Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of the birth of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah"
Class Summary:
When Can You Expel a Child From School?- How to Criticize the People Around You
No. I am sorry I can't...As It says in my convoluted sentence above...Avram Wilkomerski, zt"l.
You can google his father's name and his for contextual references but I'm afraid my feeble ( but still at certain instances quite clear)memory is all we have to rely on for the moment. He was the rabbi at the funeral of Rothschild in Israel,the cantor and teacher at Chevra Tehillim Orthodox shule on 25th ave in SF for many years. If you are connected to Rv. Zarchi, perhaps there are one or two old timers that were friends or sons or family of his friends that can enlighten you further.
I just can't make this stuff up,Rabbi.
I just can't.
Chodesh Tov!
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David Benveniste -11 years ago
Chazon Ish Education Bs"d
The son of one of the world's greatest Chazonim,Cantor Wilkemerski named Avraham (zt"l),who was also a cantor and the head rabbi for the IDF relayed his experience at that yeshiva to me:
If he did not memorize a full page of Gemara everyday by heart (bal peh),he would recieve a swat on his hands with a wooden ruler.
I feel your pain.
None other than the famous Chazon Ish was his teacher,and I sure hope this is not loshon hara esp. about the dead,as I'm sure ten people know of this fact.
Baruch Hashem.Times have changed for the better.
I hope.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
Re: Chazon Ish Education Can you ask him to email me the story directly? [email protected]
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Pinchos Fried -4 years ago
Perhaps it's not Lashon Hara, but it's certainly Bizayon Talmid Chacham, and most probably sheker as well.
We need to do Teshuva. The world is not Hefker. Even online.
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moriah -12 years ago
Mida Kneged Mida Maybe the real pearl of this story is we are commanded to judge our brother favorably and only rebuke from a place of love. We are too quick to believe the worst and speak without thinking. It's important to remember if we judge our brother harshly we are giving over to Hashem the way we wish to be judged as He will ultimately judge us Mida Kneged Mida..
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sara -12 years ago
stien are those book shelves real?!?
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Shia -13 years ago
School Amazing. I can say from experience getting expelled from a school not only spiritually kills a person but also physically. A teenager does not have enough self esteem or mental strength to be turned down by someone and an institution that is supposed to be a role model. Would you also be able to give a shuir on the point of view of the parents of a child who has a friend that misbehaves in school. An argument I am sure you have heard many times what do you do with a child who is influencing other children. Its amazing the way everything in life you can bring examples from the torah. Thanks for the shuirim!
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Carmella -13 years ago
amazing I'm the one who is utterly grateful to you for your work in הפצת המעיינות, spreading our beautiful heritage, giving us the opportunity to get to know who we are...where we come from, where we are heading...
thank you for allowing me to show my huge appreciation by a small donation.
i love the recent expansion of the classes, and the face lift of the site. hopefully the archive will hold more than just the last few classes.
i don't have words to express how much i love these classes, and what a difference they make in my life. some times i translate a class and teach it to the women I'm seeing in the synagogue, since they don't speak English.they love it too!
I'm 62, born in Israel to Holocaust survivors, secular all my life, until three years ago חזרתי בתשובה straight into chabad ! thank G-D ! your classes are עמוד האש for so many all over the world, to show us the way we were and the way we ought to be, with the truth of גאון יעקב , the Rebes' way.
your work is the embodiment of והגדת לבנך ,to set us free each day a little more, preparing the grounds for Moshiach to come.
G-D bless you thank you
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Leib -13 years ago
more shuirim Have completely enjoyed and learned in all your shirurim..i mean that sincerely Just today…my son showed me a speech you made a few years ago to the chaplains of the US army A fantastic speech..a wonderful Kiddish Hashem Rabbi a honest question…and the reason for this e mail Is it a fools wish or is it possible that the Likuti Torah Shir in the shul that you give weekly….. could be broadcast When I listened to “Two souls”… every time I listened..i was clued. For me it was a sea of ideas and information..each shir made me think. An unbelievable learning and addition/amplification of and to my Chitas and understanding of Tanya…and my understanding ofthe Alter Rebbe in specific and to Lubavitch in general...the stories and the way you delivered the information …I am still digesting.. I do not need to impress you. I want to give you validation for what you do..i want you to know you make a difference in one persons life in a very significant way..i want you to know and not ashamed to say i support you I have a Likuti Torah Shir Thursdays night..but a shir with you..Kevald Kevald..that would be wonderful I hope to send you a donation also now and support Your internet Torah and Chassidus To me it is ..authentic knowledge of what the Rebbes of Lubavitch say Authentic transmission of information to grow and learn about G-d..for everyone..through out the world the way the Rebbe would like to see it.. a unique ambassador of Torah and of Chassidus..something to support warm..real-honest-and meaningful..and many many more descriptions of the classes Substantial and well done ..each class.. Thank you.. I am a student of TheYeshiva.Net
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Kayo, Tokyo -13 years ago
Underlying motive Baruch HaShem
I have been learning Chasidut from Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Rebbetzin Chana Sudakevich of Beis Chabad Japan. I am 44 years old and since I met Rabbi Sudakevich, for a long time, I thought he is older than me. But recently, I knew he is much much younger than me. But still, I feel that Rabbi and Rebbetzin Sudakevich are my spiritual parents. Thanks to this shiur, I realized why.
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YY Jacobson -13 years ago
To Mendel I once wrote up the story in Yiddish in the Algemeiner Journal:
אַ וויזשניצער אייניקל האָט מיר אַנומלט דערציילט אַן עפּיזאָד וואָס ער האָט געהערט פון הרב שלמה קנייבסקי, אַ זון פון דעם באַוואוסטן בני ברק’ער גאון הרב חיים קנייבסקי (זון פון סטייפּלער גאון וועמענס 20טער יאָרצייט איז לעצטנס אָפּגעצייכנט געוואָרן), און דער ראש ישיבה פון “תפארת ציון” אין בני ברק.
די ישיבה “תפארת ציון” האט געגרינדעט דער “חזון איש”, הרב אברהם ישעיה קאַרעליץ, אין די ערשטע דרייסיקער יאָרן, אַ קורצע צייט נאָכדעם וואָס ער האָט עולה געווען קיין ארץ ישראל. ויהי היום, האט זיך דער ראש ישיבה, וועלכער דער חזון איש האָט אָנגעשטעלט אַרבעטן אין ישיבה, דערוואוסט אַז אַ געוויסער בחור האָט מחלל שבת געווען. זונטיק, האָט דער ראש ישיבה אַריינגערופן דעם בחור, געהייסן אים פּאַקן די פּעקלעך און זיך אָפּטראָגן פון ישיבה.
הערנדיק וואָס איז געשען, האָט דער חזון איש אריינגערופן דעם ראש ישיבה, און אים געפרעגט מיט וואָס פאַר אַ באַרעכטיקונג האָט ער ארויסגעווארפן דעם בחור’ל? דער ראש ישיבה האט געענטפערט, אז דער אינגל האָט מחלל שבת געווען און אַזאַ מין פּארשוין מוז מען משלח זיין פון ישיבה, “למען ישמעו וייראו”.
זאָגט אים דער חזון איש: היינט צו טאג צו אַרויסווארפן אַ בחור פון ישיבה איז אין דער בחינה פון “דיני נפשות”. דער בחור וועט דאך נישט גיין לערנען אין אַ שטיבל אדער אַ כולל, ער וועט דאך ארויסגיין צו דער דרויסנדיקער גאַס וואו ער וועט קאָנפראָנטירן כלערליי מעכטיקע נסיונות וואָס וועלן אים וואַרשיינלעך אָפּרייסן פון דעם “מקור מים חיים”, פון זיין אידישער נשמה און פון דעם אידישן גייסט. זאגט דאך די משנה (אין מסכת סנהדרין) אז “אין דנין דיני נפשות אלא בכ”ג”, כדי צו פאַראורטיילן אַ אידן צום טויט מוז מען האָבן אַ בית דין פון 23 מענטשן. ווי גרויס אַ תלמיד חכם מען איז, קען מען אַזאַ גורלדיקן באשלוס נישט מאַכן אַליין. “האט איר”, פרעגט דער חזון איש ביים ראש ישיבה, “צוזאמענגעבראכט אַ בית דין פון 23 איידער איר האָט פאַראורטיילט דעם בחור צו אַזאַ גרויזאַמן גורל”?
דער ראש ישיבה האָט געענטפערט אז ער אַליין איז גענונג בר-סמכא צו באַשליסן וועמען מ’דאַרף משלח זיין פון ישיבה. אבער דער חזון איש האט געפאָדערט אַז ביז דער ראש ישיבה קריגט נישט אַ פּסק דין פון 23 דיינים טאָר מען נישט משלח זיין דעם בחור. מ’האָט זיך געדונגען אַהער און אַהין, ביז דער ראש ישיבה האָט געזאָגט צום חזון איש, אַז אויב ער -- דער חזון איש -- וועט צוריק ארייננעמען דעם בחור, קען ער זיך גיין זוכן אַ נייעם ראש ישיבה.
