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Between Aristotle and the Rambam

Can You Experience Every Aspect of Your Life From the Lens of Pure Infinity?

1 hr 16 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Friday, Parshas Vayishlach, 15 Kislev, 5783, December 9, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    This class does not have any categories and its very hard to find

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  • A

    Avraham -2 years ago

    The story

    According to the first way of looking at the story.Is separated to the essence for us to tolerate a situation and when we go back to discover that was a process to give a name that we created and that we tought became  of who we think we are but in reality was just created to tolerate the situation.

    The עומק יותר the separation that we created with the story was never a real separation even during the trauma because the essence of who we are was also there. Is a powerful approach to recognize that in the story our essence is revealed too.

    Thank you for bringing chassidus to practicality!

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  • D

    Daniel -2 years ago


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  • MR

    Meir Rosenberger -2 years ago

    So does that mean the Divine Energy wa in the Holocaust with the torture and murder of 6,000,000 Jews?  Where is the Divine Love?

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    Aharon ambassador in training of love, light and hope -2 years ago

    After speaking with me for a few minutes, people often ask me while pointing their finger toward me “Are you Lubavitch?”.  I never liked it and it made me uncomfortable cuz I could see they wanted to put me in a box.   The last few years sometimes people will also say “Are you Breslov?”   I finally figured out an answer.   “I am a chassid of the Baal Shem Tov, a talmid of Moshe Rabbenu and a son of Yaakov Avinu.  Good?!”

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    • DB

      Danny Bergson -2 years ago

      But if you ar Lubavitcher why not be proud and point back with a "finger of light" unabashedly?

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    • S

      Shulim -2 years ago

      I'm not "Lubavitch" but I love when people assume I am. 

      But maybe I am. Whatever.

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      Daniel -2 years ago

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Giving an object an name limits the relationship

    The name sums it up in an instant and further investigation is not necessary. 

    But.....there are nonverbal adults (i have such a relative) who don't speak, who can't give names to objects.  Yet, i can tell you from personal experience that even such nonverbal adults who cannot give names because they can't speak, recognize objects they have seen before many times and are not as curious as they were at first 

    So names are not necessary for this phenomenon, merely visually  recognizing the object is enough to stifle curiosity 

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  • S

    Sara -2 years ago

    Maybe it's not so much about the story

    but rather what we get/got from the story. Postivie experience vs negative experience. And how we receive the story comes from our charachter, our personality, how GD made us.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    What's so complicated?

    Hashem turned his ruchnious into gashmious so we could be created and live in creation; Einstein showed that our gashmious (the atomic particle in the bomb) can be transformed BACK into energy (the effects of dropping the bomb).

    Einstein showed that humans can reverse engineer that which Hashem created. And it releases tremendous energy from.one particle.  

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Zuckerberg has gone beyond the world of

    Facebook and created a "metaverse". Just like people "live" in FB, nebach,  they can now live in the metaverse. They can create a person, even buy property.  Its all an illusion.  

    The world is also an illusion (to us) and is the creation of.Hashem. we are, in a way, the illusional creations of the thoughts and words of Hashem. If he stops thinking it into being and speaking it into being created it stops automatically  like the balloon that deflates when one stops blowing (even more, the empty balloon disappears when He stops willing it). 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The ray of the sun inside the sun has no

    Independent existance and has no name of Ray.

    But....the fetus inside the mother DOES have a name (fetus) and even has rights (not to be aborted) and limits on those rights (can be aborted if a pursuer to the mothers health or life). 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    I don't know if the complexity of a cell

    Happened on its own or was designed and created by an intelligent creator. 

    But i know for sure that the complexity of new york city happened on its own! 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Joseph Campbell collects all the world

    Mythologies  and shows that all cultures have a flood story. Of course they all have it because it happened 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    "Ultimately we will see that its all Hashem's light"

    But.....when Hashem spoke the first 2 commandments, and all truth was revealed, we couldn't take it and died!

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Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #7

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 9, 2022
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  • 15 Kislev 5783
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Dedicated by Rabbi Dovid and Rivka Feldman in honor of their wedding anniversary on the 18th of Kislev

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