Chassidus: Maamer Zachor Purim 5717 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated for zivug hagun for Mondana Odelia bat Farah Shifrah, Michael Avraham Akiba ben Farah Shifrah, Yeshdah Yoel ben Janet Chana, and Eliyahoo Chaim ben Esther.
This class was presented on Thursday, Parshas Vayikra, 7 Adar II, 5782, March 10, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Maamer Zachor Purim 5717 #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated for zivug hagun for Mondana Odelia bat Farah Shifrah, Michael Avraham Akiba ben Farah Shifrah, Yeshdah Yoel ben Janet Chana, and Eliyahoo Chaim ben Esther.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
"My own infinity " as the Rabbi said, doesn't make sense to me. At the moment one senses their "own infinity " they simply are NOT. I think this touches on the paradox of Pardes. It's beyond my knowing 😊
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Is this going to posted later I dont see anywhere to play?
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Is the Rebbe alluding to the shita of the zohar. I believe that you could be yotzey the 3rd meal with divrey torah? (even if not lichora this could be pshat)
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Anonymous -3 years ago
shayich to the maamar how to reach the nitzus in each person - Meor vashemesh
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