Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Tim Harris, in honor of Perry Harris
Rambam Hilchos Teshuvah Chapter 4
Rambam Mishneh Torah
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Tim Harris, in honor of Perry Harris
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Anonymous -4 years ago
(from Rav moshe Shapiro based on my understanding)
A person needs to understand the situation one is in and he needs tochacha as the rambam says in hilchos teshuva
(4:2)" Admonishment leads to Teshuvah. When a person is informed about his sins and shamed because of them, he will repent."
He has to be embarrased and he needs to be put in his place that with his lifestyle he is removing himself from this world and you are guily and responsible to fix yourself. He has to reallze he is destroying his divine image. (rav chaim vital says that charachter traits are not mention in the torah becausde one without good charachter is not a 'bar daas' not someone who is subject to commandments) The sinner has to be told you are not a bar daas, you are running away from your purpose here, and your divine image, and that he needs to take responsibility, only then could he repent.
Since everyone wants to be the divine person he really is, this drive for his own honor will lead him to take responsibility and repernt. The soul of a person is called honor and honor is what keeps a person alive. It is said over from the great sage of slabodka that if one would remove every bit of honor from the person he would no longer be able to live. Without honor one cannot live and honor is what connects the soul to the body.
The embarrasment one feels will lead him to return to his true self. The honor that he was lacking throuh his improper conduct will lead him to his true place. He will regain control over his life and take action to be lead with his Intelect (daas)
... it is understood this has to be done properly. one cannot embarrass someone publicly. One has to provide him with the proper guidance and to show his great capabilities to rasie up his honor with bringing out his talents and unique qualities. Show him his tremendous potential if he fixes his ways. Describe to him the destruction that he will cause if he just leaves himself alone. The rebuke given has to be with a deep love and with being careful with his dignity. (especially in our generation where people are very sensitive) However, Tochacha, rebuke, is the only way. One could never take away even a little bit of the responsibility one has for oneself he is obligated to be a 'ben daas' (to act with intellect) This is the law and one cannot exempt himself from this.
... A person was made in the image of God which is his power of choice. If one says I cannot take it. I cannot handle my situation- it has to be revealed to him he is in the image of God and since this is so he cannot kill himself. One who does not have choice is not in the image of God. A perosn cannto give up willingly on this godliness that was given to him. Therfore we have a commandment to choose good and to choose life. (uvacharta etc.) It has to be clearly explained and emphasized a perosn always has choice in every situation that he is in and it his prohibited for him to losse his freedom of choice. One cannot hide behind the answer I did not choose this. I had no choice in the matter. Because one is always responsible for his own deeds. No one can escape from this except the 'shoteh' ( one who lost his mind completly and really has no control)
Those who heal souls only heal with the "daas" tha they teach to their patients. The explanation of the matter is one has to return his patient to the status of a "bar daas' . He has to show the patient his reflection in the mirror and the honor inside of him his inner core that is divine and this will help him take responsibility for himself to start acting with daas.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
You're so wonderful as a speaker and teacher and we want to hear and learn every word. Would it be possible to speak a little bit slower? The ideas are sometimes complex and the rapid speaking leads a little bit to confusion. Thank you
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אליענה קרליץ -4 years ago
I agree. Sometimes Rabbi you a little hard to follow for those of us who never went to yeshiva!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
You can choose the speed of it's a recorded - .75 for example.
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Dr. Heshie Klein -4 years ago
RE Gaychazi and Yeshu
Why did Elisha reject Gaychazi? Why didn’t he give him tochacha.
The Rambam says every congregation should appoint a great sage of venerable age, with a reputation of fear of heaven from his youth, beloved by the community, to admonish the masses and motivate them to teshuva.
Elisha fit that description.
Doesn’t the Rambam say that we are required to keep giving someone tochacha until it makes an impression on him. And didn’t the Rambam say that the essence of tochacha is to turn the person in the right direction, which is basically spiritual Aikido?
The same question for the teacher of Yeshu.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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