Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Elie and Adina Ryzman
Day #6: Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Elie and Adina Ryzman
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freida hecht -2 months ago
emotional and uplofting
after hearing this story I want to dance and dance.
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Ms. Dorfman -2 years ago
This story about the Baal Shem Tov is one that I never heard before, but it gives me hope in the idea of true love in a marriage. I am a divorced Mom of three kids cainohara and I believe that there is a lid for every pot.
Shavua tov!
Ms. Dorfman
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truth be told 44 -2 years ago
thank you for your inspiration and hard work you do for others through your messages. I am Live your truth TV on houtube & truth be told 44on instagram and i also follow u on telegram . Can't wait for the next message
Shalom , D'licia
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