Chassidus: Maamer Zachor Purim 5717 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dan Rubenzahl in honor of Abba v’ Ima
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Vayikra, 4 Adar II, 5782, March 7, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Maamer Zachor Purim 5717 #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dan Rubenzahl in honor of Abba v’ Ima
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Drew -2 years ago
Haman was buried in his ego, insecurities, greed, scapegoating and fear mongering.
His animal/material soul and inability to self nullify beyond his self interests.
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Drew -2 years ago
Rabbi Wolff and Family ❤️
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Jill Firestone -2 years ago
Emes! Thank you.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Isn't klipah (my sense of self) the protective shield which enables me to be an eved Hashem....while simultaneously "knowing " that the "me" is only a conduit for the light of HK"B
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carmela -2 years ago
We build a sense of self in young children because it is necessary for a human's being, just as the peel of a fruit contains the the fruit. But then, when a sense of self is established for stability and balance, part of the socialisation education of a child is to 'get out' of themself, to consider the 'other' the environment to interact and keep the equilibrium of the whole...But just as a cell becomes inconsiderate and begins growing and expending beyond that balance, a cancerous growth is formed...In medical terms (at least in Hebrew it is called ''A process that catches space'' - That takes away other cells space...) If the peel of the fruit would overgrow the fruit, there would be no fruit only thickened peel...Just as s a sense of self that is blown out of proportions overbearing every one else in sight, becoming selfish ANI VEOTZEM YADI a real klipa from the court yard of Fharaoh... In Hebrew פרעה the letters of עורף The back part of the neck between the head and the shoulder line of the upper back...Not showing any features, any internal characteristics, just an external ''thing'' with no depth or essence, as opposed to the face that shows the interior part of a person, in Hebrew face = פנים (PANEEM) , and internal = פנימי (PNEEME) . We are getting closer to Pessach, so , with HASHEM'S help, lets try to be flat as a MATZA , not rising to be blown up by the yeast of sense of self...but rather be aware of GOD'S presence and HASHGACHA. Happy Purim from Israel
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Ciara -3 years ago
Re today's shiur re people trying to fit circles into squares etc, a quote which encapsulates this idea somewhat is from lehavdil elef havdolas, Shakespeare, when Horatio calls Hamlet's encounter with a ghost 'wondrous strange', Hamlet replies 'and therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'
This is possibly saying that some things don't make sense to extremely limited humans, but perhaps if we knew the full picture, we would welcome it.
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isaac -3 years ago
Various zoom comments from today
It is well known that Ukraine is one of the most anti-semitic countries. both now and in the past. could it be that this disaster is Hashem's way to get those Yidden out of there and to EY or Amy friendlier country they might go to? (like Hashem eliminated 80% of yidden in Mitzrayim?)
we can say blessed is Haman cuz there is a small spark of kedusha there. Notice that even with bilaam the rasha there came out brocha which is even part of our tefilla. maybe even through Putin as well.
I like the analogy of Bilaam and his courses becaming Brachas eventually that makes sense
ever since the chait aitz hadaas good and evil are mixed. so there must be a tiny spark in or good that results from, a rasha. can we daresay that similarly a tiny spark of "bad" existed in Mordechai or any other tzaddik? perhaps the spark of bad is a millisecond of not learning?
As a not yet officially Orthodoxly converted into Judaism please forgive me for saying this, but Mordechai marrying his niece to a Gentile Persian king was always something which bothered me and I really don't understand that....and like Rabbi YY said being in the palace and with a gentile husband it must have been really hard for Haddasah-Esther.
Maybe that's a tiny spark of bad of Mordechai to allow such a thing which in other situations he wouldn't, or the way I try to understand it is our perspective regarding life in general Mordechai probably through getting into top monarchy like Joseph did in Mizrahim will help build a better relationship for Jews and gentile and have respect working relationship along with a freedom to be Jewish in a foreign land.
I know that you personally encourage and support asking questions, but I know rabbis and have heard personal stories from others about rabbis who do not. Maybe that is the reason that girl asked you the question about being in a cult.
Sara, agreed. It’s a very delicate balance. I think those who are not in a cult are those we are ok with how other people live: living and let living.
who is the first person to fulfill ad delo yada? noach?
I feel this fitting into the gentile world more conveniently and more harmoniously through reaching into power position kinda goes not well with HaShem.....both in Mizrahim and in Babylonia HaShem Got the Jewish people out and redirected their focus toward HaShem, the Jews build a Mishkan after coming out of Mizrahim, and build a second temple after coming from Babylon right after Esther and her uncle Mordechai redirect their focus on HaShem rather than focusing on how to get in a favourable power position within the gentile monarchy or gentile world.
a cult allows no questions and minimizes contact with those outside the cult. the very fact that this girl could ask such a question, and the unfortunate fact of otd kids, shows there is no cult. compare with putin today who has cut off contact with those outside Russia and hides the truth about his war with mobile crematoria!
But I feel sometimes what we see as cult may be just an emotional response of fear of losing it all, if everything is taken lightly one at a time...
I feel those in very extremely orthodox Jewish communities might as well go so extreme because maybe they are getting an extreme pull from the other side, maybe their experience is much more difficult, and maybe they faced much more hatred and discrimination from the world, especially the gentile they are simply exserting much more dedication towards Judaism and Jewish seems like a cult but who knows it's just an emotional reaction to fear and the hate they received from the world.
one must be very strong and well connected to venture into certain places. only Reb Akiva survived. others wonder how shluchim can go, alone, to non frum areas, yet those shluchim turn the city over. they transform the gashmius there into ruchnious.
Ironically I feel the same with Putin and Russia, who knows Putin feels left out just think for a second how would a patriotic Putin feel when seeing the even more antisemitic Ottomans a.k.a Turkey and Germans in NATO with the British, French, and the US, while his country the USSR who eventually became a western Allie and fought alongside US, UK, and France, and was actually attacked by the other side that is Germans and it allies, is not allowed in NATO not only that what if Putin feels everyone is teaming up against him and his country.
Seeing perspective through other people's eyes gives us the humility to see their pain and reach out to them where it's easier for us as well as them to be vulnerable and open to each other to bring the best in us or strengthen the good in each other..
when you look at Hitler ym"S you see absolute evil. is Hashem Himself who created and sustains evil and evil people. we must say that that also is His will despite our inability to understand it. even evil has an ultimate purpose, unknown to us
You touched my soul. Pure emes.
Thank you so much Rabbi great Shuir loved every bit of it looking for the next part on Thursday Beezrat HaShem
maybe a certain prayer can do getting of the Klipa, the siddur illuminated by Chassidus says that a prayer "Vayevarech David Hashem " has that ability, it is just before saying Az Yashir Moshe. Thank you very much!
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