האָט אים דער חזון איש געענטפערט: צו אָפּזאגן אייך פון ישיבה איז שוין נישט קיין גדר פון “דיני נפשות”, נאר אַן אנגעלעגנהייט פון “דיני ממונות”. זאָגט דאָך די משנה אז דיני ממונות קענען דן זיין אַ בית דין פון דריי דיינים אָדער אַ “יחיד מומחה”. איך האַלט זיך פאַר אַ יחיד מומחה. פסק’ן איך אז איר קענט גיין געזונטערהייט...
דער בחור איז געבליבן אין ישיבה, דער ראש ישיבה האָט פאַרלאזט די ישיבה און דער חזון איש איז געווען געצוואונגען זאָגן דעם שיעור במשך פון דער קומענדער תקופה (נאָך אַ שטיק צייט איז דער ראש ישיבה צוריקגעקומען).
פאַרענדיקט הרב שלמה קנייבסקי: “דער דאזיקער בחור איז היינט איינער פון די גרעסטע פּוסקים און תלמידי חכמים אין ארץ ישראל”. (איך האב נישט געקראָגן רשות מפרסם זיין דעם נאמען פון דעם בחור, אבער אז איר וואָלט הערן דעם נאמען וואָלט איר אַרויס פון די כלים).
ווי גילטיק דער דאזיקער עפּיזאָד איז אין אונזער צייט. אין די לעצטע טעג האָט זיך ווידער אנגעהייבן דער נייער ישיבה-יאר, און “קול התור(ה) נשמע בארצנו”: די שפרודלדיקע, ברויזנדע און לוסטיקע קולות פון אביי און רבא, פון רבינא און רב אשי, דער רמב”ם מיטן רשב”א, רבי עקיבא אייגער און דער אבני נזר, רבי חיים און רבי ברוך בער, רבי וועלוועלע און רבי שמעון, הערן זיך ווידער אין ישיבות און בתי מדרשים איבער דער וועלט. אבער, אזוי ווי יעדן יאָר, זענען דאָ גרויסע פּראָצענטן פון אידישע קינדער, אינגעלעך און מיידעלעך, וואס די שולעס און ישיבות נעמען נישט אָן. מ’פאַרשיקט זיי קיין “ישיבת רחובות”, צו די גאַסן...
עס זענען אַוודאי דאָ סיבות אויף דעם. די אָנפירער פון די סקולס און ישיבות האָבן מורא אַז די בחורימלעך אדער מיידלעך וועלן קאַליע מאַכן אַנדערע; אַז זיי וועלן רואינירן די ריינע אַטמאַספערע פון דער ישיבה אדער מיידל-שולע. די משגיחים און מנהלים ווילן נישט דאַרפן נאָכלויפן די בחורים יעדע נאַכט כדי צו פעסטשטעלן אַז זיי גייען נישט פאַרוויילן זיך אין אומפּאַסיקע ערטער, א.ז.וו
די טראַגעדיע איז אבער אַז זייער אָפט ווערן אָט אָ די גורלדיקע באַשלוסן וועלכע וועלן דיקטירן דעם עתיד פון אַן אידיש לעבן אָנגענומען נישט מיט דער געהעריקער ערנסטקייט און טיפער אַריינטראַכטונג. מ’כאַפּט זיך נישט אַז דאָ האַנדלט זיך וועגן “דיני נפשות”, וועגן דער צוקונפט פון אַ גליענדיקע נשמה, פון אַ בן יחיד פון דעם רבונו של עולם. קליין-קעפּלדיקע מחנכים און קורצזיכטיקע אַדמיניסטראַטאָרן פאַרמאָגן היינט דעם אויטאָריטעט צו באַשליסן “מי לחיים ומי...”
אזעלכע באַשלוסן טאָרן נישט אָנגענומען ווערן גרינגערהייט און אָפטערהייט. איידער אַ מנהל צי אַ ראש ישיבה פסקנט נישט אָננעמען אַן אידיש קינד אין אַ תורה-מוסד, וואָלט ער זיך געדאַרפט פרעגן: “ווי וואָלט איך געהאַנדלט אויב דאָס וואָלט געווען מיין אייגן קינד? וואָלט איך אויך געזאָגט: ‘ס’נישטאָ קיין ברירה, מ’קען אים\איר נישט אָננעמען’, אדער וואָלט איך געפּראַוועט אַביסעלע מסירות נפש און געפונען אַן עצה”...
שערי עצות לא ננעלו. אַנשטאט משלח זיין יעדן בחור וועלכער פּאַסט זיך נישט אריין אין די ראַמען און סטיל פון דעם מוסד, וואָלטן ישיבות געקענט אָנשטעלן מענטשן וועלכע זענען מסוגל אַנטפלעקן אין די דאזיקע קינדער זייער נשמהדיקייט, זייער גייסטיקייט, זייער אינערליכע ווירדע. די קינדער נויטיקן זיך אין אביסל אנטשטענדיקער ליבע, אויפמערקזאמקייט, און דער עיקר -- שענקן זיי די מעגלעכקייט צו זיין דערפאלגרייך אין זייער לערנען כדי אז זיי זאלן קענען געניסן פון סיפוק הנפש.
אויב אונזערע ערציער וואָלטן געדענקט אז דאָ האַנדלט זיך נישט וועגן “דיני ממונות”, נאר וועגן “דיני נפשות”, וואָלטן אפשר אַ סך פון אונזערע קינדער געראַטעוועט געוואָרן פון די שווערע נסיונות וואס די דרויסנדיקע גאַס שטעלט מיט זיך פאָר היינט צו טאָג, אויף וועלכע מ’קען אָפט זאָגן אַז “כל באיה לא ישובון”.
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aviner -13 years ago
more on the subject of expulsion מאמר מאת הרב אלישע אבינר: למרות שהורו לנו חז"ל שאין להוציא תלמיד שאיננו רואה ברכה בעמלו מבית הספר אלא "להוי צוותא לחבריה" (ב"ב כא א), העירו גדולי הפוסקים שהדברים אמורים רק כאשר התלמיד איננו "מקלקל" את חבריו.
הגר"מ פיינשטיין (אגרו"מ יוד ח"ג עא) כתב שאם נער איננו לומד כראוי ואף אינו מתנהג כראוי, אין להוציאו אלא "צריכים להחזיקו ולהתגלגל עמו, אולי יתחיל לשמוע ולהיטיב דרכו, ובכל אופן השהייה איזה שנים בישיבה בקרב מורים יראי ה' ובקרב חברים המקשיבים למורים ודאי תשפיע גם עליו, לכל הפחות במקצת, על כל ימי חייו". גישה סובלנית זו כלפי התלמידים מטילה מעמסה טיפולית וחינוכית כבדה על המחנכים, ובדרך כלל אין הם מקבלים פיצוי כספי תמורתה, אך טוען הרב פיינשטיין שהחינוך היא "מלאכת הקודש". כשם שנצטווינו "להיות עמלים בתורה ובמצוות", כך נדרשים המחנכים "לעבוד באמונה לפי צורך התלמידים... מצד חיובו לה' יתברך, מאחר שקיבל עליו משרה (חינוכית) מחויב הוא לעמול כפי יכולתו באמת".
למדנו מדברי הרב פיינשטיין שאין לסלק מבית הספר לא רק תלמיד המתקשה בלימודיו אלא גם תלמיד שאיננו מתנהג כראוי. מסופר (בספר "מעשה איש, א סט) שנשאל ה"חזון איש" האם להוציא מהישיבה תלמיד שנתפס בגניבה. פנה ה"חזון איש" אל השואל ושאל אותו: "האם אי פעם דברת לשון הרע? האם הוציאו אותך מהישיבה? מה לנו עבירה זו או עבירה זו?! גנב איננו חייב מיתה!". סוף תשובת החזון איש מתפרשת לאור דבריו במספר הזדמנויות, שהוצאת תלמיד היא דיני נפשות ממש.
אולם הרב פיינשטיין (שם) סבור ש"אם התלמיד מקלקל אחרים, ודאי צריך לסלקו. אבל צריך לדון את זה בכובד ראש ובעיון רב כי הוא כדיני נפשות". וכן כתב הגרמ"מ שניאורסון, האדמו"ר מחב"ד (אג"ק יד עמ' תג): "תועלת הרבים דוחה את תועלת היחיד", לכן פשוט שאין כל חובה לקבל תלמיד שיש לו עבר עשיר בבעיות משמעת. והוסיף: "בנוגע לתלמיד שכבר נמצא בכותלי הישיבה ולומד שם משך זמן, מובן שאינו דומה להנ"ל (= קבלת תלמיד חדש), ובפרט כשיש מקום לחשוש שיתפוס זה כדחייה בשתי ידיים, אבל פשוט שגם בזה סוף-סוף - יחיד ורבים, רבים קודמים. אלא שאין להתחיל בזה (בהוצאת התלמיד), וצריך להקדים אמצעים אחרים ולא להתחיל בגירוש כליל (= סילוק סופי)". תשובה דומה כתב הגרש"ז אוירבאך ("עלהו לא יבול" ב שלז): "גם אני בדעה שאם ח"ו מזיק לאחרים, יש לישיבה אחריות כלפי האחרים וצריכים לשלחו, וגם אם הוא מתחצף טובא (= הרבה) ברור הדבר שזה משפיע לרעה על אחרים".
