Chassidus: Maamer Zachor - Purim 5717 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Asher & Dina Hecht
Dedicated by Mendel Fishman in loving memory of R' Moshe Baruch ben Yaakov Fishman who led by example of how to be a mench and a varme yid.
Dedicated with gratitude to Hashem for the marriage of our children, Mindy & Sam, on Tuesday, 28 Adar I, 5782 / March 1, 2022, Mr. Berl Jacobowitz, Liza Jacobowitz, & Dr. Yisroel and Chanie Kaplan (Jankovitz).
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Pekudei, 27 Adar I, 5782, February 28, 2022, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Maamer Zachor - Purim 5717 #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Asher & Dina Hecht
Dedicated by Mendel Fishman in loving memory of R' Moshe Baruch ben Yaakov Fishman who led by example of how to be a mench and a varme yid.
Dedicated with gratitude to Hashem for the marriage of our children, Mindy & Sam, on Tuesday, 28 Adar I, 5782 / March 1, 2022, Mr. Berl Jacobowitz, Liza Jacobowitz, & Dr. Yisroel and Chanie Kaplan (Jankovitz).
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Rachel -3 years ago
Thank you for today’s class. I walked away realizing that I always welcome with open arms the Mordechai aspect in my life, but I become very judgmental with my Haman side. I resent it, I wish it would go away, I’m embarrassed, ashamed, etc…..
With this maimar I realize that I can bring the joy of “Purim” into my life much more when I can stop differentiating between them, the Mordechai and the Haman inside of me. When I can instead become curious about the Haman inside of me and even welcome it and ask what is it about. Enter in a mode of self awareness and not differentiation…..
Only to then discover a nizuz and touch Infinity…..!
Wow, that frame of mind opens the door for such a much bigger life and opportunity for great transformation.
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Chaim Schnitzer -3 years ago
It seems a contradiction from the arizal to what the with Chaim says mentioned in Tanya that idol worshipers m are from three impure klipos that it's impossible to fix
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
We shouldn't bless Haman because it might raise the small speck of Kenosha. Why nothing not curse Mordechai who might have a spark of bad? This is like not learning Torah on Xmas night not to add bracha to the bad.
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Sara -3 years ago
is getting so drunk that you don't know the difference the only way to get to that place?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
One should drink on Purim until one doesn't know the difference between Haman and Mordechai. One was extremely bad, the other extremely righteous. What do they have in common? EXTREMENESS. One should drink. completely sober one might think that there a tiny bit of goodness in Haman (like Hitler ym"S was a vegetarian) and a tiny bit of bad in Mordechai. So we say, NO, drink until you see ONLY EXTREMENESS of bad in Haman and the EXTREMENESS of good in Mordechai
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
I love the concept of extremes but I feel under the extremes there is my opinion only an egoistic person can be extremely bad or extremely good. Drunkenesss actually reduces our egos.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
"Why did Moshe Rabbenu add the moshel of the 2 cups"? What did it add? There are those who use long lists of synonyms which basically are repetitive. They don't add!
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
"Remember to blot out the name of Amalek" . this is an inherent contradiction. A "storage minay ubay". If one is successful and completely blots out the memory of Amalek, there is nothing left to remember!
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
Most of a farbrengen was sichos and then there was a maamer. wait a minute....those are only the WORDS the Rebbe said, MOST of the farbrengen was unspoken nonverbal eye contact, singing, niggunim and lechaims!
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