Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe
In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah
Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
Day #1: Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Chanukah 5783 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In loving memory of Rivka Dinah bas Reb Shraga Faivish Moshe
In honor of her Yartziet on the first night of Chanukah
Dedicated by her children Faivish and Tamar Pewzner
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Dear Rabbi
It is very difficult to understand why you devote so much time and effort into cebrating our hustory as VISTIMS. surely you can find time to remind the community or our incredible historic past, thinkers, nobel prize winners, intellectual power ( Einstein), medical breakthroughs ( Salk ) et al........
Ivan basserabie
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Tzippy -2 years ago
Thank you for this inspiration! Is all I can say.
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Malka G. -2 years ago
are there words in any language to be said? of course not, no words cannot describe the hell that one feels even though
one was not in the actual battles of flames,
May every Jew continue to "shukel" his or her body while davening for the continued promise of the coming of Moshiach
without any fears or foes.
Chanukah Sameach y'all and light the menorach every day and every year.
Malka G.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Light does not disappear...
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Anonymous -2 years ago
What a beautiful and inspiring story!
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Chanan Simon -2 years ago
Rabbi YY,
You inspire us again and again!
Happy Chanukah filled with the lights that will lead to our redemption b'korov mamash!
Warmest regards,
Chanan Simon
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Kj -2 years ago
Interesting, our family name a few generations back is Weiss.
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Elaine Nibley -2 years ago
Thank you Rabbi for all you do for all of us 🕎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻✅
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Anonymous -2 years ago
How do we ever forgive the German people even though the government has made genuine efforts to atone and prevent a recurrence?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
We are not the ones to forgive, it's up to Hashem to judge on that. I for one have enormous hat towards them. Not something I'm willing to give up or even need to. Our gedolim havenot instructed us to.
As for them if they wish to do any good they. Should be out there educating their country and the world on the atrocities they have committed. By educating and acknowledging it they get a chance to rectify their wrong. By them just apologizing and asking people to sign a firginess letter and they then will give money as an apology is insulting an understatement. They wish to be forgiven? No no, their behavior is not that of someone asking for forgiveness.
At any rate, Hashem runs the world we cannot understand it or shall we attempt. He has a master plan, when mashiach comes we will understand
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Anonymous -2 years ago
I understand perfectly what you are saying. The world goes on and events are dimmed; it's how time works. The Xtians say to forgive. I don't have the right -- or even the ability -- to forgive Germans for what they did to the ancestors of so many of us. Only those ancestors can forgive. And most are gone.
Nevertheless, let us all have a Chanukah Samei'ach with the knowledge that we are and can never be such animals. And that most importantly, G-d is One. He'll make sure justice is served.
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Gitti Weinstock -2 years ago
Whatxa beautiful story. Your delivery us exemplary. It us an honor and privilege to know you.
Gitti Weinstock
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Sarah -2 years ago
Wow! What a powerful lesson. Thank you Rabbi YY for once again inspiring us with these amazing clips.
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