עמדתו של ה"חזון איש" היתה שונה. מקורביו מספרים שהוא התקשה להסכים להוצאת תלמיד גם כאשר היה חשש כבד שהוא יקלקל את חבריו. הרב יהושע יגל, ראש ישיבת "מדרשית נועם", העלה על הכתב (בראש ספרו "נתיבות יהושע ח"ב) שיחה עם ה"חזון איש" בנידון. הרב יגל שאל אותו האם להרחיק תלמיד "בעייתי" מהישיבה התיכונית, כאשר קיים חשש שהוא יקלקל את חבריו, אבל הוצאתו מהישיבה עלולה לדרדר אותו יותר. השיב ה"חזון איש" שזוהי בעיה חמורה של דיני נפשות, והוסיף: "אסור להרחיק תלמיד. אינך חייב לרוץ אחריו (= אם הוא רוצה לעזוב מעצמו), אבל אם הוא דבק במקום אינך רשאי להרחיקו. עליך להקדיש את כל כוחותיך לחנכו ולהשגיח על התנהגותו". הרב יגל העיר "איני יודע אם כוחותי יעמדו לי?". השיב לו ה"חזון איש": "הקב"ה יתן לך כוח".
גישתו העקרונית של ה"חזון איש" מוסברת על ידי אמירה אחרת שלו (מעשה איש, סג): "הם חושבים רק על טובת הכלל. מה טוב בשביל כללות הישיבה. ואכן, לפעמים טובת הכלל איננה מתיישבת עם טובתו של התלמיד הבודד. לא כן עמדי - בעיני, כל פרט הוא כלל שלם".
הוי אומר: בהוצאת תלמיד "בעייתי" מבית הספר או מישיבה, מתנגשת טובת הפרט עם טובת הכלל, ומתחייבת הכרעה כואבת לכאן ולכאן. יש מגדולי ישראל שנטו באופן ברור אחר טובת הכלל, ויש שניסו להציל בכל כוחם גם את הפרט, ומתחו את החבל של הסובלנות והסבלנות כמעט עד לקצה האחרון.
סובלנותו של החזון איש כלפי כל תלמיד באה לידי ביטוי גם בכתב, באיגרותיו (קוב"א פא): "אחשוב ליותר נכון להתגלגל ולסבול ולקרב בכל מה שאפשר, וזה כל פרי של הישיבה - לתת לפתאים ערמה ותועים בינה, ואין מקום להאשים את השובבים, כי הלוא עיר פרא אדם יולד, ועלינו להשתדל בזה בכל מחיר. ופעמים ימין דוחה ושמאל מקרבת, ופעמים לקרב בשתי ידיים". (המשך בפינה הבאה).
Written Firstly, many thanks for your great classes which we very much appreciate here in Zurich too!
Is the story you told about the Chazon Ish with the Talmid who got expelled written anywhere?
Many thanks and keep up the good work.
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benny -13 years ago
not enough Thank you for your weekly Parsha insights, they are very much looked forward to and appreciated.
The only criticism, if any, I have is that there is only one Shiur a week by you. I literally look forward to it the whole week...
Perhaps we can get another one? Maybe bi-weekly?
Again, thank you
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David -13 years ago
Thank you Rabbi YY Thanks for the answer greatly appreciated.
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YY Jacobson -13 years ago
Why the Kohen? In response to the question why, according to this class, do we need the Kohen to declare the leper as “pure.” The Keli Yakar explains why you need the Kohen to purify the leper:
והובא אל הכהן. אין טהרתו כ"א ע"י כהן יען כי כל מי אשר הוא מזרע אהרן נמצאו בו ג' מדות טובות הפכיים לאלו, כי חטא הלשון גורם כל ריב וכל נגע ובין אחים יפריד. ע"כ יבא אהרן שאחז במדת השלום וירפא לזה כי הוא היה אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, וכן חטא גסות הרוח ראוי שיתוקן על ידו כי הוא היה עניו ביותר כארז"ל (חולין פט) גדול מ"ש במשה ואהרן ממ"ש באברהם דאילו באברהם כתיב (בר' יח, כז) 'ואנכי עפר ואפר' ובמשה ואהרן כתיב (שמ' טז, ח) 'ונחנו מה', וכן חטא חמדת הממון לא היה ג"כ באהרן יען כי הכהנים לא היה להם חלק ונחלה בארץ ולא היה להם יותר ממה שזכו משלחן גבוה. ע"כ היו שלמים במדת ההסתפקות ולא היו בכלל צרי העין אשר כל מגמת פניהם לאסוף ולכנוס, ע"כ מן הראוי שכל ג' מיני צרעת אלו לא יטהרו כי אם על ידי כהן.
Yet this does not explain why it is only the Kohen who can deem the leper impure. Besides, since being metahar the leper follows being metame him, it is logical to assume that there is a connection between the kohen and the power to say “tame.” And since he is the only one who can declare him “tame,” therefore, he is also the only one who can remove from him the status of tumah. Since he is the one who was metame him, he is the one who can take him out of that status. “Hapeh sheassar hapeh shehitir.” Basically, it is completely in the Kohen’s domain, he says tame and he says tahor.
Perhaps, making it free for all to say tahor would give the impression that anyone can issue forth an edict on the status of a Jew suffering from these symptoms, and that is not the case.
Perhaps we can add, that you need a man of love to state even “tahor.” Sometimes we can “purify” someone but not out of love toward him or her, rather for other reasons driven by ulterior motives. You need love not only to distance but also to bring someone close. An example: You may make someone pure because YOU are too pained by their situation, even if it is actually better for them; or because you stand to gain a benefit from them returning even if it is not beneficial for them. Hence even for “tahor” we need a Kohen.
The Meshech Chachmah presents an entirely different explanation, which explains why we need the Kohen to say both tame and tahor. Here goes:
ענין הנגעים שנמסרו לאהרן הכהן הוא מסתרי התורה אשר הטומאה והטהרה תלוי בכהן... אמנם יש לומר, דהנה הנגעים היא מחלה המתדבקת עד שאמרו במד"ר (ויקרא רבה פס' טז) ובתלמודין כתובות (עז) דלא עיילי למבואיה, ולכן טמא טמא יקרא, וההתעסקות בו הוא ענין מסוכן וצריך לזה השגחה נפלאה פרטית אשר העוסק ינוצל מזה ויהיה נבדל אשר אליו לא תדבק הנגע, לכן בחרה התורה זה בבני אהרן אשר המה נבדלים משאר ישראל ומושגחים בפרטיות יותר וכמו דכתיב (דה"א כג, יג) ויבדל אהרן להקדישו קדש קדשים.
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isaac -13 years ago
I read this story The parents of a retarded child entered the study of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. They decided to place their child in a special school in which he would live; the question was which one. "Have you asked the boy where he would like to go?" asked the sage. The parents were dumbfounded. "Our child cannot be involved in the process! He hasn't the capacity to understand," explained the father. Reb Shlomo Zalman was not moved. "You are sinning against your child. You are removing him from his home, placing him in a foreign environment, and you don't even consult with the child? He will feel helpless and betrayed I'd like to talk to him." The couple quickly went home and brought the boy to the Torah sage. "My name is Shlomo Zalman," smiled the venerable scholar. "What's yours?" "Akiva." "Akiva," exclaimed Rabbi Auerbach, "I am one of the leading Torah sages in the world and many people discuss their problems with me. Now, I need your help. "You are about to enter a special school, and I need a representative to look after all the religious matters in the school. I would like to give you semicha, making you my official Rabbinical representative. You can freely discuss any issue with me whenever you want." Reb Shlomo Zalman gave the boy a warm handshake and hug. The boy entered the school and flourished. In fact, with the great feeling of responsibility, he rarely wanted to leave the school, even for a weekend; after all, who would take care of any questions that would arise?
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David -13 years ago
sorry rabbi avi :) That dose not work for me:) I will find an answer and let you know. Perhaps Rabbi YY has some insight?
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David Perhaps the simplest answer is best:
Because the Torah states this explicitly!! Read the entire chapter in Vayikra here:
"And the kohen shall look at it. And, behold! the lesion has turned white; the kohen shall pronounce the lesion clean. He is clean."
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David -13 years ago
response to rabbi avi shlomo Sorry the question is still not answered. After all said and done why MUST it be a Kohen to say Tahor.
Btw I appreciate your time in answering my question.
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David The Torah says clearly that ONLY a Kohen has the authority to declare impure and then pure. The Kohen who is ignorant or mentally challenged can take advice from an expert, but it is HE who verbalizes the verdict, and only then is the law take affect.
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David -13 years ago
response Rabbi Avi Shlomo Thanks How about in the literal meaning of the law? Where it’s a technical issue? An expert adult should be able to bring the infected one back and not need to wait for a kohen (who maybe a child or Shote)
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Anonymous -13 years ago
the truth Truth must be said even when not popular!!!
