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My Coping Mechanism of Trauma - I Need to Always Please You

For Great People, Their Inner Life Is Far Richer Than Their Outer Life

1 hr 12 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Behaloscha, 16 Sivan, 5783, June 5, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    HaShem's Torah for us is wisdom to have an inner and outer life that reflects the fullness of Him in all His beauty and holiness - your words Rabbi were full of revelation about how crucial a healthy attachment and bond to HaShem is and where the source of our inner life comes from. Someone asked what is the practical way to work on one's penemius ... maybe a constant coversation and flowing prayer life with HaShem who graciously gives all wisdom when we seek it with all our heart, to value the words others who are wise speak to us and to be still and listen when other people and situations challenge us - they usually tell us powerful messages about our inner selves. 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    What is a practical way to work on one's penimius when there is such a strong drive for chitzonius and looking for validation- this concept is so important so how do we bring it home?

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      Listen to this shiur again.

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  • K

    Kj -1 year ago

    While it is very important to have those uneducated in the experiences of the world, it is not good when they mix things of a worldly perspective, which they have never experienced, with Torah.  Please do not sully Torah with the world's foolishness!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    There's pnimious and chitzonious

    what is the pernicious of Hashem? what is the chitzonious of Hashem?

    the chitzonious of Hashem is the created world including us and even including the Torah. The pernimious of Hashem is......way beyond us

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    • Anonymous -1 year ago

      *penimious of Hashem...!auto correct!

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  • SD

    shlomo dratler -1 year ago


    isnt it a higher level of פנימיות  to be מתדמה להקב"ה  by being a  משפיעה  if that his תפקיד. this would be the point of the עילה beig מתלבש  in the עלול in the firstplace.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    The 4 "Fs" when confronted

    1. Fight. 2. Flight. 3. Freeze. 4. Fawn.

    to this I add a 5th "f". Forget. i.e. just forget it, pay it no attention and ignore it

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    what is a korban?

    Imagine a parent gives his child a bag of candy. then he asks for one back. a generous child gives one back as required.  A selfish child doesn't.  this started with Kayn and Hevel. tho Hashem had given them everything, including their very existence and life, just one animal was to be given back, like one candy.

    then and now (tzedaka)  it costs and takes time, energy and money to buy a korban, more or less depending on the type (compare an ox to a bird). A selfish person who doesn't acknowledge the source from whence he gets everything, gives the minimum (or less); while the selfless person who DOES acknowledge gives more according to his ability,. A korban then and tzedaka now is simply acknowledging from whence he got everything. and gives a candy back

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Hashem "eats" up.the Korban by fire

    so we think that when we consume something by mouth, we have eaten it. we have absorbed it.

    Conversely when Hashem "absorbs" or "eats" something, it is burnt up by fire, the opposite by us. We think a burnt up thing is destroyed and has become inconsumable.  

    if  Hashem "eats" when something is burnt by fire, then Shabbos candles, Chanukah candles eyc are also "eaten" by Hashem. So too, He "eats: the chametz, the wood of a lag b'omer fire. Even the holy bodies of yidden rm"L burnt in crematoria.  

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    Kj -1 year ago

    Ignorance is bliss!

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Likkutei Torah Shlach Inyan Ha'Nesachim #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 5, 2023
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  • 16 Sivan 5783
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Dedicated by Alan Miller in memory of his good friend Beryl Epstein who always showed light in the darkness

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