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Day #5: 16 Million Jews Ready to Fight

Let’s Not Forfeit the Historic Opportunity

6 min

Class Summary:

Day #5: Chanukah 5784 -- a Video a Day

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  • M

    Michael -1 year ago

    Shalom and thank you. Yes are right i was dormant and october's events woke me up. Went in yerushalaim for two weeks, prayed daily at the kotel and im doing strong teshuva . Spot on rav.

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  • DT

    Dov Trietsch -1 year ago

    I just wanted to add an important point of view. Chanukkah is the symbol ofvthe struggle between light and darkness - or ve-chosech, our side and the other side - sitra achra. Chamas is the embodiment of sitra achra, the embodiment of evil. This is a holy war. All the antisemites, including the woke jewish antisemites, will hopefully realize the great service that we are now providing by fighting this evil. Ishmael is not directly amaleq, but they behave like amaleq. Again, I am an atheist, but this a mitzvah.

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  • DT

    Dov Trietsch -1 year ago

    Good Evening Rabbi. We met 22 years ago at the house of your classmte Rabbi Shaya Deitch where, if memory serves, you spoke about the connection between the dibrot - alef to vav, beth to zayin and so on. I am a complete epicorus. A devout atheist, but a strong jew. I believe in am israel and in or lagoyim. I am also not ignorant. I know our history and customs, I can read arameic - and do every now and then (by now more like every then and then. It was midei paam. Now more like midei paamaim). I read your erudite monograms from time to time. All that said, yourchanukkah speeches, all four so far, shed a light on what I always knew, we are our only reliable support system. Kol Israel arevim ze laze. Am Israel Chai. Thank you

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Chanukah 5784 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 11, 2023
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  • 28 Kislev 5784
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Dedicated by Reb Shmuel Yosef and Leah Rieder
For the health and safety of all the Israeli soldiers; may G-d protect them forever.

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