Which Mechanech would ever remove a talmid if he did not think it was damaging the others? A bais din of 23 is needed, but in a case of rodef you kill the rodef the sooner the better no bais din needed. The issue in the schools is these so called yeshiva boys are spiritual Rodfim and drag down the others by introducing all the shmutz and in many cases leading an open goiyesha cultural lifestyle in the midst of our yeshivas. This is being written with hurt but no choice truth must be told, our moisdos have lost their ability to create the enviorment they need to create to raise chasidishe children. Only solution is to create special institutions for the spiritualy chalanged. P.S. by chasidim it was maysa rav in life and death situations to ask a misnaged and do the opposite
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Me -13 years ago
Not chabad This does - N O T - refelct the Shita of Chabad on this subject
I'm surprised that he mentions the story with the Chazon Ish without mentioning a very similar story with the Freideker Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab.
The Freideker Rebbe was the Menahel Poel of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva established by his father the Rebbe Rashab.
In a very similar story where the Freideker Rebbe wanted to expel someone and the Rebbe Rashab told him not to, the Friedeker Rebbe said to the Rebbe Rashab the identical thing which the Chazon Ish's Rosh Yeshiva said.
The Freideker Rebbe told the Rebbe Rashab that if the Rebbe Rashab will over-ride his expulsion of the bochur from Yeshiva, then the Freideker Rebbe threatened to resign.
The outcome was quite different in that the Rebbe Rashab backed down because the final "say" is with the Menahel of the Yeshiva.
It's also surprising that he doesn't mention at all the very clear Horaaos of the Rebbe (published in many igros) about when a child may or may not be expelled (it depends if the child is ruining it for all the other students or if he is just lacking himself without being such a bad influence on the others).
The only explanation is that this Shiur is directed at the general outside Yeshiva world (the Aish Hatorah type Jew) and does not at all reflect the Shita of Chabad.
BTW The above story of the Friedeker Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab should not be interpreted by todays schools to expel anyone because we must remember this was a REBBE_to_be, (as a dispute) with his Father who was already the Rebbe
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Anonymous -6 years ago
True, also there is a difference when its a head of the yeshiva and the head of the Jewish people.....Also the student who was expelled from Tomchei Tmimim (Berel Danzik IIRC) later became a chasidishe yungerman as reported by another chosid who met him years later. So its not always a diagnoses of a negative future in such a case.
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David In real life every one has within him a inner 'kohen'. Meaning a wellspring of love and chessed that is unconditionally loving and caring for every Jew.
And ultimately it is that same exact one that was able to say "Tamei" that will succeed in breaking through to him and making him "Tohor."
If you criticize someone without caring for them, if you say tamei, but you are not a kohen, they will never reach "Tohor".
Makes sense?
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david -13 years ago
Question Why is it that it NEEDS to be a Kohen to say the man is “Tohor”? Why cant a non-Kohen take him out of the bad situation? Especially when translating this to daily life!
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
To "A Chosid" Wow, fascinating story about the Tolna Rebbe!
And those two insights are brilliant, thanks.
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candy -13 years ago
thanks I just want to tell you that my husband and I listen to your talks on every week and enjoy them tremendously. We hope you and your family are doing well. All the best, Candy Welner
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a chossid -13 years ago
a story from the Tolna Rebbe Shlita Yashur Koach on amazing shiur! On the same topic the the Tolna rebbe tells over that once a talmid who got kicked out of his Yeshiva decided to go to his Zaydee (who was the Rebbe at the time) to ask for advice. The rebbe at the time was well in his 80's- when the rebbe heard what had happened he said to the boy "come let us go immediatly to the Rosh Yeshiva" being that it was already 11:30pm the bocher said -yashur koach rebbe but it too late- "too late?? let us go right away" . By the time they got to the door it was a little after 12. The rebbe starts knocking... but no answer the rebbe continues to knock untill finally the Rosh Yeshiva in his pajamas looks through the peephole sees an old man knocking and feels he must open the door. The rebbe looks at the rosh yeshiva and says is it possible that you today kicked out student from your Yeshiva and are able to go to sleep? What about worrying about where this boy is headed in the future? You should be up saying Tehilim the entire night!? The Tolna Rebbe Shlita says that when he is asked by principles which teachers to accept he tells them that although a full several things must be examined there are 2 especially important things 1)Have the educator converse with a boy in the priciples presence (without chairs) if the educator bends down while speaking to the child then you know he is a candidate but if he talks to him while standing upright-not shiach. 2) does the educator know his or her past students full names and their mothers names so that he davens for them once a day. -Thanks again for a great lesson!-
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a chossid -13 years ago
a story from the Tolna Rebbe Shlita Yashur Koach on amazing shiur!
On the same topic the the Tolna Rebbe tells over that once a talmid who got kicked out of his Yeshiva decided to go to his (the Tolna Rebbe's) grandfather (who was the Rebbe at the time) to ask for advice. The Rebbe at the time was well in his 80's...
When the Rebbe heard what had happened he said to the boy "come let us go immediatly to the Rosh Yeshiva". Being that it was already 11:30pm the bocher said "yashur koach Rebbe but it too late!"
"Too late?? let us go right away". By the time they got to the door it was a little after 12. The Rebbe starts knocking... but no answer. The Rebbe continues to knock until finally the Rosh Yeshiva in his pajamas looks through the peephole sees an old man knocking and feels he must open the door.
The Rebbe looks at the Rosh Yeshiva and asks: "How is it possible that today you kicked out student from your Yeshiva and yet you are able to go to sleep? What about worrying about where this boy is headed in the future? You should be up saying Tehilim the entire night!?"
The Tolna Rebbe Shlita says that when he is asked by principals which teachers to accept he tells them that although a full examination is necessary, there are 2 especially important things:
1)Have the educator converse with a boy in the pricipals presence (without chairs). If the educator bends down while speaking to the child then you know he is a candidate but if he talks to him while standing upright then you will know he is not p for the job.
2) Does the educator know his or her past students full names and their mothers names so that he davens for them once a day.
-Thanks again for a great lesson!-
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Chayamiriam Taurog -15 years ago
This article A gem of an article!!
Keep it up!! (please)
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Karsten Bannier -15 years ago
Comment What a wonderful assay.It really gives one something to think about inside & outside the home.This article should be more widely published here in South Africa. Regards Karsten (Northcliff Hebrew Congregation).
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Joseph -15 years ago
To Yitzchok I agree with you 100%. The Muslims, not the Jews, need to internalize this article.
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Yitzchok Michael -15 years ago
On Promoting Peace Between Cultures BS"D
This is fine as far as it goes. We Jews have never insisted that the rest of Mankind has to be like us and obey our laws; we have always been ready (sometimes too ready) to reach out to others in brotherhood and love. What is to be done, though, with cultures that are intrinsically hostile? Need I be specific? It is well known that there are those who want to kill us all, and reaching out to them in love (as some of our leaders astonishingly advocate) is not going to work. The late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, in his writings, includes the thought that anger must conquer whom love can not win.
Until others (the spiritual leaders of Islam, as a case in point) start preaching a message similar to yours to their congregations, reaching out to them with anything other than the sword will avail us all nothing.
Yitzchok Michael New Haven, Ct.
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dave -15 years ago
"mitzvah" the Rabbi wrote "mitzvah" as opposed to mitzvah... this is,as joe correctly said, an expression of humor.
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Joe -15 years ago
To Jerry I assume the Rabbi meant it as a humorus comment, not literally as a mitzvah. The point is that teenagers strive to discover their independance which can often result in conflict.
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jerry segal -15 years ago
how and why is it a mitzvah for a teen to rebel
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Diego -15 years ago
An important theme! Your essays are always wonderfull. I beleive that the issue of interpretation is crucial here. The Talmud is a book of discussion and not of dogmas. When we approch our sources with that idea, remebering always the chebrutah study, we learn that the meaning of thigs is always the result of a negotiation wich includes two or more parts. We are never alone. Thanks. And Shabbat Shalom from Buenos Aires!
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Jacob -15 years ago
My opinion To create peace in the world, first create peace at home between ourselves.
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Fred -15 years ago
NU Only cohanim should be allowed on the tuition committee
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יצחק -15 years ago
רבי אלחנן הי"ד שמעתי מהגר"מ גולדוואסער שליט"א מפיטסבורג אימרה בשם מרן הגר"א ווסרמן הי"ד, ביאור דברי חז"ל בספרי "ושננתם לבניך אלו התלמידים", שהתורה לא כתבה לתלמידיך, להורות שכדי להצליח בתלמידים צ"ל הגישה אליהם כמו אל בניך, דמי הם בניך? – אלו התלמידים, ורק אז יקויים הושננתם לבניך. ודפפ"ח.
