Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Vayishlach, 11 Kislev, 5783, December 5, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #5
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -2 years ago
A relationship means you're related
A child is still a child even if the relationship is broken. We are not only related to Hashem but are a "chelek Elokai minal mamesh", a piece of Hashem mamesh. That cannot be severed no matter how bad the relationship is.. like the child who ran away..
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Anonymous -2 years ago
So...we are all characters in Hashem's dream
Let's not turn it into a nightmare!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The daydream doesn’t exist, its all in my head
But....Moshiach for the time being is also in our head. "We have all been dreamers". But there is nothing more real than Moshiach even tho he exists meantime only in everyone's head.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
The natural state of the rock is to remain and
Not fly. outer space it flies forever. So its not about the nature of the rock but WHERE its flying.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Ok So Hashem turned pure ruchnious into
Gashmious. And throughout life we take already created gashmious and manipulate it.
But....if we can,perhaps, equate energy with ruchnious, when we burn anything, or drop a nuclear bomb, which, per Einstein's equation, turns matter into energy (aka ruchnious?) we are reversing creation.
A tremendous amount of energy is created with a nuclear explosion. It took a tremendous amount of energy to be concretized into gashmious.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
So long as you blow into the balloon
It remains blown up. Stop blowing for an instant and it deflates. So too, when Hashem stops "blowing" so to speak the world deflates (into nothingness).
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Anonymous -2 years ago
A parent must at times be kind and at other
Times be stern. But it is the same parent no matter the external expression to the child.
Hashem also has His essence and the way He apoears to his "children", the creations. Byt it is the same Hashem, He didn't change
A parent changes his external expression but by Hashem when He changes expression worlds are created.
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Kj -2 years ago
It amazes me how stern parents or religious leaders often perceive themselves as utterly Godly and holy. If G-d dealt with some parents, spiritual leaders or people as they do to others or their children, nobody would want a G-d and, no, there would be no relationship. Birth does not constitute a relationship or connection. Dogs give birth too. Abandoned children have proven that giving birth does not create the relationship for the child. I would venture to say this is why may hate religious folk--when Moses got stern, G-d kicked him out of the promised land!
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Kj -2 years ago
Just remember, when G-d gets stern, He brings, along with His Prophet sent to bring judgment, a drought, famine and war. America, and many nations, are already facing massive drought, with some on the verge of famine! This will get worse as the judgments of agd intensify!
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