "silence is golden"; "speak little and

    do much". yes, that's true UNLESS by circumstances one has the duty to speak up. like every parent, teacher, etc.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "The child is father to the man"

    our early years and the experiences as children create the make up of the adult

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    What is a practical way to work on one's penimius when there is such a strong drive for chitzonius and looking for validation- this concept is so important so how do we bring it home?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Yes, respect your body at least as much

    as you respect the garbage can.

    so better to not overeat than to toss food?

    but.. .there's the mitzvah of "baal tashlich", i.e. not to waste.

    Europeans and their children are loathe to those food for the inter-generational memory of starvation, deprivation, etc.  Americans and their offspring don't have this genetic core

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    the merkova Ezekiel saw are the source

    for all wild animals, domesticated animals and Birds. Where then is the source for fish?

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    cows are factories to make meat and milk

    and also calves. Are people factories also? we take in nourishment and create babies, things, ideas, etc. 

    all of creation are factories that take in nourishment and have output of different types. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    deep inside we are really happy.

    It just must be revealed.  Question" are animals essentially happy? is vegetation happy? inanimate? are angels essentially happy? Finally, is Hashem essentially happy? Note that He was lacking and therefore created the world.

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  • LH

    levi hassine -1 year ago

    you didn't mention domaim 

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Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Shlach Inyan Ha'Nesachim #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 12, 2023
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  • 23 Sivan 5783
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Dedicated by Ezriel Engel in honor of my Hebrew birthday, today כ''ג סיון.

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