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Day #1: Spread the Light

An Ancient Talmudic Debate About the Jewish World Today

3 min

Class Summary:

Chanukah 5781 -- a Video a Day: Day 1

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Powerful story of Hope in the midst of despair 😩 and that is Chanukah lightbin the midst of darkness.?

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  • HG

    harlene green -3 years ago

    That defines what Chabad is about!!! 

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  • IC

    Ira Caplan -3 years ago

    YY - he keeps us smiling, he keeps us learning, he keeps us loving and he keeps us living well. What an era in which we live!

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    • IC

      Ira Caplan -3 years ago

      Blessed be the One from Whom all blessings proceed!

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  • C

    chaya -3 years ago

    amazing amazing, you are able to light all souls, because, that light, Rabbi Jacobson, that light was the light The Rebbe gave to you,.  

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  • KC

    Karen cohen -3 years ago

    Beautiful message!

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Chanukah 5781 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 10, 2020
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  • 24 Kislev 5781
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In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe.  In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah.  Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner  

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