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When You Need to Elevate Haman in Order to Destroy Him

The Spiritual Origin of Exposure Therapy

1 hr 20 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Wednesday, Parshas Tzav, Ta'anis Esther, 13 Adar II, 5782, March 16, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Y

    Yehudi -2 years ago


    BH. How painful that we will not be able to share in the farbringen. 

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  • ER

    Esther Roos-Shalem -2 years ago

    May our hearts be open to receive the gasts we expect to visit us, without knowing what is happening. Who knows... Chag Purim Sameach❤🙌

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  • SS

    Sara Schwartz -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    The thoughts keep coming The overthinking The anxiety The negative thinking The catastrophizing Telling me I made a mistake I'm not good enough Im a mess I'm alone in this world I need to measure up It's all pointless and random anyway So why even try! You're telling me my husband is not enough He's too intence and loud And random And won't make enough $ for u to live comfortably And he doesn't know how to talk to the kids with love… Darkness I'm scared I'm upset I wish it wasn't like this I wish I could just sail along life Calmly Happy Laughing and connecting with loved ones Inspired, creative, alive.. Hello darkness Hello triggers Hello Paroh Hello Haman Hello Amalek You are part of my life You were part of all the Torah stories in my childhood And you're part of my conciousness But I don't need to be scared of you! You were sent here By God himself To help me heal And Hashem is always with me So I can go to you And listen To what you're saying As much as it hurts.. And I can trust I won't be destroyed But even more I will grow I will introduce u to the TRUTH of Hashems reality As I Expand my consciousness Create new neural pathways That serve me better That serve Hashem better I can love myself through this With lots of self compassion And care And patience To listen And hear the message you're telling me And see where you're coming from And recognize the truth That wants to emerge From this darkness Hello darkness Hello triggers I see you I hear you And I'm not afraid of you Cuz Hashem himself, I myself, Am here too. —--- I remember Shabbos I remember Amalek Simultaneously Because the only way to have Shabbos A calm peaceful conciousness Where all is well in the world.. Is by not being afraid of Amalek Not being afraid of my triggers Not being stuck in my head Of the way I think things need to be And the thoughts that all is going wrong I can be here In both realities With the power of Hashem Beyond my minds comprehension "Ad delo yada" Emptying out the cups Of my limiting beliefs Trusting I can handle this darkness Again and again and again I can know it's here To bring out my light My inner queen 👑 And to transform my consciousness And my home And this world Into a home For Hashem. Happy Purim 💓💔😎 By Sara Schwartz Inspired by YY Jacobsons recent classes (theyeshiva.net) and Malchus (innerQueen.org) and RelationShift ( createrelationshift.com )

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    Hashem the "king" and husband.  The yidden the wife. The yetzer and enemies of the yidden is Haman. Sometimes the King, Hashem can't sleep. He must review the record and see who has been loyal to Him. Us. Time to slay the enemy.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    gem kos 86 gem hatevah 86 trapped in tevah 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    The yidden saved at the yam sof at the last possible second. Yidden saved in mitzrayim at the 49th level of Tomah. Yidden saved in the holocaust.  Many die but Hashem always saves the remnant to continue the nation and our purpose.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented...

    An old vort, but maybe new to some: there are 3 small letters in the list of Haman's sons, tov, shin and zayin.  apparently the father of the Sheloh 400 years ago wrote that 10 more sons of Haman will be hung, AND watch out for the year tov shin, zayin. 11 Nazis sentenced to be hung Hoshana Rabba 1946 (tov shin zayin). one committed suicide.  the 10 were hung that day. one, Goering said "purimfest 1946" before he was hung.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago


    Question: may be Queen Esther said it deliberately so that king doesn't sleep, and then to distract his attention of his paranoia against his wife and best friend turned prime minister, he listens to the royal records....so that King is reminded of Mordechai saying his life and how loyal the Jewish subjects are to him...whom Haman has brainwashed the king of being useless and potential danger in the kingdom... or may be Mordechai himself would have reminded him that he has been so loyal and still the decree is issued against the Jews

    And did Esther know that the records contained the episode that Mordechai saved the king's life?

