Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Rosh Hashanah - Mi Keil Kamocha #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Cirilo Cowie
This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Ki Seitzi, 12 Elul, 5779, September 12, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Rosh Hashanah - Mi Keil Kamocha #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Cirilo Cowie
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EZRA -5 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson:
Proposed thought -- Proposed idea. LeFi Aniyas Daati: The Rotzo-VaShov Is SYNONOMUS With the Wave/Particle Duality of LIGHT (Really all Photons)
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Rachel -5 years ago
Time creates separation. Time is what allows for my illusion of separation between me and God.
We are a chelek Elokai mamash. That reality exists outside of the confines of time. When the reality of time touches my life experiences I lose the awareness of that core reality. I find myself kidnapped by my past experiences and I allow myself to become defined by them. By holding onto my experiences of the past, I remain hostage to those experiences, (because I put them into a time frame). It’s only when I can transcend them from within the imprisonment of time into the present moment, that I can release that grip they have on me. By transcending my past I can remove the separation between past and present, the separation between me and God. When I’m able to dismantle the wall of time, that is when healing can begin. Anxiety of a future time is another wall built to separate us from Godliness. Whenever we get stuck in a time that was or might be we detach from reality. Reality is always right now. Now is infinite and never belongs to time. It’s above that reality. It’s not past or future.
Teshuvah is redefining that lost opportunity of the past when we separated from ourselves and thought we lost that moment forever to time. But that is not so. In every present moment we have the power to do Teshuvah and reclaim that lost time that we thought now belongs to a long gone past. It’s magical, nothing is ever lost. We have the power to redefine our past, recreate it and reinvent that moment and create a most memorable new moment. Every time we do Teshuvah we tear down separations that time has created and we elevate and transcend time and ourself. In those moments we reunite past, present and future in a space of timeless reality......
Holding onto guilt, remorse over our life difficult experiences is denying and robbing ourselves from the reality of timelessness. A reality where God gifted us with the opportunity that at every moment we can redefine our narratives and histories of who we are.
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Rachel -5 years ago
You can know one man with infinite wisdom and you get to know his style and that style will carry through in all his writing, welt anshaung and teachings.
The Rebbe is never one style, one type of wisdom. He is infinite he has the wisdom of a 1000 man in one man. He never becomes attached to his teachings, his styles or his anshaung ....He therefore remained always free to be connected and receive all the infinite Divine wisdom and view life from all different angles and paradigms. (In my humble opinion)He remained open to all truth that was available because nothing never needed to fit anywhere with him ....
His truth never took form. But we need to.
It’s the capacity of our Keli that gives form and limits how much we can receive from his teachings.
It’s like standing in the Niagara Falls what do I use and bring to catch the water?
Just a cup or a much bigger capacity ?
Are my keilim empty or filled when I try to catch the Rebbe’s teachings?
Already the start is amazing. It felt like the end...
With the Rebbe we begin the hike where other people ended theirs.
Yes, knowing the Rebbe is knowing a 1000 new great minds not knowing one new mind... I’m leaving it abstract.
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Moshe -5 years ago
Teshuva preceded creation...and sin? Huh?
How could teshuva (for sin) precede creation?
Maybe its clearer to say that the POTENTIAL for teshuva pre-existed creation. Easier to understand.
Besides the fact that Hashem created time, is above time, where (our) past, present and future are all the same to him (like an astronaut sees the whole world of space down below and it's all the same to him); it is said that He sends the refua before the makkah, the cure before the illness. He knows our choices before we choose like a parent who tests their kid with the choice of a candy or a carrot. We have free choice but he knows our yetzer. Hashem knew Adam and Chava would so choose and mankind would then have to fix that sin. So He created the cure, yeshuah, even before the sin and even before creation.
Best example of rotzo and shiv is the neshoma's descent down here and then its return.
Yes, Time magazine had to choose between Einstein and Hitler yemach shemo, the Jew and lehavdil the biggest anti-semite. It's always about the Jews. Look at the headlines any day. We are a tiny fraction of a percent of the world, the headlines are grossly disproportionate about Jews and Israel.
We have now a vastly accelerated rate of scientific discovery? Sure. Way better tools.
The Baal Shem tov operated on a level of Yetzira? Time compressed there so he "knew" the future? Why is he not considered a Novi?
Lehavdil. Superman (a comic book created by yidden) went back in time... but wasnt allowed to change anything!
The Rogachover Gaon said that everything that has happened in the past is re-happening now every second.
There are spies, and then there are double agents.
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Sara Metzger -5 years ago
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Sara Metzger -5 years ago
Not teshuva for sin. Teshuva to become One with THE ONE.
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binyomin -5 years ago
The Baal Shem Tov is considered a Novi. see Sefer HaChakirah p 65a
See also the Sicha from the Rebbe Shabbos Parshas Shoftim 7th Elul 5751. here is an english translation:
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binyomin -5 years ago
Baal Shem Tov as Novi, see also: Likkutei Sichos vol IV page 1120 note 36
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