Women's Shavuos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yaakov Lipnitsky in the loving memory of his grandfather, Yaakov ben Lipa Shmuel Gurevich
This Women's class was presented on Tuesday, 23 Iyar, 5778, May 8, 2018, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY
Women's Shavuos Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yaakov Lipnitsky in the loving memory of his grandfather, Yaakov ben Lipa Shmuel Gurevich
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Anonymous -3 years ago
I very much enjoyed your class on Goliath and his mother go to therapy. I am not fully understanding what was Urpah “issue“ was it her inability to make a decision and be comfortable w her decision?
Can u pls clarify!
Also regarding Goliath “ Jewish status “
Would that have any Halachik difference with David killing him ? Was his Condemned to capital punishment for cursing G / d if he was a Jew? Was David allowed to kill another Jew?
Lastly, if most of it was in Goliath's head - heart why did Dovid Not try to talk w him counselor mentor him - why kill him?
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Rabbi YY -3 years ago
1. The issue was not just the inability to make a decision, but also being torn between two worlds: The world of truth and ultimate commitment, and the world of firvoulessness. It is not easy to say: I am in, all the way. I am an Eved Hashem!An example: People do not want to get married, because it is a new life--24-7 you are not connected to someone outside of you.2. Maybe he was not Jewish because perhaps Arpah's conversion was flawed. Even if he was, as you say, he was a menace and danger to so many innocent people. So if he was Jewish or not, the bottom line, if someone is going to destroy innocent people, you can eliminate him.3. Obviously he was not ready for talk therapy. He was not very self-aware. Can someone try to talk to Hitler about why he hates Jews so much? Or to Amalek, or Haman? The hate is too powerful and too forceful.
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Binyomin Freilich, Ramat Beit Shemesh -4 years ago
Thank you for your fantastic shiur and excellent message on the VAYICHAN program about Araph and Ruth.
(My mother too is a big fan of your shiurim !).
I would like to direct your attention to a short piece by the Piacezna Rebbe in Hachoras Hoavreichim page 275 (i think Tza Vezirus):
נפש האדם אוהבת להתרגש. לא על שמחה לבדה רק גם סתם להתרגש אוהבת היא. אף להתרגש בעצב ובכיה רוצה היא. אוהב האיש לראות מראות איומות ולשמוע מעשיות נוראות עד כדי לבכות כדי להתרגש על ידן. חוק וצורך הנפש היא כשאר חקותיה וצרכיותיה.
לכן רק האיש המשלים חקה זאת בעבודה ובהתרגשות התורה והתפלה, שומר נפשו. משא"כ מי שעבודת קדשו בלא התרגשות היא, (אז), או שתבקש לה הנפש התרגשיות אחרות זולות אף של עבירה להשלים חקה, או שסוף כל סוף תחלה אחת ממחלות הנפש מחוסר אחת מצרכיותיה.
I thought that you would relate to this well as it is connected to your shiur.
Shkoyach again,
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Shlomo -4 years ago
I have a question regarding Ruth and Arpah great great grandmothers, the daughters of Lot
I remember listening on the class about cristianism and judaism that the Jatam Sofer tells a story that happened to a congregant of his commumity in Luban, long story short, that the daughters of Lot had a good intention by telling the whole world know that their sons are Lot's sons. To say, that theres no such a thing of having a baby without both physical parents like the christians claimed about mister j.
Now comes my question: is there a such Limud Zchus found in our sages teachings also for Arpah?. I mean since she has this kind of things in her own family traced back to Lot.
From what the class was about, we have only learned that she had a good part in her soul and how she struggled with her own consciousness, but i would like to know if theres also a next step.
I hope my question is understood despite that my english it is not my fort. Thanks in advance.
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Anonymous -5 years ago
תודה רבה על השיעור שלך על ערפה, בגללך דיברתי על זה הרבה פעמים. יש לי שאלה אחת שאני כל הזמן שואלת, מה מקור ההבנה שלך כי הטראומה הגליות היה, בא מן ההשפעה של פעם שהיא עם נעמי? איפה אתה, כשצעדה את ארבעת השלבים האלה, היא עשתה לה את הדקירה הגבוהה, וזה מה שהיא נאבקה עם זה שהיא דיכאה אותו. בקיצור הקשר בין טיפול בטראומה והתמכרות, הוא המקור שלהם או שזה רק הבנת ופרשנותך לטקסט, שגם הוא בסדר. רק קוריוס
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Odelia Abayeva -5 years ago
Video missing?
There is no video on this page. How do we access it?
Thank you!
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Anonymous -5 years ago
The video seems to be working. Scroll up and click on play. You can also download the mp3 and mp4. Make sure your filter is not blocking it.
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rifki Braun -5 years ago
THANK YOU R YY 4 sharing ur vast knowledge w me and all the klal!!! (I actually wrote u a long mesage it seems like it didn’t go anywhere).I am not computer savvy.. I grew up in a simple ehrlich hom on the lower east side w genuinely ehrlich parents who were both lucky to get to america bef the holocaust.
I don't hv the appropriat words to express my hakoras hatov to You! Aft hearing ur gevaldyg shiur On Rus I went into Yom Tov feeling I learned ab Rus thngs I never heard. I graduated high school 44 years ago and we were not taught anythng like this ... of course bais yaakovs wudnt discuss certain thngs in depth..(as you do) TY Again 4 Tht grt feeling I get aft hearing your shiurim w so much deep understanding and clarity ...
Rifki B
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rifki Braun -5 years ago
THANK YOU R YY 4 sharing ur vast knowledge w me and all the klal!!! (I actually wrote u a long mesage it seems like it didn’t go anywhere).I am not computer savvy.. I grew up in a simple ehrlich hom on the lower east side w genuinely ehrlich parents who were both lucky to get to america bef the holocaust.
