Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah" Schottenstein
Are You a Kisser Or a Cleaver? Ruth and Arpah: A Tale of Two Daughters In-Law- Studying the Book of Ruth, Class 1. Arpah and Goliath Go Into Therapy
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah" Schottenstein
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Dina Buzaglo -1 year ago
Dear Rabbi , I listened to your shout 4 times using your notes. Intend to tell my friends this Shavuot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words.
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Dina Buzaglo -1 year ago
I listened to your shiur
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Shirum Segulot
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Hindy Drizin -3 years ago
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Sam -3 years ago
In other words, they were lesbian?
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Rabbi Aryeh Moshen -3 years ago
Minor correction
Eloheha - chol, her gods
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Dovid Benveniste,Tsfat -12 years ago
That explains why,since Ruth passed away,we have become ruthless people.
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YPW -13 years ago
Rabbi, Doctor, Mr. Jacobson your shiurim are amazing!
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Chaim -13 years ago
B''H. I have seen your shiur. It is a fargenigen! I'm hearing you from Cordoba, Argentina. All the best.
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Tzipah Wertheimer -13 years ago
Marriage to Moabite women
B'H I really, really enjoyed this class! I love the implications on parenting & education (Orpa passing on her issues to the next generations).
I am wondering how the sons of Elimelech married Rus & Orpa in the first place. How did they marry Moabite women? Thanks!
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Vincent Meijer -13 years ago
Kisser ?
One of the best and most fascinating Shiurs I'll ever hear.
And on a personal note; being a Noahide, of typcal mixed Amsterdam blood, with a sister that converted and all that. I should watch it not becoming a kisser. But now that i am aware of that. I still don't know about converting but I should become a Noahide of utmost censerity and modesty.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Thank you all for your feedback! As this is a virtual Yeshiva, without feedback you remain just a "click" and a number and we dont know who we are reaching so PLEASE continue to tell us EVERY time you enjoyed a class.
The teachers need to hear it!
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tzipi glick -13 years ago
Absolutely brilliant!
Anticipating next class. Thank you. yashar Koach! May Hash-m Bless you!!!
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Meir Eichenstein -13 years ago
Thanks for your effort and time, Rabbi J.
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shlomo -13 years ago
thank you
simply amazing
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jake -13 years ago
the title sounds a bit inappropiate-
isnt this supposed to be a chssidic web-site?
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Sam -4 years ago
Since when is it chassidish? it hiemish. Just because you are chasiish dont mean this is
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fanny -13 years ago
anyone know how to pause the video ? i can't do it from my mac book pro
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David -13 years ago
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for last night’s new endeavor, “Rus”. Just thinking about this Shavuos appropriate topic is enough for me to hug you, but then to bring to fruition your concept in such a creative, dynamic, enlightening format leaves me speechless in expressing my thanks. since you started on Monday nights, I have been a constant participator. My stroke has horrific repercussions in demoralizing and confusing ways.
I look forward to Monday nights especially as a lift up in my week. I must admit though that your recent re-broadcasting of previous shiurim has left me less excited. I still gain and am inspired by the repeated Parsha Shiurim, making my Shabbos experience better, but the Shiur last night on Ruth, reminded me of those “first time around” Chiddushim feelings I used to get every Monday night… Chazak U’Boruch cubed! Ok, I’m on a roll.
For that matter, the entire Yeshiva.Net is Tremendously successful. I still create Audio CDs of both your Shiur and the Tuesday night Shiur given by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel. I go to Shul Wednesday nights for our Rav,Rabbi Boruch Lesches’ Shiur on Samach Vav[I plan on checking out Rabbi Braun]. I then give out the CDs. I have loyal “customers”, anxious to receive a Good Vort and something far better to listen to in their cars, than news radio. I have also had requests to create batches of your Shiurim from people traveling or that have long daily commutes.
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Kayo Kaneko -13 years ago
There may be another tomorrow, but it would not mean anything
Baruch HaShem
I am a Japanese convert-wanna-be. I fully understand the void of Arpah. If Yiddish Kait is taken from me, Chas Veshalom (G-d forbid), I would not get up from my bed, ever.
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Chaim Aaron -13 years ago
Re: Rashi's commentary. How could Naomi warn Ruth about the prohibition of yichud if there was no prohibition until the time of Dovid HaMelech? See Sanhadrin 22a.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Naomi/Ruth
Dear Reb Chaim Aaron,
Your question is a good one. I have not seen it in sefarim, but i will share my thoughts on the matter.
As the Talmud explains there, and see also Rambam laws of Isurei Biah chapter 22, David and his Bes Din initiated the prohibition of yechud with a penuyah, with a single unmarried woman. Even earlier there was a prohibition against yechud with a married woman. This probably is what Naomi shared with Ruth.
Even though Ruth was not married at the time, she was a penuyah, yet Naomi, as we know, wanted her to soon marry (and even arranged the marriage to some extent), hence she explained to her the laws of Yechud.
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Chaim Aaron -13 years ago
Re: Naomi/Ruth
Thank you for the clear and logical answer.
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Yakov -13 years ago
i really appreciate your shiurim and share them with my students (which are Satmer, bobov, etcI feel free to write as you review the comments) Thanks a million You have changed the way I view things to the better and deeper may hashem grant you the strength to continue inspire yiddishe kinder
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Elki -13 years ago
New classes
Rabbi Jacobson, I predicted (a bit in jest) that you wouldn't rest until you created a chassidic university online.
Clearly and fortunately, you were very serious and determined about this project. יישר כוחך and mazel tov on your being the first Yeshiva Dean in cyberspace.I'm proud to be enrolled in this "ivy league" university of Chassidus. On top of all this, I didn't even have to pass an entrance exam or write an exam.
Thank you for your vision and tenacity and once again I express tremendous appreciation to Dovid and Eda Schottenstein.
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