Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah" Schottenstein
A Tale of 3 Relationships: The Story of a Triple Reincarnation- Dignity & Loyalty In the Depths of Pain. Studying the Book of Ruth, Class 2
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah" Schottenstein
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Anonymous -11 years ago
class #3 on book of Ruth
I am really impressed. May the Almighty bless you, rav Jacobson, for bringing me another perspective on this book.
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Shmuel -11 years ago
If one of the laws Naomi teaches Rus is the law of techum shabbos how is it that that they travel on Pesach (as mentioned by the Midrash on the word Baderech), Presumably the distance from where they were in Moav to the fields of Boaz would have been outside the techum?
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Mary_Linda -7 years ago
Probably the law doesn't apply on Chol Hamoed, the middle days of Pesach in Israel.
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Denver -13 years ago
Re: reincarnation
How could Yehuda be the reincarnation of Lot who was not a righteous person?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: reincarnation
Lot as the nephew of Avraham, and the father of the nation of Moav, the progenitors of Ruth,. King David and Moshiach, probably had very profound and lofty potentials. By his soul entering into Yehuda it perhaps helpes his soul reach its true potential.
I should add, that a person can often be a gelgul of more than one person, because sometimes different dimensions or "sparks" of one's soul can enter into different people, on different levels, since a person is not made of one level, but each of us has so many layers, and different layers may sometimes be reincarnations of different sparks of diverse souls.
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Frumma Rosenberg-Gottlieb -13 years ago
I am sure you see the connection of the 21 in shem Yehudah, the 21 kilograms of barley and the 21 in the yud-hey-vov. Wow!
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: 21
I did not think of that. Thanks very much for the note!
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: B"H
Thank you for your words and your light. What a beautiful and profound way of expressing the majesty and depth of Torah study.
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Miri -13 years ago
navigating through the video
For some reason the pause button is not working on the videos this week and last week. Also, clicking on the progress bar of the video in order to fast forward or back up is not working... Is anyone else having this problem?
In the past I have had no problems with this.
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Simple -13 years ago
Re: navigating through the video
Try downloading it
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wondering -13 years ago
Weren't Yehuda and Lavan alive at the same time, how could Lavan be reincarnated into Yehuda?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: reincarnation
Yehuda was a reincarnation of Lot, not of Lavan.
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Rochel -13 years ago
Part 2 is just a continuation of the most exciting presentation of the Book of Rus that I have ever heard. May Hashem bless you to be able to do this and share with us in this way for many many years. The only problem is having to wait from one week to the next!!
Thank you...thank you to all who are making this possible.
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