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Elki -15 years ago
Education How do we change the system? The shiur was wonderful, but I often feel that the people who heard the most are already on board and want to improve. Then those who need to hear this think "He's not talking to me. I'm a great teacher." There's a first critical step - acknowledgment and striving to be there for students. Unfortunately too many yeshivos and B.Y. type schools looks at their students as assets to glorify the mossad. They forget that in reality, we are employed by the students (or their parents). That doesn't mean doing whatever they demand, but doing what we as educators are there for - the students and to give special care and attention to those who are slipping through the cracks rather than bulldozing the crack and throwing the child to the other side. I heard a psak to principals many years ago that the only situation where a calmid/ah may be asked to leave the school if is he or she is a danger physically and/or spritually to other students. That means actively pursuing othere students to drag them down into the worst paths. There were many menahalim/ot at that lecture. They all nodded in agreement, drove out through the gates and continued business as usual. Schools should pay much more, but ONLY hire outstanding teachers. I think our goal is to eradicat the term "kids at risk," which is a misnomer. Chalilah, once on drugs or in the streets they're way past that term. At-risk are the ones who need the love, attention and perhaps modification of curriculum before the worst happens. The examples and stories were wonderful and I repeated them to many of my friends. As the world works my Litvishe friends were stunned that a Lubavitcher Rabbi told a Chazon Ish story. There is goes..problems in chinuch...
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DavidB HaLevy -15 years ago
Gratitutde and Praise Bs"d Are what we do best and what we lack the most. Our inner Kohain requires a foundation of constant lovingkindness,yet where is the balance when you(hopefully) realize one day that you are not the center of the universe? You need the Levi emotive attribute of judgment and containment to bring you to the ultimate reality of knowing what to do, or as the Rambam so eloquently refers to it in Old French as ..."Savior faire". A sense or knowledge of what is appropriate in it's place and time.
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Yosef Silverman -15 years ago
A Critical Message, Beautifully Delivered My 13 year old son,my wife and I watched this lesson together. I was so happy that my son was interested and took in the lessons. Especially the lesson that leaving yeshiva is a matter of spiritual life and the opposite, G-d forbid. When it was over my son said that this should be shown at the next teachers conference. Thank you so much!
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steve -15 years ago
thank you excellent lecture!
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Estie -15 years ago
Thank You As a mother of a few children thank g-d, you really have made me think about the way I will talk to them in to future. Thank you for a beautiful lesson.
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Dvora -15 years ago
Education Yitzchak is absolutely right. I myself would run to work in the Jewish community if I could command a salary and benefits plus the training and support that the public school gives me. In the meantime, I'm devoting my hard work to helping Hispanic kids, and supporting my family. It's kind of disappointing and sad that I can't be paid enough to live on in a Jewish school.
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Gershon -15 years ago
Story Beautiful inspiring story about the Chazon Ish. What a lesson!
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Isaac -15 years ago
Chazon Ish What a beautiful story about education. I loved the fact that it is about the Chazon Ish zt"l so that no one say it is only the "chassidic" approach to education.
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Yitzchak -15 years ago
Training Maybe teachers have to be more motivated and inspired and also trained better. They also must be making a good salary, so they can devote themselves to their sacred job.
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Yochanan Gordon -15 years ago
Constructive criticism Certainly this topic will emerge as the most popular to date. At any given opportunity people capitalize on their ability to expose negativity on the part of the educational system. but before in order to validate the criticism we first have to be in agreeal that there are positive aspects to the system as well. for as many children who unfortunately failed by the system many more have suceeded. needless to say those that have become lost from our midst have to be addressed and those results henceforth diminished. if there was one area that I would like to see addressed in the context of this class it would be that of national unity. throughout the world jewish spectrum there are innumerable amounts of schools representing a cross-section of religious observances and affiliations. orthodox chassidic modern orthodox yeshivish etc... and the list goes on. Every child no matter what school they attended has learned of the inseperable unity of the jewish people. in fact everyone has stories in their own personal life and as portrayed through the writings of chazal that points to this sentiment. but sadly this concept has not become real in each of our lives. until we all have the capacity despite our minor theological differences to embrace and acknowledge our neighbor and love them in context as one of our people this has remained an abstract reality. until the yeshivos speak of and reiterate this unity and how without our very existence as a nation is in question then even the learning which is accomplished lacks its true potency. Does not the Genara say that the word yisrael is a contraction of the words yesh shishim ribbui osios laTorah? Does not the Gemara say that there are six hundred thousand letters in the torah? but the very next second after learning that we have the brazeness and audacity to scorn our fellow. to ake jokes for no purpose or reason debasing our leaders which is akin to violating the shabbos and the very honor of God Almighty. Children are very sensitive. They have the ability to pick up on things that we would never realize and indeed make a big deal about it silently ior vocally. I feel that if the overall attitude and atmosphere in the schools and classroom would become more positive focused on the whole and not merely on the individual then the rate of success will continue to rise and those small numbers but far too many failures will be seen no more.
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Ber -15 years ago
Poor Program Many yeshivos simply lack a curriculum. Many students simply do not receive a good education.
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Rabbi YY Jacobson
April 22, 2009
28 Nisan 5769
Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein In the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in honor of the birth of their daughter Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliyah"
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David Benveniste -11 years ago
To Rv. Jacobson
No. I am sorry I can't...As It says in my convoluted sentence above...Avram Wilkomerski, zt"l.
You can google his father's name and his for contextual references but I'm afraid my feeble ( but still at certain instances quite clear)memory is all we have to rely on for the moment. He was the rabbi at the funeral of Rothschild in Israel,the cantor and teacher at Chevra Tehillim Orthodox shule on 25th ave in SF for many years. If you are connected to Rv. Zarchi, perhaps there are one or two old timers that were friends or sons or family of his friends that can enlighten you further.
I just can't make this stuff up,Rabbi.
I just can't.
Chodesh Tov!
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David Benveniste -11 years ago
Chazon Ish Education
The son of one of the world's greatest Chazonim,Cantor Wilkemerski named Avraham (zt"l),who was also a cantor and the head rabbi for the IDF relayed his experience at that yeshiva to me:
If he did not memorize a full page of Gemara everyday by heart (bal peh),he would recieve a swat on his hands with a wooden ruler.
I feel your pain.
None other than the famous Chazon Ish was his teacher,and I sure hope this is not loshon hara esp. about the dead,as I'm sure ten people know of this fact.
Baruch Hashem.Times have changed for the better.
I hope.
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Anonymous -11 years ago
Re: Chazon Ish Education
Can you ask him to email me the story directly? [email protected]
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Pinchos Fried -4 years ago
Perhaps it's not Lashon Hara, but it's certainly Bizayon Talmid Chacham, and most probably sheker as well.
We need to do Teshuva. The world is not Hefker. Even online.
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moriah -12 years ago
Mida Kneged Mida
Maybe the real pearl of this story is we are commanded to judge our brother favorably and only rebuke from a place of love. We are too quick to believe the worst and speak without thinking. It's important to remember if we judge our brother harshly we are giving over to Hashem the way we wish to be judged as He will ultimately judge us Mida Kneged Mida..
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sara -12 years ago
are those book shelves real?!?
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Shia -13 years ago
Amazing. I can say from experience getting expelled from a school not only spiritually kills a person but also physically. A teenager does not have enough self esteem or mental strength to be turned down by someone and an institution that is supposed to be a role model. Would you also be able to give a shuir on the point of view of the parents of a child who has a friend that misbehaves in school. An argument I am sure you have heard many times what do you do with a child who is influencing other children. Its amazing the way everything in life you can bring examples from the torah. Thanks for the shuirim!
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Carmella -13 years ago
I'm the one who is utterly grateful to you for your work in הפצת המעיינות, spreading our beautiful heritage, giving us the opportunity to get to know who we are...where we come from, where we are heading...
thank you for allowing me to show my huge appreciation by a small donation.
i love the recent expansion of the classes, and the face lift of the site. hopefully the archive will hold more than just the last few classes.
i don't have words to express how much i love these classes, and what a difference
they make in my life.
some times i translate a class and teach it to the women I'm seeing in the synagogue, since they don't speak English.they love it too!
I'm 62, born in Israel to Holocaust survivors, secular all my life, until three years ago
חזרתי בתשובה straight into chabad ! thank G-D !
your classes are עמוד האש for so many all over the world, to show us the way we were and the way we ought to be, with the truth of גאון יעקב , the Rebes' way.
your work is the embodiment of והגדת לבנך ,to set us free each day a little more,
preparing the grounds for Moshiach to come.
G-D bless you
thank you
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Leib -13 years ago
more shuirim
Have completely enjoyed and learned in all your shirurim..i mean that sincerely
Just today…my son showed me a speech you made a few years ago to the chaplains of the US army
A fantastic speech..a wonderful Kiddish Hashem
Rabbi a honest question…and the reason for this e mail
Is it a fools wish or is it possible that the Likuti Torah Shir in the shul that you give weekly….. could be broadcast
When I listened to “Two souls”… every time I listened..i was clued. For me it was a sea of ideas and information..each shir made me think. An unbelievable learning and addition/amplification of and to my Chitas and understanding of Tanya…and my understanding ofthe Alter Rebbe in specific
and to Lubavitch in general...the stories and the way you delivered the information …I am still digesting..
I do not need to impress you. I want to give you validation for what you do..i want you to know you make a difference in one persons life
in a very significant way..i want you to know and not ashamed to say i support you
I have a Likuti Torah Shir Thursdays night..but a shir with you..Kevald Kevald..that would be wonderful
I hope to send you a donation also now and support
Your internet Torah and Chassidus
To me it is ..authentic knowledge of what the Rebbes of Lubavitch say
Authentic transmission of information to grow and learn about G-d..for everyone..through out the world the way the Rebbe would like to see it..
a unique ambassador of Torah and of Chassidus..something to support warm..real-honest-and meaningful..and many many more descriptions of the classes Substantial and well done ..each class..
