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Bamidbar Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by The Niasoff Family In the loving memory Reb Chananya ben Reb Abba NiasoffIn honor of his Yahrtzeit on 4 Sivan
The Two Ingredients to Preserve Judaism: Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik (1903-1993) and the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994) on the Two Layers Covering the Tabernacle
Bamidbar Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by The Niasoff Family In the loving memory Reb Chananya ben Reb Abba NiasoffIn honor of his Yahrtzeit on 4 Sivan
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shmuel rosenblum -1 year ago
בבקשה רבה.אני מנסה להשיג את הדרשה של הרב סולובייציק-לא מצליח. די דחוף....
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Mordechai -1 year ago
We are forever grateful to you for bringing the light of our Torah giants and articulating it so clearly rationally inspirationally and movingly.
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Daniel Ganjian- Los Angeles -11 years ago
Great shiurs. If ruth converted after her husband past away, then she should not have been related to naomi anymore (since a convert is no longer related to even her parents). Why was boaz obligated to do yibum with her, since he is no longer related to him now that she converted?
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Meir -11 years ago
Thank you!
Thank you !
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Rina -12 years ago
Wow, that was very inspiring!
As usual, your messages and deep meanings in Chassidis, are expressed so magnificently!
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EDR -12 years ago
Zayer Shain!
Just to be mosif:
It says the unun sometimes stayed 'overnight' and sometimes stayed for 'years', but ultimately it always ended up traveling - leaving.
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Levi -12 years ago
Very Nice
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for the wonderful essay!
Good Shabbos
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Shlomo Rosenzweig -Toronto -12 years ago
Thank you!
Rabbi Jacobson, you put your heart,soul and moach in your shiurim.
You must be exhausted when you are done. Thank you for transmitting
these divrai Torah boifan hayotzim min halev; nichnasim el halev!
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Briendy Allouche -12 years ago
thank you
I AM on shlichus in france and i just wanted to thank you for your wonderful courses they help me alot in my shiourim for the women in my learning group
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moshe -13 years ago
where is this sicha
what chelek is this sicha?
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: where is this sicha
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 8 Parshas Bamidbar.
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Kayo, Tokyo -14 years ago
Down to Earth
Baruch HaShem
This is one of the most meaningful, useful, impressive educational shiur I received.
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avremy -14 years ago
the shlita
You spoke in the intro re the missing Yud in Shlita; dacht zich that the Yud wasn't missing on the Shaar blat, it was missing in the Psach Dovor and is still printed that way in Sefer Hamaamorim 5710.
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Ira -15 years ago
This is an exceptional as well as a beautiful teaching.
I see that you are easing the birthpangs of Moshiach, whichever of those are yet being encountered. Thank you for the good work.
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eliot fiks -15 years ago
thank you
Your writings are always a great gift, thank you.
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Hi -15 years ago
Nice twist on the lawyer doctor architecht and communist.
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Peter Blum -15 years ago
I have had a lot of great days and suddenly for a few days had some down days. This article helped see how to get out of the quagmire and realize that we all experience those dark days when we must find God in our lives as he is always there for us. It is always amazing when the right words appear just when you need them.
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Joe -15 years ago
A very healing idea. Thanks.
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Baruch -15 years ago
end of the journey
A most inspiring shuir, thanks Rabbi! Just wanted to perhaps suggest a concluding remark that after the journey, the covers come off and the true light becomes revealed again, hinting to the times of Moshiach when darkness will be transformed into light through our work during the exile of covering and protecting Yiddishkeit while we travel in the ways you discussed. L'chaim to Moshiach NOW and thanks for all your wonderful Torah!
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Chaim -15 years ago
I saw something in Pnei Menachem this morning like Rabbi JB Soloveitchik's view.
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Geoff Michaelson, Ph.D. -15 years ago
The Wedding
I met Rav Soloveitchik at the wedding of the Bostoner Rebbe's daughter Tobey to the son of Rav Cotler of Lakewood back in 1973. There were 115 rabbbis present and every one of them hung on the Rav's every word. It was a good illustration of how he stood at the center of Torah knowledge and how he continues to influence that center to this very day. After college I spent the summer studying with Reb Meier Horowitz and his father the Bostoner Rebbe, Levi Horowitz. We went as a group of students to kasher the kitchen at the hotel for the wedding. I believe it was the Parker House. There were many ballrooms each containing it seems a different branch of the Jewish people. And in one there was a very long table. In the very center were Rav Soloveitchik and Rav Kotler. Rav Soleveitchik was speaking very quietly when I walked in. Both sides of the table were leaning in. There was a crowd gathered near the table to the side as though the space in front of the Rav should not be disturbed. Outside was music and dancing. Inside was near silence. I stood there for a few minutes to the side of the doorway. The posture of the men and their silence was reverence. I could not hear or understand what was being said. I could only bear the presence of Holiness for a short period of time.
