Basi Legani 5719
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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In the loving memory of Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch, dedicated by his family
This class is the third of a three part series of classes in the Maamer Basi Legani 5719, by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It was presented Sunday Morning, 7 Shevat, 5779, January 13, 2019, in Monsey, NY
Basi Legani 5719
Rabbi YY Jacobson
In the loving memory of Reb Zalman Yuda ben Reb Sholom Yeshaya Deitch, dedicated by his family
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Rachel -6 years ago
Such deep truths that rock every previous reality.
The whole attachment injury without healing it, we can’t know truth and God.
We go straight into anxiety and addiction. Anxiety isn’t rooted in the moment. It precedes thought.
We may believe we’re anxious about this or that, but no matter what story we weave around it, the anxiety just is. Like addiction itself, anxiety will always find a target but exist independently of its targets.
We attach ourself to other gods.
We need to let go of those escapes and denials and go back to our injury and it’s there that we can meet ourselves and God.
Now I understand why people gravitate to spirituality, ruchnies. you don’t need to be healthy to attach over there, it can take on any form you wish, I can remain attached to my injury and my umbilical cord and soar to the heavens while being chained by all.....and feel holy and all.....
Real freedom is found in the experience of ezem, that can only happen after healing the attachment injury. Can’t pretend to be connected to self. My body will attach to klipa, addictions, etc.
It touches the deepest truth of who we really are in our core.
Real courage doesn’t lie in speaking or self disclosures, it resides in actively doing something about it.
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Rochelle -6 years ago
Real Gifts keep Giving
Real Gifts keep giving
What gift is key
From parents to children?
To be like me?
Do you agree?
Ego-driven is self-given
Attachment is not liv'en,
Empowering children-
With independence,
To be self-driven
Our children are then able
To replicate next of kin,
To maturely, healthily
carry on "creatively,"
Another human
A true wholesome leader, neither
Produces students nor followers
In fact, Empowers to be-
Of their own accord
Leaders predominantly
A closeness where
You have become me-
Who has wings and
Flies away to be thee-
Your distinctiveness,
A reflection, essential
Embodiment is key-
Do you see?
In creating one's own destiny
We become divine-like
Our relationship with Hashem
Is owned as mine, patent-right
Based on Maamer Basi LGani 5719 #3
Shiur by Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson
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