New York Mayor David Dinkins with the Lubavitcher Rebbe
A Discussion on Timely Issues Based on Timeless Values
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Arnold Yagoda, in honor of the yartzeit of Tziril Layah bat Yitzchak Moshe
Chabad Lubavitch of Quebec presents: The Rebbe on Equality Race & Destiny. The event, marking The 26th Yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on 3 Tamuz, was moderated by journalist Beryl Wajsman, and featured Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi YY Jacobson. The event was streamed live on Tuesday, 1 Tammuz, 5780, June 23, 2020.
A Discussion on Timely Issues Based on Timeless Values
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Arnold Yagoda, in honor of the yartzeit of Tziril Layah bat Yitzchak Moshe
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Shmuel Guetta -4 years ago
Amazing lessons! Very interesting!
It's not easy to talk about those subject, but they doing it very well.
Moshiac Now!
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