Thank you..
I am a student of TheYeshiva.Net
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Kayo, Tokyo -13 years ago
Underlying motive
Baruch HaShem
I have been learning Chasidut from Rabbi Menachem Mendel and Rebbetzin Chana Sudakevich of Beis Chabad Japan. I am 44 years old and since I met Rabbi Sudakevich, for a long time, I thought he is older than me. But recently, I knew he is much much younger than me. But still, I feel that Rabbi and Rebbetzin Sudakevich are my spiritual parents. Thanks to this shiur, I realized why.
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YY Jacobson -13 years ago
To Mendel
I once wrote up the story in Yiddish in the Algemeiner Journal:
אַ וויזשניצער אייניקל האָט מיר אַנומלט דערציילט אַן עפּיזאָד וואָס ער האָט געהערט פון הרב שלמה קנייבסקי, אַ זון פון דעם באַוואוסטן בני ברק’ער גאון הרב חיים קנייבסקי (זון פון סטייפּלער גאון וועמענס 20טער יאָרצייט איז לעצטנס אָפּגעצייכנט געוואָרן), און דער ראש ישיבה פון “תפארת ציון” אין בני ברק.
די ישיבה “תפארת ציון” האט געגרינדעט דער “חזון איש”, הרב אברהם ישעיה קאַרעליץ, אין די ערשטע דרייסיקער יאָרן, אַ קורצע צייט נאָכדעם וואָס ער האָט עולה געווען קיין ארץ ישראל. ויהי היום, האט זיך דער ראש ישיבה, וועלכער דער חזון איש האָט אָנגעשטעלט אַרבעטן אין ישיבה, דערוואוסט אַז אַ געוויסער בחור האָט מחלל שבת געווען. זונטיק, האָט דער ראש ישיבה אַריינגערופן דעם בחור, געהייסן אים פּאַקן די פּעקלעך און זיך אָפּטראָגן פון ישיבה.
הערנדיק וואָס איז געשען, האָט דער חזון איש אריינגערופן דעם ראש ישיבה, און אים געפרעגט מיט וואָס פאַר אַ באַרעכטיקונג האָט ער ארויסגעווארפן דעם בחור’ל? דער ראש ישיבה האט געענטפערט, אז דער אינגל האָט מחלל שבת געווען און אַזאַ מין פּארשוין מוז מען משלח זיין פון ישיבה, “למען ישמעו וייראו”.
זאָגט אים דער חזון איש: היינט צו טאג צו אַרויסווארפן אַ בחור פון ישיבה איז אין דער בחינה פון “דיני נפשות”. דער בחור וועט דאך נישט גיין לערנען אין אַ שטיבל אדער אַ כולל, ער וועט דאך ארויסגיין צו דער דרויסנדיקער גאַס וואו ער וועט קאָנפראָנטירן כלערליי מעכטיקע נסיונות וואָס וועלן אים וואַרשיינלעך אָפּרייסן פון דעם “מקור מים חיים”, פון זיין אידישער נשמה און פון דעם אידישן גייסט. זאגט דאך די משנה (אין מסכת סנהדרין) אז “אין דנין דיני נפשות אלא בכ”ג”, כדי צו פאַראורטיילן אַ אידן צום טויט מוז מען האָבן אַ בית דין פון 23 מענטשן. ווי גרויס אַ תלמיד חכם מען איז, קען מען אַזאַ גורלדיקן באשלוס נישט מאַכן אַליין. “האט איר”, פרעגט דער חזון איש ביים ראש ישיבה, “צוזאמענגעבראכט אַ בית דין פון 23 איידער איר האָט פאַראורטיילט דעם בחור צו אַזאַ גרויזאַמן גורל”?
דער ראש ישיבה האָט געענטפערט אז ער אַליין איז גענונג בר-סמכא צו באַשליסן וועמען מ’דאַרף משלח זיין פון ישיבה. אבער דער חזון איש האט געפאָדערט אַז ביז דער ראש ישיבה קריגט נישט אַ פּסק דין פון 23 דיינים טאָר מען נישט משלח זיין דעם בחור. מ’האָט זיך געדונגען אַהער און אַהין, ביז דער ראש ישיבה האָט געזאָגט צום חזון איש, אַז אויב ער -- דער חזון איש -- וועט צוריק ארייננעמען דעם בחור, קען ער זיך גיין זוכן אַ נייעם ראש ישיבה.
האָט אים דער חזון איש געענטפערט: צו אָפּזאגן אייך פון ישיבה איז שוין נישט קיין גדר פון “דיני נפשות”, נאר אַן אנגעלעגנהייט פון “דיני ממונות”. זאָגט דאָך די משנה אז דיני ממונות קענען דן זיין אַ בית דין פון דריי דיינים אָדער אַ “יחיד מומחה”. איך האַלט זיך פאַר אַ יחיד מומחה. פסק’ן איך אז איר קענט גיין געזונטערהייט...
דער בחור איז געבליבן אין ישיבה, דער ראש ישיבה האָט פאַרלאזט די ישיבה און דער חזון איש איז געווען געצוואונגען זאָגן דעם שיעור במשך פון דער קומענדער תקופה (נאָך אַ שטיק צייט איז דער ראש ישיבה צוריקגעקומען).
פאַרענדיקט הרב שלמה קנייבסקי: “דער דאזיקער בחור איז היינט איינער פון די גרעסטע פּוסקים און תלמידי חכמים אין ארץ ישראל”. (איך האב נישט געקראָגן רשות מפרסם זיין דעם נאמען פון דעם בחור, אבער אז איר וואָלט הערן דעם נאמען וואָלט איר אַרויס פון די כלים).
ווי גילטיק דער דאזיקער עפּיזאָד איז אין אונזער צייט. אין די לעצטע טעג האָט זיך ווידער אנגעהייבן דער נייער ישיבה-יאר, און “קול התור(ה) נשמע בארצנו”: די שפרודלדיקע, ברויזנדע און לוסטיקע קולות פון אביי און רבא, פון רבינא און רב אשי, דער רמב”ם מיטן רשב”א, רבי עקיבא אייגער און דער אבני נזר, רבי חיים און רבי ברוך בער, רבי וועלוועלע און רבי שמעון, הערן זיך ווידער אין ישיבות און בתי מדרשים איבער דער וועלט. אבער, אזוי ווי יעדן יאָר, זענען דאָ גרויסע פּראָצענטן פון אידישע קינדער, אינגעלעך און מיידעלעך, וואס די שולעס און ישיבות נעמען נישט אָן. מ’פאַרשיקט זיי קיין “ישיבת רחובות”, צו די גאַסן...
עס זענען אַוודאי דאָ סיבות אויף דעם. די אָנפירער פון די סקולס און ישיבות האָבן מורא אַז די בחורימלעך אדער מיידלעך וועלן קאַליע מאַכן אַנדערע; אַז זיי וועלן רואינירן די ריינע אַטמאַספערע פון דער ישיבה אדער מיידל-שולע. די משגיחים און מנהלים ווילן נישט דאַרפן נאָכלויפן די בחורים יעדע נאַכט כדי צו פעסטשטעלן אַז זיי גייען נישט פאַרוויילן זיך אין אומפּאַסיקע ערטער, א.ז.וו
די טראַגעדיע איז אבער אַז זייער אָפט ווערן אָט אָ די גורלדיקע באַשלוסן וועלכע וועלן דיקטירן דעם עתיד פון אַן אידיש לעבן אָנגענומען נישט מיט דער געהעריקער ערנסטקייט און טיפער אַריינטראַכטונג. מ’כאַפּט זיך נישט אַז דאָ האַנדלט זיך וועגן “דיני נפשות”, וועגן דער צוקונפט פון אַ גליענדיקע נשמה, פון אַ בן יחיד פון דעם רבונו של עולם. קליין-קעפּלדיקע מחנכים און קורצזיכטיקע אַדמיניסטראַטאָרן פאַרמאָגן היינט דעם אויטאָריטעט צו באַשליסן “מי לחיים ומי...”
אזעלכע באַשלוסן טאָרן נישט אָנגענומען ווערן גרינגערהייט און אָפטערהייט. איידער אַ מנהל צי אַ ראש ישיבה פסקנט נישט אָננעמען אַן אידיש קינד אין אַ תורה-מוסד, וואָלט ער זיך געדאַרפט פרעגן: “ווי וואָלט איך געהאַנדלט אויב דאָס וואָלט געווען מיין אייגן קינד? וואָלט איך אויך געזאָגט: ‘ס’נישטאָ קיין ברירה, מ’קען אים\איר נישט אָננעמען’, אדער וואָלט איך געפּראַוועט אַביסעלע מסירות נפש און געפונען אַן עצה”...
