Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Rosh Hashanah - Mi Keil Kamocha #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, for the refuah shleimah of Ayala bas Yosefa and hatzlacha raba in helping her family return to and grow in Yiddishkeit
This class was presented on TuesdayParshas Ki Seitzi, 10 Elul, 5779, September 10, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Chassidus: Likkutei Torah Rosh Hashanah - Mi Keil Kamocha #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Baruch Yosef Markoff, for the refuah shleimah of Ayala bas Yosefa and hatzlacha raba in helping her family return to and grow in Yiddishkeit
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efi chontow -4 years ago
rotzeh and shov
some thing i thought was an interesting point, time today is measured by the viabraitons in an attom (caused by energy, chiyus) witch is the lowest form of rotseh ve shov.
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Sara Metzger -5 years ago
The 2 Heys in Hashem's Name
I got confused about the 2 Heys and their significance. Need more explanation of the meanings of the two "Heys, the Hey below and the Hey above.
in the name of Hashem in relation to Teshuva. I look forward to understanding the that Teshuva was created before the world was created. Not understanding it yet.
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Thank you for the gift of your class...
This class has become my study lifeline in the morning. I just found it a few weeks ago. Thank you for giving this class. I have ben searching for a class like this.
I stumbled upon your site a few Malava Malkas ago when I was looking for a Baal Shem Tov story! What a present from HaKodesh Baruchu!
I am having a hard time calling in for the class. Sometimes it doesn't pick up or the call fails.
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Hershel Gruenberg -5 years ago
Rabbi YY welcome back. We missed you. Now i understand what an addiction really is in Ruchnius. Thank you for my 'shot of chassidus'. Next time you plan on such a long break please warn us. WE LOVE YOU
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Moshe -5 years ago
Rotzo v'shuv is the in and out rhythmic beat of everything
The in and out rhythmic beat of anything, is an ordering of in and out, tension and resolution, breathing, blood flow, infusion of energy and its return on every level of creation. Any such ordering requires a before and after, an act and a consequence, a cause and effect, a prior and and a subsequent, etc. This in turn presupposes time.
While creation is renewed every "shaah", hour, Bilaam knew not only the Divine hour but also the Divine split second of Divine wrath.
The possible combinations of letters or numbers or other things is called, in math, factorial.
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