Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Tiku Bachodesh #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Jonah Simcha Chaim Muskat-Brown
This class was presented on Monday, Parshas Nitzavim, 23 Elul, 5782, September 19, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Tiku Bachodesh #6
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Jonah Simcha Chaim Muskat-Brown
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Aharon ambassador of love, light and hope -2 years ago
Would be greatly appreciated and probably very beneficial to many if Reb Jacobson would repeat questions and comments of the chaburah, if Rabbi deems it worthwhile. Then the internet audience, who sometimes have the same questions or comments as asked by one of the chaburah, would be more in the flow and not miss "good stuff". Thanx for listening
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Anonymous -2 years ago
"We must accept that all is nor perfect"
Just like Hashem who accepts that we are nit perfect. Perfection exists where there is no yetzer Hora, no free choice, no reward or punishment, i.e. by the angels (or robots). Hashem desired imperfection that constantly strives for perfection.
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Kj -2 years ago
Where we are with the judgments of Gd on the nation -- the battle over who is Gd and can make the laws!
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Anonymous -2 years ago
When metal is ruptured and welded,
The welded spot is stronger than the rest.
So too, tempered steel is stronger than regular steel. Tempered steel has gone thru extreme heat and cold and comes out stronger.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Does Shmini Atzeres correspond to the
Mitzvah Tantz which is for family only?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Rosh Hashana, yom Kippur and Sukkos are
Different parts of a chassuna.
What, then, of Tisha b'Av and the other fast days commemorating the churban? Do those represent separation (and even divorce?) ?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Did Hashem withdraw his desire to recreate the world
BEFORE Avraham? Before the yidden? Before the mitzvah of Shofar was given? On the Rosh Hashana during the mabul?
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Anonymous -2 years ago
On rosh Hashana night Hashem partly and temporarily
Withdraws His desire to recreate the world and awaits recoronation by the yidden.
But....when the yidden in Figi.blow Shofar they recoronate, then of what use is the Shofar blowing of the yidden in the rest of the world and all other time zones? It's duplicative!
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Motty dalfin -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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