שערי עצות לא ננעלו. אַנשטאט משלח זיין יעדן בחור וועלכער פּאַסט זיך נישט אריין אין די ראַמען און סטיל פון דעם מוסד, וואָלטן ישיבות געקענט אָנשטעלן מענטשן וועלכע זענען מסוגל אַנטפלעקן אין די דאזיקע קינדער זייער נשמהדיקייט, זייער גייסטיקייט, זייער אינערליכע ווירדע. די קינדער נויטיקן זיך אין אביסל אנטשטענדיקער ליבע, אויפמערקזאמקייט, און דער עיקר -- שענקן זיי די מעגלעכקייט צו זיין דערפאלגרייך אין זייער לערנען כדי אז זיי זאלן קענען געניסן פון סיפוק הנפש.
אויב אונזערע ערציער וואָלטן געדענקט אז דאָ האַנדלט זיך נישט וועגן “דיני ממונות”, נאר וועגן “דיני נפשות”, וואָלטן אפשר אַ סך פון אונזערע קינדער געראַטעוועט געוואָרן פון די שווערע נסיונות וואס די דרויסנדיקע גאַס שטעלט מיט זיך פאָר היינט צו טאָג, אויף וועלכע מ’קען אָפט זאָגן אַז “כל באיה לא ישובון”.
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aviner -13 years ago
more on the subject of expulsion
מאמר מאת הרב אלישע אבינר:
למרות שהורו לנו חז"ל שאין להוציא תלמיד שאיננו רואה ברכה בעמלו מבית הספר אלא "להוי צוותא לחבריה" (ב"ב כא א), העירו גדולי הפוסקים שהדברים אמורים רק כאשר התלמיד איננו "מקלקל" את חבריו.
הגר"מ פיינשטיין (אגרו"מ יוד ח"ג עא) כתב שאם נער איננו לומד כראוי ואף אינו מתנהג כראוי, אין להוציאו אלא "צריכים להחזיקו ולהתגלגל עמו, אולי יתחיל לשמוע ולהיטיב דרכו, ובכל אופן השהייה איזה שנים בישיבה בקרב מורים יראי ה' ובקרב חברים המקשיבים למורים ודאי תשפיע גם עליו, לכל הפחות במקצת, על כל ימי חייו". גישה סובלנית זו כלפי התלמידים מטילה מעמסה טיפולית וחינוכית כבדה על המחנכים, ובדרך כלל אין הם מקבלים פיצוי כספי תמורתה, אך טוען הרב פיינשטיין שהחינוך היא "מלאכת הקודש". כשם שנצטווינו "להיות עמלים בתורה ובמצוות", כך נדרשים המחנכים "לעבוד באמונה לפי צורך התלמידים... מצד חיובו לה' יתברך, מאחר שקיבל עליו משרה (חינוכית) מחויב הוא לעמול כפי יכולתו באמת".
למדנו מדברי הרב פיינשטיין שאין לסלק מבית הספר לא רק תלמיד המתקשה בלימודיו אלא גם תלמיד שאיננו מתנהג כראוי. מסופר (בספר "מעשה איש, א סט) שנשאל ה"חזון איש" האם להוציא מהישיבה תלמיד שנתפס בגניבה. פנה ה"חזון איש" אל השואל ושאל אותו: "האם אי פעם דברת לשון הרע? האם הוציאו אותך מהישיבה? מה לנו עבירה זו או עבירה זו?! גנב איננו חייב מיתה!". סוף תשובת החזון איש מתפרשת לאור דבריו במספר הזדמנויות, שהוצאת תלמיד היא דיני נפשות ממש.
אולם הרב פיינשטיין (שם) סבור ש"אם התלמיד מקלקל אחרים, ודאי צריך לסלקו. אבל צריך לדון את זה בכובד ראש ובעיון רב כי הוא כדיני נפשות". וכן כתב הגרמ"מ שניאורסון, האדמו"ר מחב"ד (אג"ק יד עמ' תג): "תועלת הרבים דוחה את תועלת היחיד", לכן פשוט שאין כל חובה לקבל תלמיד שיש לו עבר עשיר בבעיות משמעת. והוסיף: "בנוגע לתלמיד שכבר נמצא בכותלי הישיבה ולומד שם משך זמן, מובן שאינו דומה להנ"ל (= קבלת תלמיד חדש), ובפרט כשיש מקום לחשוש שיתפוס זה כדחייה בשתי ידיים, אבל פשוט שגם בזה סוף-סוף - יחיד ורבים, רבים קודמים. אלא שאין להתחיל בזה (בהוצאת התלמיד), וצריך להקדים אמצעים אחרים ולא להתחיל בגירוש כליל (= סילוק סופי)". תשובה דומה כתב הגרש"ז אוירבאך ("עלהו לא יבול" ב שלז): "גם אני בדעה שאם ח"ו מזיק לאחרים, יש לישיבה אחריות כלפי האחרים וצריכים לשלחו, וגם אם הוא מתחצף טובא (= הרבה) ברור הדבר שזה משפיע לרעה על אחרים".
עמדתו של ה"חזון איש" היתה שונה. מקורביו מספרים שהוא התקשה להסכים להוצאת תלמיד גם כאשר היה חשש כבד שהוא יקלקל את חבריו. הרב יהושע יגל, ראש ישיבת "מדרשית נועם", העלה על הכתב (בראש ספרו "נתיבות יהושע ח"ב) שיחה עם ה"חזון איש" בנידון. הרב יגל שאל אותו האם להרחיק תלמיד "בעייתי" מהישיבה התיכונית, כאשר קיים חשש שהוא יקלקל את חבריו, אבל הוצאתו מהישיבה עלולה לדרדר אותו יותר. השיב ה"חזון איש" שזוהי בעיה חמורה של דיני נפשות, והוסיף: "אסור להרחיק תלמיד. אינך חייב לרוץ אחריו (= אם הוא רוצה לעזוב מעצמו), אבל אם הוא דבק במקום אינך רשאי להרחיקו. עליך להקדיש את כל כוחותיך לחנכו ולהשגיח על התנהגותו". הרב יגל העיר "איני יודע אם כוחותי יעמדו לי?". השיב לו ה"חזון איש": "הקב"ה יתן לך כוח".
גישתו העקרונית של ה"חזון איש" מוסברת על ידי אמירה אחרת שלו (מעשה איש, סג): "הם חושבים רק על טובת הכלל. מה טוב בשביל כללות הישיבה. ואכן, לפעמים טובת הכלל איננה מתיישבת עם טובתו של התלמיד הבודד. לא כן עמדי - בעיני, כל פרט הוא כלל שלם".
הוי אומר: בהוצאת תלמיד "בעייתי" מבית הספר או מישיבה, מתנגשת טובת הפרט עם טובת הכלל, ומתחייבת הכרעה כואבת לכאן ולכאן. יש מגדולי ישראל שנטו באופן ברור אחר טובת הכלל, ויש שניסו להציל בכל כוחם גם את הפרט, ומתחו את החבל של הסובלנות והסבלנות כמעט עד לקצה האחרון.
סובלנותו של החזון איש כלפי כל תלמיד באה לידי ביטוי גם בכתב, באיגרותיו (קוב"א פא): "אחשוב ליותר נכון להתגלגל ולסבול ולקרב בכל מה שאפשר, וזה כל פרי של הישיבה - לתת לפתאים ערמה ותועים בינה, ואין מקום להאשים את השובבים, כי הלוא עיר פרא אדם יולד, ועלינו להשתדל בזה בכל מחיר. ופעמים ימין דוחה ושמאל מקרבת, ופעמים לקרב בשתי ידיים". (המשך בפינה הבאה).
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Mendel -13 years ago
Firstly, many thanks for your great classes which we very much appreciate here in Zurich too!
Is the story you told about the Chazon Ish with the Talmid who got expelled written anywhere?
Many thanks and keep up the good work.
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benny -13 years ago
not enough
Thank you for your weekly Parsha insights, they are very much looked forward to and appreciated.
The only criticism, if any, I have is that there is only one Shiur a week by you. I literally look forward to it the whole week...
Perhaps we can get another one? Maybe bi-weekly?
Again, thank you
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David -13 years ago
Thank you Rabbi YY
Thanks for the answer greatly appreciated.
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YY Jacobson -13 years ago
Why the Kohen?
In response to the question why, according to this class, do we need the Kohen to declare the leper as “pure.”
The Keli Yakar explains why you need the Kohen to purify the leper:
והובא אל הכהן. אין טהרתו כ"א ע"י כהן יען כי כל מי אשר הוא מזרע אהרן נמצאו בו ג' מדות טובות הפכיים לאלו, כי חטא הלשון גורם כל ריב וכל נגע ובין אחים יפריד. ע"כ יבא אהרן שאחז במדת השלום וירפא לזה כי הוא היה אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, וכן חטא גסות הרוח ראוי שיתוקן על ידו כי הוא היה עניו ביותר כארז"ל (חולין פט) גדול מ"ש במשה ואהרן ממ"ש באברהם דאילו באברהם כתיב (בר' יח, כז) 'ואנכי עפר ואפר' ובמשה ואהרן כתיב (שמ' טז, ח) 'ונחנו מה', וכן חטא חמדת הממון לא היה ג"כ באהרן יען כי הכהנים לא היה להם חלק ונחלה בארץ ולא היה להם יותר ממה שזכו משלחן גבוה. ע"כ היו שלמים במדת ההסתפקות ולא היו בכלל צרי העין אשר כל מגמת פניהם לאסוף ולכנוס, ע"כ מן הראוי שכל ג' מיני צרעת אלו לא יטהרו כי אם על ידי כהן.
