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Rambam Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah Chapter 1 - Q&A

46 min

Class Summary:

Rambam: Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah Chapter 1 - Q&A Segment

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    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    The Questions

    Jake W

    Does HKBH have Feelings

    After listening to this first shiur, the thought occurred to me "Does Hashem have Feelings"? We say in Hallel that "Difficult for Hashem is the suffering of the Righteous".  How do we understand this? Is this a symbolic use of the words difficult to put it in perspective for us? Or is this actually difficult for Hashem?


    Yochanan Gordon

    Question for Rabbi YY

    When the Rambam writes there is one God he adds there isn’t two or more than two. The. Question initially occurred to me why he needed to add not more than two; if there isn’t two there certainly isn’t more than two. Perhaps it’s a rebuttal to the trinity. Whereby the notion may exist that there isn’t two in the sense of duality but that three is the core of unity. The Rambam is telling us that God is one.



    Question for Rabbi YY

    what does Tzarchei Gavoah mean? Hashem "need" our avoda? or if he is infinite he doesn't need anything... but isn't that also a limitation; i.e., can't Hashem create a situation that he indeed "needs" our avoda? please explain


    Yochanan Gordon

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Towards the beginning the Rambam uses a term אלוה העולם however in the Torah about Avraham Avinu it says; ויקרא שם בשם ה’ אל עולם and חסידות is מדייק, אל עולם ולא אל העולם.’it should behoove the Rambam in a perek dedicated to the oneness of Gd to express it in the most unified fashion.


    Yochanan Gordon

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Why in the introduction to these laws does the Rambam write לא יעלה על המחשבה and thereafter only לא יעלה על הדעת.



    Hashem doesn't change?

    But didn't  He change His mind after the prayers and  pleas of various tzaddikim? 



    Question for Rabbi YY

    What was the reason of including the commentary of the ראבד if he was so harsh some times was this a common practice do we find with other ראשונים thanks for this amazing new class



    Question for Rabbi YY

    Are only physical things separate from each other? Aren't the various spiritual worlds, the.angels, etc also separate from each other and yet are not physical?




    Question for Rabbi YY

    The Rambam said that we need Hashem for our existence but He doesn't need us for His existence. Ok. Hashem doesn't need us for His existence but we know from Chassidus that indeed He does need us for a dwelling place down below, to be partners in creation, to have a reciprocal relationship, etc.



    Question for Rabbi YY

    How can we know Hashem? How can our physical brain know a spiritual reality?



    Rashi lived a century before Rambam

    In the days before printing and widespread easy dissemination of any pirush, including Rashi's, do we know whether the Rambam had access to Rashi on chumash or  gemora? 

     If not it's that much more amazing  




    DId the Rambam have a reason for his ordering in the ordering of the mitzvos that he made?


    Sara Metzger

    For those who don't have a Mishneh Torah ...

    Of course it’s probably  preferred to have the actual books, either in Hebrew or English translation, whatever works for you, but if right now you don’t have access to one, and ofc besides the pdf source sheets that Rabbi YY provides, here is a link to The Mishneh Torah from Chabad.org. It’s in Hebrew with an English translation. Can be printed out or viewed on line.  https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/901656/jewish/Introduction-to-Mishneh-Torah.htm



    The Rambam said: "with the Chumash and my Mishneh Torah, you don't need anything else" !

    As was said there are scores of seforim of pirushim on the Rambam, Hashem's sense of  humor.

     I had said that Joseph Karo, the  Choferz Chaim,  the Alter Rebbe  and  others must have disagreed.

      I was referring not to the fact that tho there were many pirushim on the Rambam, but that these three (and perhaps others) that were dafka  subsequent Shulchan Aruchs. This shows the Rambam's statement to be somewhat overreaching (tho his is the only one to codify laws no longer or not yet applicable). 



    1. Tanach and my Mishneh Torah, you don't need anything else" as Rambam writes that  לְפִישֶׁאָדָםקוֹרֶאתּוֹרָהשֶׁבִּכְתָבתְּחִלָּה, וְאַחַרכָּךְקוֹרֶאבְּזֶה, וְיוֹדֵעַמִמֶּנּוּתּוֹרָהשֶׁבְּעַלפֶּהכֻּלָּהּ, and Torah shbiksav likely encompases Neviim and Kesuvim. 

    The Mechaber called his compilation "Shulchan Aruch" — A set table — specifically only including the  laws and customs relavant and applicable in his time and region. 

    Therefore, the statement that one need only learn Torah Shebiksav and Rambam, and with that one has fulfiled the obligation to learn Kol haTorah kula, is still true and has not been supplanted by any other compilation. (See Hilchos Talmud Torah of the Alter Rebbe.)



    Ty Zalman. My point was that the Rambam intimated that his digest of laws, the first and still most comprehensive, was "it". And with the Tanach (I stand corrected by it is a picayune  difference without a  distinction); that's all one needs.  Ever. 

      Yet later we see that there later  additional digests of laws, albeit not as comprehensive, (and the title given is irrelevant, they are organized systemic digests of laws) that were written highlighting the Rambam's statement as being, in my humble opinion, a bit overreaching.  

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    Mendel Silverman -4 years ago

    It seems like we have a problem with G-d having a "RWant", because that connotes a lack. The Even Yisroel is showing how Hashem's "Desire" for us does not connote a lack in Him. We can see this in human beings desire to give to another person. It could be that he is doing it because he wants to feel good about himself or to get recognition but is also possible that he just desires to give.

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Rambam Mishneh Torah Q & A

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 16, 2020
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  • 24 Tamuz 5780
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Dedicated by Franki Cohen, for the Refuah Sheleima of Ezriel ben Mina

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