Then I left, not knowing or completely understanding what was going on. Yet, I was stunned. Something in me perceived at an unconscious level who and what was gathered there. Years later as I sing the last verse of Al-Tirah I remember and know. I have seen Tzadikim and been in the presence of righteousness. I have seen Its Face. Now I understand what a young man could not register.
Of course I knew who they were, but only later did my soul awaken me to what was there. The inner courtyard of holiness. The entire summer left an impression. Upon seeing the Bostoner 30 years later he recalled that that was a time of his best students. Many had gone on to great Torah knowledge. I became a psychologist.
When I see his son Naphtali, it is like seeing his father. The same smile, the same face. I go every summer and daven at Beis Pinchas. It all comes back. It lives within.
With 2400 guests at that wedding, I am curious who else may remember that day and what else they might have to say.
Geoff Michaelson, Ph.D.
Meshullam-Zusyah Ben Avraham
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YYJ -15 years ago
to Miriam and Shaul
The explanations of Rabbi JB Soloveitchil and the Lubavitcher Rebbe are not, the way I see them, two divergent perspectives and philosophies. They are two different explanations in the meaning behind this puzzling Mitzvah of covering the sacred items with the two coverings of Techales and Tachash. While Rabbi Soloveitchik discusses its symbolism from a historical and philosophical point of view, pertaining to the method of preserving the Torah – through the colorfulness of the Tachash and the unwavering consistency of the Techales --the Lubavitcher Rebbe discusses it from an internal psychological, emotional and spiritual point of view, seeing them as the layers eclipsing the inner divinity of the Jew, critical for his or her “journey” to a place of infinity. You may call the first Derush, and the second – Sod, or more specifically – Chassidus.
As far as your question regarding the Aron, see Ramban here, who offers two perspectives: 1. For the Aron, the heavenly color of Techales needed to be on top, due to its unique heavenly holiness. 2. Also by the Aron, the Tachas was on the top, as it was with the other items. This is also the opinion of the Even Ezra here, who explains that the verse must be understood to mean that the Techales was indeed beneath the Tachash.
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Shaul -15 years ago
I listened to your shiur on video, whereby you describe the "Two Coverings of the Kelim" in Parshas BaMidbar. The shiur was excellant and I enjoyed it immensely. However, I understood the Shiur was meant to describe 2 Shitas or explanations of these coverings. One according to the Lubavithcer Rebbe's shita, al pi Chassidus Chabad, which in fact you did do very well. Howver you didn't explain Rabbi Soleveichik's shita, as I thought you were going to. I thought there was going to be a sort of comparison and contrast between the ideas. Could you let me know if I missed anything and what in fact Rabbi Soleveichik's shita is? Thanks so much.
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miriam -15 years ago
sum up
1) can you please sum up the differences between the 2 alternative interpretation of rabbi soloveitchic and the rebbe?
2) why for the aron was the order of the coverings reversed?
thank you.
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moshe -15 years ago
love the suit!
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moshe kamensky -15 years ago
coins of merit
Interesting. In my new youth novel educating integrity, I cited the two luminaries in one allegory. Book in shops by Shavuos.
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Isaac -15 years ago
Thank you Rabbi A.D. Shlomo
Yes, I agree, great curriculum. Many of us use this curriculum to follow the class, and it is really great. Keep it up!
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merkos -15 years ago
thanks rabbi a.d shlomo for the curriculum. A welcome addition to this fascinating shuir.
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merkos -15 years ago
thanks rabbi a.d shlomo for the curriculum. A welcome addition to this fascinating shuir.
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YYJ -15 years ago
It is unpublished as of yet. But Rabbi Soloveitchik wrote up this sermon himself, in Yiddish. It will soon be published in a forthcoming book, "Kesavim ein Desrahos," in Yiddish.
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Y Chaim -15 years ago
Thanks very much to feed us weekly with such a high level of " spiritual food".
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SG -15 years ago
א. דרשה, שבועות תשט"ז, מאת הגאון רב יוסף דוב סולובייצ'יק
Where is the Rov's drosho printed?
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Yochanan Gordon -15 years ago
Consider the following remez. Moishe Rabbenu, the Torah says, forgot the application of the 1,775 and God showed him in a dream the Vavim which are the hooks for the pillars. Thanks to Rabbi Jacobson we now understand the significance of the hooks on a pragmatic level referring to the specifics of Torah and its nuanced importance. Perhaps this is hinted to in the words - V'es Haelef Ushva H'ameios really he orah could have omitted the second Hei before Hameios but perhaps the Hei before Hameios gives the Hundreds an identity despite the presence of the Thousands. That without the hundreds the totality is lacking.
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Neshama -15 years ago
Darkness into Light
Vintage Jacobson. Thank you.
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Joe -15 years ago
Clear and Beautiful
Sharp and clear. Thank you.
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Elki -15 years ago
Of all the mysterious titles, this is the most intriguing yet. Looking forward to see where the shiur will take us.
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