I don't hv the appropriat words to express my hakoras hatov to You! Aft hearing ur gevaldyg shiur On Rus I went into Yom Tov feeling I learned ab Rus thngs I never heard. I graduated high school 44 years ago and we were not taught anythng like this ... of course bais yaakovs wudnt discuss certain thngs in depth..(as you do) TY Again 4 Tht grt feeling I get aft hearing your shiurim w so much deep understanding and clarity ...
Rifki B
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Anonymous -6 years ago
I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for your incredible shiurim and the podcasts that you give.
Your breadth of knowledge, humor, compassion, and inspiration is remarkable.
I recently listened to your shiur.
"Goliath and His Mother In Therapy" - it truly brings Tanach to life. As with all of your shiurim, the concepts are so applicable to daily life.
I live in Sydney, Australia - we know that Hashem desires a dwelling place in the lowest world - and I think it's no coincidence that Australia is called the land down under ...
Nonetheless you can be assured that your disseminating the teachings of Chassidus is reaching a far away place!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you for your enlightening shiur on Rus and Orpah, Dovid And Golias. It reminded me somewhat of the following event that happened while I was a Rebbe in The South Bend Hebrew Day School. There were many children from non-observant families in the school. A parent of a girl in the upper grades called the principal to complain that when they drove through the Orthodox community on Shabbos their daughter would get down onto the floor of the car so she wouldn't be seen by her religious friends. It struck me that on a certain level we were turning these children into split personalities. A similar ambivilance. The parents were trusting us with their children to subtly and not so subtly turn them against their parents convictions. Not that I intended to betray their trust, but I think it was somewhat part and parcel of what we were doing.
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lisa -6 years ago
Greatly enjoyed, but if Orpa and Rus were about the same age, then Golias was the age of Dovid's grandfather. How do the ages of Dovid and Golias line up?
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Sara -6 years ago
David and Goliath
I'm posting clips of this video on one of my FB Pages and received this message from one of people who follow the Page. Thought it was an interesting comment.
"Very interesting. Very relevant. Consider that Goliath, champion of the Philistines was a Jew, but David, the king of the Jewish people defeated him in battle. Perhaps a Kabbalistic meaning for all of this: The word "Palestine" has been said to be a corruption of "Philistine". A person may have championed the Palestinian cause (Goliath) but his inner David defeated or came to overcome his inner urge to stand up for them when it put him in odds with his protection of the Jewish people. In other words, when our kindness and defense of the weak and the voiceless transitions to a turning point where we continue to do so endangers the Jewish people, our inner David defeats our inner Goliath."
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Reference to Shimshon/Golias
Thank you for a great class. Would you be able to tell me where I can find that Golias comes from Shimshon/Orpah? Some have asked when I told them. Thank you kindly.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Chasam Sofer Parshas Naso,
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you!
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Sara -6 years ago
Not finding the reference Rabbi YY. Can you elaborate?
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Anonymous -6 years ago
יישר כח!
תודה רבה רב י י
אמת נותן מבט מעמיק וכ"כ נוגע לכל אחד מאיתנו
(המלחה הפנימית בין ערפה לרות ששקיימת בתוך כל אחד מאיתנו (מדבר על עצמי
השם ערפה מזכיר עורף מתחבר לי לשני דברים נוספים
היא לא מצליחה להתחבר לאני הפנימי שלה, היא לא יכולה להביט במראה ולראות את הפנים של עצמה ורק בבחינת עורף
עוד משהו - והזכרת את זה, אצל ערפה יש המון מסיכות -שוב זה ההסתרה של האני הפנימי האמיתי - בחינת עורף
ועוד משהו- מזכיר קצת שלעתיד לבוא הצדיקים בוכים והרשעים בוכים
צדיקים נדמה להם היצר הרע כהר והם בוכים שהצליחו להתגבר עליו
והרשעים נדמה להם כחוט השערה ובוכים שלא הצליחו להתגבר על כזה דבר קטן
כשאני מתחבר לרעיונות שהבאת בשיעור , למעשה הרשעים (ערפה) תמיד מסתכלים למציאות לאחר מעשה -בחינתת עורף
הם פועלים מתוך הדחפים והסיפוק המיידי, כשהם מביטים למציאות כאן ועכשיו, הם לא באמת מביטים למציאות אלא רק לתוך הכאוס הפנימי והצורך לספק מזור לכאב העצום שקיים בתוכם
המבט שלהם למציאות האמיתית תמיד מתבצעת לאחר מעשה- בדיעבד-בחינת עורף
לעומת הצדיקים (רות) שכאשר הם מביטים למציאות הם מסתכלים לה ישר בעיניים- הם לא מייפים את המציאות- כמו שהזכרת, רות יודעת בדיוק מה שערפה יודעת, ומתמודדת עם הרבה דברים דומים, אבל היא לא מעוותת את המציאות ולא מוכנה לחיות בשקר!
יישר כח ענק!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
If I had a chance to only hear one class by Rabbi YY, I would have chosen this one.
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Shloime Schwimmer -6 years ago
You would also like the shiur of מנשה המלך and אחות לוטן תמנע .it's the same concept. Fantastic clearity in life
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Anonymous -6 years ago
שלשלת פרשת וירא היא על ויתמהמה, לא וימאן
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Anonymous -6 years ago
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Esther -6 years ago
Wow. Every time Rabbi Y Y brings a portion from Nach and explores it. Even if I learnt it before in high school I feel how much deeper it can be and how much more accurate it is to our life. there is so much to learn. It's a whole new level of understanding and feeling connected to the Nach stories.
Thank you
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