Rambam Mishneh Torah Q & A
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Jake Weintraub
Q & A Segment of class in Rambam the laws of Teshuvah, chapter one, which was presented on Thursday, Parshas Ki Seitzei, 7 Elul, 5780, August 27, 2020, from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY
Rambam Mishneh Torah Q & A
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Jake Weintraub
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Regarding chilul Hashem
I feel grateful to have found this video series. What the Rambam teaches us here is real. If you commit a chilul Hashem, life will contain continual hardship and suffering even if you repent. I believe the great remorse I feel is unbearable and is helping to facilitate the cleansing of my neshama. I'll continue on my current path because there actually are rewards to those stay the course. Although I'll have permanent PTSD until I die, I myself have felt the unity with my true soul and Hashem that the Rabbi describes in this discourse just this past Yom Kippur. The heavy feeling that lasted for 9 months had almost completely diminished. It was as if the darkness had been completely lifted from my dwelling. There was actual peace. This is my second time running through these 10 chapters. I have already given up something very dear to me for 3 months longer than my intended goal, I've disassociated myself completely from my past, moved to a new city, and I'm in the process of changing my name. There is no looking back BH. It's been a very painful and lonely path, but if you have the will and you're able to turn over the controls to Hashem and your true nature, salvation is possible. Hashem gave me strength I never thought I had. When I wanted to die, He didn't let me fall. He listens to my apologies and answers my prayers. Hashem cares if you're hurting. Even if you sinned. Please pray tehillim for all of our lost souls who weren't blessed with good parents and otherwise were poised to inevitably follow their evil ways G-d forbid. Tzedaka will save your life and your job. Am Yisrael Chai!
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Mitzvah of Teshuvah
It is a mitzvah to live in Israel only if you live in Israel? It's a mitzvah to wear Tzitsis if you wear tzitsis? One we do not say Say bracha, the other yes. Teshuvah no brach.
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