    In my opinion because Mordechai was her cousin/uncle so she probably knew...

    Usually we say "yerida letzorich aliya", i.e. a descent for the ultimate purpose of ascent. Here, the clever Esther plans an aliyah (of Haman) letzorich yerida!

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone commented..

    "Everyone has their "peckel", their package of problems. no one escapes this. even the richest, the healthiest, the smartest, the one with most Naches. Sso what to do? perhaps our job even when it seems we have no or little problems, is to help another with his peckel with the wherewithal and unique abilities and gifts He gave us. People get nervous.  People were nervous when there was a cold war and the possibility of nuclear attack.  People get nervous about global warming. Now they say a food crisis is coming because of Ukraine. Have they forgotten that Hashem is always in charge?

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Someone asked...

    Which one? Destroy your enemies before they destroy you or Love your enemies  and show wisdom?

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  • K

    Kj -2 years ago

    Yes, a thousand times, yes!

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Sounds like...

    Amalek is the same as Yetzer Harah.

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -2 years ago

    Questions/comments from Part 5

    Following comments and questions come from Part 5 of this Maamer (Parshas Tzav, 11 Adar II, 5782, March 14, 2022)

    "Remember what Amalek did." and "remember the Shabbos ".  who gave us Shabbos? Hashem! who gave us Amalek? Also Hashem! Hashem sends what us obviously good and what seems to be bad but can be otherwise upon deeper inspection.  often what appears to be bad later turns out to be good. even putin can bring out the hidden latent good. so, remembering both Amalek and Shabbos means to always remember that both good and seeming bad comes from Hashem. there is nothing else. no contradiction.

    Sure there is the common denominator of both a cup of wine and a cup of vinegar.  But why dafka those 2 liquids? Why not milk? Perhaps because good tasty wine can go bad and become vinegar? Hashem gives us a good neshoma, a good life and all that is given to us. Torah. parents,  etc. when properly handled and treated the good remains good. we return a good neshoma back. we are good shomrim. But some take the good, the wine or the neshoma and mistreat and mishandle it and it becomes vinegar or a tainted neshoma.

    "The Talmud Chocham sits and learns at all times and therefore is called Shabbos ". But. Didn't the Baal Shem Tov teach that being a tzaddik in pelz isn't enough? We must not only be Shabbos personally but also make others aware of and become Shabbos.

    Both wine and vinegar have their time and place. we need wine for kiddush but we even need vinegar to turn a cucumber into a pickle! Wine can represent the good times in life. Vinegar can represent the bad times. We must take both with equanimity,  i.e. we accept the good Hashem sends as well as the (seeming) bad.

    All year round we think we know. We know this and we know that. On Purim we must come to realize that we don't really know anything.  We are grasshoppers trying to come up with a theory of life....

    In past times mesiras nefesh meant to give up one's life, literally.  Today mesiras nefesh is to give up carbs. No comparison,  right? Perhaps there is a comparison.  It might take as much self sacrifice today to give up carbs, or smoking, etc as when they gave their very lives.

    Yom Kippur was given its name long before the story and the name of Purim happened.

    "The main thing is how it affects  my life" perhaps the main thing is how it affects your life in so far as how you affect another person's life?

    Hashem created a world of polar opposites. Our neshomas pull us one way and the yetzer Hora pulls us another.  This was even true for Adam, for those who stood at Har Sinai.

    Wine pulls us one way, vinegar   (which by itself tastes bad) pulls us another way. Shabbos pulls us one way and Amalek (doubt) pulls us the other way.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Will the Purim Farbrengen be live streamed? 

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Chassidus: Maamer Zachor Purim 5717 #6

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 16, 2022
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  • 13 Adar II 5782
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Dedicated by Shahab Hanoni in memory of my grandmother, Sultanah, my grandfather, Reuben, my uncle, Shlomo, the Lubavitcher Rebbe,  Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sasov (1745-1807), and Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk (1741-1810), for all they gave me and the Jewish world.

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