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If All Is One, How Real Is My Darkness?

If G-d Is Blocked by G-d, He's Not Blocked

1 hr 6 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Vayetzei, 5 Kislev, 5783, November 29, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • S

    Shlomo -2 years ago

    Could it be that the darkness is really the closeness to the source of light (Sagi Nohor). The stronger one feels the darkness the closer one actually is to the source of light ie closer to GOD.

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  • L

    leibel -2 years ago

    I started listening to your shiur on chanukah Yasher koach!

    You mentioned that the אש that avraham took was probably a flintstone because bringing along fire doesn’t seem probable. I once saw somewhere that Bedouins, apparently until today, when traveling through the desert put a coal into some kind of a hollowed-out husk of a very slow burning plant, and they are able to travel for long stretches of time with the fire protected from the wind as it slowly burns the inside, anytime they need a fire they take out the coal blow onto kindle etc. And return the cpal.

    If this method has been around for forever it would explain why אש could mean כפשוטו.

    Thank you again for this and for all that you do. 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Tzimtzum was done at a point in time

    And thats what we can see as we look backwards in time when we see black holes. The picture of creation of black holes just reaches us now. 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Tzimtzum is also a creation

    And takes up (ruchnious) space

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The teacher of a deep concept to children must conceal

    Most of the matter so the recipients can understand anything.

    So too, Hashem conceals most of Himself amd His essence so that we can understand anything 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Only one mitzvah done outdoors?

    Going to the Beis Hamigdash is outside. Sending away the mother bird is outside. Leaving all the agricultural tithes is outside as are all the mitzvos regarding agriculture.  Not plowing with 2 different types of  animals. The list goes on......

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    • Anonymous -2 years ago

      Yesterday the phrase was "outdoors". Today it became "in the rishus harabbin/large public thoroughfare.  

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Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 29, 2022
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  • 5 Kislev 5783
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