Los Angeles Yud Shevat 5780 Farbrengen
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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On Sunday evening, 1 Shevat, 5780, January 26, 2020, Rabbi YY Jacobson addressed the Chabad communities of Southern California, in preparation to Yud Shevat 5780, 70th yartzeit of the sixth Lubavitcher rebbe, the Rebbe Rayatz, and 70th year of the Lubavitcher rebbe’s leadership.
Los Angeles Yud Shevat 5780 Farbrengen
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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yisroel -5 years ago
Part of your speech here in L.A !“The humility of Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkilus destroyed the Holy Temple and exiled us from our land.”
The Baal Shem Tov taught:
You must know that everything depends on you. That with your every mitzvah, the universe resonates in blissful harmony that heals and nurtures. That with a single sin, the entire cosmic symphony falls apart in a cacophony.
Because if you pretend to be humble, saying, “Who am I, this lowly creature, that anything I do should have significance in the cosmic scheme of things? Who am I, that the Creator of this infinitely-sized operation should take notice of my deeds?”
—with those words, you will free yourself to do however you please, bringing your entire world down with you.
But when you are aware that the Master of the Universe kisses your lips with every word of Torah or prayer that you utter, then you will say each word just as it should be said, with love and with awe. And when you truly believe that with each mitzvah you are in embrace with the Infinite Light Himself, then your entire day will be filled with beautiful deeds that shine.
As for misplaced humility, the Talmud tells us, “The humility of Rabbi Zecharia ben Avkilus destroyed the Holy Temple and exiled us from our land.” -- Keter Shem Tov 145. See also Bati Legani 5720.
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David -5 years ago
I am sure you came across this quote that is very suited – to not being a spectator
It’s from Theodore Roosevelt
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Continued Hatzlocha
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Moshe Kesselman -5 years ago
Thank you Rabbi YY
Thank you Rabbi YY Jacobson for coming to Los Angeles and for your incredible speech.
Thank you for attracting and captivating 600 people for 2 hours. Thank you for showing us how those 2 points from the Maamar teach us how to apply Toras Hachassidus to our lives.
Thank you for using your GD given talents to inspire and elevate Yidden and thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you for sharing your memories of the Rebbe and his teachings with us.
very appreciative,
Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
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Anonymous -5 years ago
The Talmud in Brachos 3a says:
ואמר לי בני מה קול שמעת בחורבה זו ואמרתי לו שמעתי בת קול שמנהמת כיונה ואומרת אוי לבנים שבעונותיהם החרבתי את ביתי ושרפתי את היכלי והגליתים לבין האומות ואמר לי חייך וחיי ראשך לא שעה זו בלבד אומרת כך אלא בכל יום ויום שלש פעמים אומרת כך ולא זו בלבד אלא בשעה שישראל נכנסין לבתי כנסיות ולבתי מדרשות ועונין יהא שמיה הגדול מבורך הקב"ה מנענע ראשו ואומר אשרי המלך שמקלסין אותו בביתו כך מה לו לאב שהגלה את בניו ואוי להם לבנים שגלו מעל שולחן אביהם
The gemara in gitin (56a) the Rebee quoted uses a similiar language אמר רבי יוחנן ענוותנותו של רבי זכריה בן אבקולס החריבה את ביתנו ושרפה את היכלנו והגליתנו מארצנו
Why does this bas kol come specificaly come from a place that is destroyed and desolate? Based upon the Rebees teaching we can understand that in the place of desolation and destruction where we feel we are a nobody and we are insignificant and there is no hope for us that is why we are in exile.
Does the Rebee mention this gemara anywhere?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
The Rebbe would mention this Gemarah very very often -- quoting the line that "wow to children exiled form their father's table," expkaining how unnatrual and irregular Galus is for the Jewish people.
Your insight is beautiful. Thank you.
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Eta -5 years ago
Baalei teshuvah
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Chaim Yankel -5 years ago
This man was accused of rape
A basketball player accused of rape should not be mentioned in a shul with an aron kodesh , especially at an event celebrating the life of our rebbe.
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Rabbi YY fan who draws inspiration from Kobe Bryant -5 years ago
With all do respect people are falsely accused of crimes all the time starting with Yosef and the wife of Potiphar.
Kobe Bryant inspired 100s of millions of kids, including many Jewish kids to work hard, keep working, overcome struggle, bounce back, never give up, persevere, have hope, and continue to feel they have more room to improve, more room to give, and the ability to attain their dreams. The Rebbe did so, so much for the world, but it was never good enough, he always thought more could still be done and inspired everyone to do even more than they think they can.
Instead of attacking Kobe maybe we can be inspired by his positive traits such as perseverance, hard work, and continuing to get better each and every day. We can also spend more time with our children if we are blessed to have them. Additionally, Kobe did a ton of good for the community with all the inspiration and joy he brought so many sick children with heart problems, terminal cancer, and so on. He even would visit the Chabad Friendship Circle of Orange county. So maybe we can be motivated to do the same.
Here are a few excerpts related to the Friendship Circle:
“We are devastated to hear about the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant this morning. Kobe was a friend to our Friendship Circle children with special needs and we will miss having him visit us at Basketball Buddies. Our hearts go out to, and we wish our sincere condolences to his dear wife Vanessa and his daughters, Natalia, Gigi, Bianka and Capri. May they have the strength to carry on and perpetuate his legacy.” (From friendship circle of Orange County’s facebook page)
Rabbi Reuven and Chani Mintz, the directors of Chabad of Newport Beach, shared with me how Kobe would visit their “Friendship Circle” — an organization dedicated to “providing pure friendship for children with special needs” — to play basketball with these children, to fortify their spirit, to give them hope, and to beg them to “never stop dreaming and believing.” This is one of many examples that demonstrate Kobe’s kindness and sensitivity, far away from the limelight, to countless individuals in need. (source https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/three-lessons-from-kobe-bryants-sudden-death/)
No time to write more since it is almost Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom from Israel!
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Anonymous -5 years ago
It is pretty much acknowledged that he did commit rape, as he himself also admitted to. This is a part of his legacy!
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