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Day #1: Twelve Seconds

Thoughts of an 8-Year-Old Running to a Bomb Shelter

4 min

Class Summary:

Day #1: Chanukah 5784 -- a Video a Day

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  • HG

    Hélène Gordon -7 months ago

    Outstanding Rabbi.  This video has given me immense courage.  Sincere thanks!

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  • HR

    Heidi Reiter -7 months ago

    People in America cannot fathom what it must be like to live in Israel with constant awareness of sirens & rockets, & the need for safe rooms in every dwelling. And now after the October 7 massacre & with war in Gaza, it is even more precarious. Everyone should visit Israel in their lifetime at least once. It is a shame that Usrael must live under this duress. Why can't there be more support & peace in neighboring Arab countries? Why is there so much hatred toward Jews across the world? 

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  • DB

    David Block -7 months ago

    Baruch Hashem !  What a wonderful message!

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  • YYJ

    Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -7 months ago

    Thank you so much from the depth of my hearts to all whose who shared their comments and feedback; it means so so much. Happy chanukah to one and all!

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  • TH

    Tzvi Holczler -7 months ago

    Beautiful and inspiring, strong lessons 

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Chanukah 5784 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 7, 2023
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  • 24 Kislev 5784
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In loving memory of Rivkah Dina bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe
In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah
Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner

And in merit of their new granddaughter Rivkah Dina bas Shifra

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