Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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I’m dedicating this class anonymously as a zechut for me and my siblings and all the people that need to get married to find their shidduch bekarov b"h
Dedicated by Nechemiah Kaplan in honor of Reb Dovid Kaplan's 76th Yom Haledes - 4 Kislev
This class was presented on Monday Parshas Vayetzei, 4 Kislev, 5783, November 28, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Ner Chanukah 5643 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
I’m dedicating this class anonymously as a zechut for me and my siblings and all the people that need to get married to find their shidduch bekarov b"h
Dedicated by Nechemiah Kaplan in honor of Reb Dovid Kaplan's 76th Yom Haledes - 4 Kislev
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Anonymous -2 years ago
How do you pass or skip in the phone dial in shiur?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
I love the Rabbi's classes. He's very clear and I can understand almost everything he talks about.
I love my Rabbim he's a rekognized kabbalist and a Chabbad teacher but his online classes are very difficult to follow. One he speaks low, second he doesn't enunciate.
With Rabbi YY Jakobson I have no problem.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Hashem makes matter from energy,
Makes gashmious from ruchnious. And we make ruchnious from the gasious we were dealt. Reverse engineering.
Einstein says matter and energy are interchangeable. He had not only a theoretical mathematical formula, but developed the bomb that made it practical and a reality.
The opposite of the bomb? Tzimtzum?
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Aharon ambassador in training of love, light and hope -2 years ago
Thank you H" for allowing us to celebrate the vort of our dear son, Menachem Mendel, Nachy, tonight at 7:30 at 153 Grandview Ave, across from Yeshiva spring valley girls school and next to Grandview Elementary school. Please join myself and my family to share our simcha. love, peace and light from Aharon
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Isn't Hakel done outside?
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Yisroel -2 years ago
It was done in the beis hamikdash
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Anonymous -2 years ago
If the menorah should face the public donain ,
Then Chabad has it right by putting menorahs in the public square. Why was there frum opposition to this?
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