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The Torah's Remedy for Your Struggling Child

The Comment that Saved a Teenager's Life

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

Rabbi YY Jacobson presented the keynote lecture to the parents of Shulamith Girls School in Cedarhurst, NY, on Wednesday Parshas Vayigash, 4 Teves, 5782, December 8, 2021.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    תודה רבה !!

    בבקשה עם אפשר תרגום 

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  • Y

    yetta -3 years ago

    This address was all-encompassing and very monumental. Each piece of it could span a few years of my adult life, developing into a more aware parent. The raising of ourselves, and our children being the triggers for introspection and growth, truly resonates with me. The thought that keeps cropping up is the pain of my immature parenting and its far-reaching consequences.

    Of course, I clearly remember the answers you gave me personally about this. It occured to me that we say Hashem is "nosei uvon". Perhaps this can mean that our own mistakes are too heavy for us to bear. When we look back, we can be overwhelmed by our own deficiencies. This can dampen our enthusiastic efforts in the present.

    Therefore, we must let Hashem carry them and remove the burden from us. How can this be? By understanding that ultimately it is He who determines the circumstances of each child. Once we have become aware, and are trying hard to move forward with this awareness, He carries the mistakes. You mentioned from the Baal Haturim that there is much to be learned from a particular word being repeated in Tanach and how there is a connection between all the times the word is mentioned. Therefore it comes to mind the words" Gadol avoni minisoh" .The same word.  The same root.

    It is too great for me as a parent and as a person, to hold. But I can give it to Hashem to hold and take over its responsibility. Maybe there is even a hint to the ever-increasing sadness of past mistakes. For as we develop in our parenting and personal growth, the past seems even more deficient. So it says nosei uvon in SINGULAR. For perhaps this alludes to the SAME sin.

    The one that I cried about already. It just seems even sadder as time goes on. Yet even from that place of greater awareness, Hashem is continuing to carry it.  Thank you for a very empowering and instructive class.

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  • S

    shana -3 years ago

    I was just at the Shulamith girl's school speech in the five towns. I’m so sad I didn’t get to thank you myself. You are unbelievable. You have such a gift to really speak to the soul. It was so incredibly beautiful and special. Thank you, thank you.

    Your speeches really help me as I’m sure they help so many! Hashem should continue to give you the koach to inspire klal Yisrael. You’re making the world a better place! Which with that will hopefully bring Mashiach.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Wow this is truly amazing my Rebbi told our class to listen to this.

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  • גו

    גיל וינריך -3 years ago

    Thank you, R' Jacobson.

    This shiur moved me so deeply. ​I've already sent it to two friends. Required listening for every parent.  !יישר כוחך

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  • RB

    Rivka Breuer -3 years ago

    Thanks, what an amazing lecture 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    oy is this a great shuir!!!

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Lecture for Parents of Shulamith School

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 8, 2021
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  • 4 Tevet 5782
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Dedicated Anonymously

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