Yet this does not explain why it is only the Kohen who can deem the leper impure. Besides, since being metahar the leper follows being metame him, it is logical to assume that there is a connection between the kohen and the power to say “tame.” And since he is the only one who can declare him “tame,” therefore, he is also the only one who can remove from him the status of tumah. Since he is the one who was metame him, he is the one who can take him out of that status. “Hapeh sheassar hapeh shehitir.” Basically, it is completely in the Kohen’s domain, he says tame and he says tahor.
Perhaps, making it free for all to say tahor would give the impression that anyone can issue forth an edict on the status of a Jew suffering from these symptoms, and that is not the case.
Perhaps we can add, that you need a man of love to state even “tahor.” Sometimes we can “purify” someone but not out of love toward him or her, rather for other reasons driven by ulterior motives. You need love not only to distance but also to bring someone close. An example: You may make someone pure because YOU are too pained by their situation, even if it is actually better for them; or because you stand to gain a benefit from them returning even if it is not beneficial for them. Hence even for “tahor” we need a Kohen.
The Meshech Chachmah presents an entirely different explanation, which explains why we need the Kohen to say both tame and tahor. Here goes:
ענין הנגעים שנמסרו לאהרן הכהן הוא מסתרי התורה אשר הטומאה והטהרה תלוי בכהן... אמנם יש לומר, דהנה הנגעים היא מחלה המתדבקת עד שאמרו במד"ר (ויקרא רבה פס' טז) ובתלמודין כתובות (עז) דלא עיילי למבואיה, ולכן טמא טמא יקרא, וההתעסקות בו הוא ענין מסוכן וצריך לזה השגחה נפלאה פרטית אשר העוסק ינוצל מזה ויהיה נבדל אשר אליו לא תדבק הנגע, לכן בחרה התורה זה בבני אהרן אשר המה נבדלים משאר ישראל ומושגחים בפרטיות יותר וכמו דכתיב (דה"א כג, יג) ויבדל אהרן להקדישו קדש קדשים.
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isaac -13 years ago
I read this story
The parents of a retarded child entered the study of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. They decided to place their child in a special school in which he would live; the question was which one.
"Have you asked the boy where he would like to go?" asked the sage. The parents were dumbfounded.
"Our child cannot be involved in the process! He hasn't the capacity to understand," explained the father.
Reb Shlomo Zalman was not moved. "You are sinning against your child. You are removing him from his home, placing him in a foreign environment, and you don't even consult with the child? He will feel helpless and betrayed I'd like to talk to him."
The couple quickly went home and brought the boy to the Torah sage.
"My name is Shlomo Zalman," smiled the venerable scholar. "What's yours?"
"Akiva," exclaimed Rabbi Auerbach, "I am one of the leading Torah sages in the world and many people discuss their problems with me. Now, I need your help.
"You are about to enter a special school, and I need a representative to look after all the religious matters in the school. I would like to give you semicha, making you my official Rabbinical representative. You can freely discuss any issue with me whenever you want."
Reb Shlomo Zalman gave the boy a warm handshake and hug. The boy entered the school and flourished. In fact, with the great feeling of responsibility, he rarely wanted to leave the school, even for a weekend; after all, who would take care of any questions that would arise?
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David -13 years ago
sorry rabbi avi :)
That dose not work for me:) I will find an answer and let you know. Perhaps Rabbi YY has some insight?
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David
Perhaps the simplest answer is best:
Because the Torah states this explicitly!! Read the entire chapter in Vayikra here:
Especially verse 17:
"And the kohen shall look at it. And, behold! the lesion has turned white; the kohen shall pronounce the lesion clean. He is clean."
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David -13 years ago
response to rabbi avi shlomo
Sorry the question is still not answered. After all said and done why MUST it be a Kohen to say Tahor.
Btw I appreciate your time in answering my question.
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David
The Torah says clearly that ONLY a Kohen has the authority to declare impure and then pure. The Kohen who is ignorant or mentally challenged can take advice from an expert, but it is HE who verbalizes the verdict, and only then is the law take affect.
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David -13 years ago
response Rabbi Avi Shlomo
How about in the literal meaning of the law? Where it’s a technical issue? An expert adult should be able to bring the infected one back and not need to wait for a kohen (who maybe a child or Shote)
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Anonymous -13 years ago
the truth
Truth must be said even when not popular!!!
Which Mechanech would ever remove a talmid if he did not think it was damaging the others? A bais din of 23 is needed, but in a case of rodef you kill the rodef the sooner the better no bais din needed. The issue in the schools is these so called yeshiva boys are spiritual Rodfim and drag down the others by introducing all the shmutz and in many cases leading an open goiyesha cultural lifestyle in the midst of our yeshivas. This is being written with hurt but no choice truth must be told, our moisdos have lost their ability to create the enviorment they need to create to raise chasidishe children.
Only solution is to create special institutions for the spiritualy chalanged.
P.S. by chasidim it was maysa rav in life and death situations to ask a misnaged and do the opposite
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Me -13 years ago
Not chabad
This does - N O T - refelct the Shita of Chabad on this subject
I'm surprised that he mentions the story with the Chazon Ish without mentioning a very similar story with the Freideker Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab.
The Freideker Rebbe was the Menahel Poel of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva established by his father the Rebbe Rashab.
In a very similar story where the Freideker Rebbe wanted to expel someone and the Rebbe Rashab told him not to, the Friedeker Rebbe said to the Rebbe Rashab the identical thing which the Chazon Ish's Rosh Yeshiva said.
The Freideker Rebbe told the Rebbe Rashab that if the Rebbe Rashab will over-ride his expulsion of the bochur from Yeshiva, then the Freideker Rebbe threatened to resign.
The outcome was quite different in that the Rebbe Rashab backed down because the final "say" is with the Menahel of the Yeshiva.
It's also surprising that he doesn't mention at all the very clear Horaaos of the Rebbe (published in many igros) about when a child may or may not be expelled (it depends if the child is ruining it for all the other students or if he is just lacking himself without being such a bad influence on the others).
The only explanation is that this Shiur is directed at the general outside Yeshiva world (the Aish Hatorah type Jew) and does not at all reflect the Shita of Chabad.
The above story of the Friedeker Rebbe and the Rebbe Rashab should not be interpreted by todays schools to expel anyone because we must remember this was a REBBE_to_be, (as a dispute) with his Father who was already the Rebbe
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Anonymous -6 years ago
True, also there is a difference when its a head of the yeshiva and the head of the Jewish people.....Also the student who was expelled from Tomchei Tmimim (Berel Danzik IIRC) later became a chasidishe yungerman as reported by another chosid who met him years later. So its not always a diagnoses of a negative future in such a case.
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
Response to David
In real life every one has within him a inner 'kohen'. Meaning a wellspring of love and chessed that is unconditionally loving and caring for every Jew.
And ultimately it is that same exact one that was able to say "Tamei" that will succeed in breaking through to him and making him "Tohor."
If you criticize someone without caring for them, if you say tamei, but you are not a kohen, they will never reach "Tohor".
Makes sense?
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david -13 years ago
Why is it that it NEEDS to be a Kohen to say the man is “Tohor”? Why cant a non-Kohen take him out of the bad situation? Especially when translating this to daily life!
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Rabbi Avi Shlomo -13 years ago
To "A Chosid"
Wow, fascinating story about the Tolna Rebbe!
And those two insights are brilliant, thanks.
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candy -13 years ago
I just want to tell you that my husband and I listen to your talks on every week and enjoy them tremendously. We hope you and your family are doing well. All the best,
Candy Welner
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a chossid -13 years ago
a story from the Tolna Rebbe Shlita
Yashur Koach on amazing shiur!
On the same topic the the Tolna rebbe tells over that once a talmid who got kicked out of his Yeshiva decided to go to his Zaydee (who was the Rebbe at the time) to ask for advice. The rebbe at the time was well in his 80's- when the rebbe heard what had happened he said to the boy "come let us go immediatly to the Rosh Yeshiva" being that it was already 11:30pm the bocher said -yashur koach rebbe but it too late- "too late?? let us go right away" . By the time they got to the door it was a little after 12. The rebbe starts knocking... but no answer the rebbe continues to knock untill finally the Rosh Yeshiva in his pajamas looks through the peephole sees an old man knocking and feels he must open the door. The rebbe looks at the rosh yeshiva and says is it possible that you today kicked out student from your Yeshiva and are able to go to sleep? What about worrying about where this boy is headed in the future? You should be up saying Tehilim the entire night!?
The Tolna Rebbe Shlita says that when he is asked by principles which teachers to accept he tells them that although a full several things must be examined there are 2 especially important things
1)Have the educator converse with a boy in the priciples presence (without chairs) if the educator bends down while speaking to the child then you know he is a candidate but if he talks to him while standing upright-not shiach.
2) does the educator know his or her past students full names and their mothers names so that he davens for them once a day.
-Thanks again for a great lesson!-
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a chossid -13 years ago
a story from the Tolna Rebbe Shlita
Yashur Koach on amazing shiur!
On the same topic the the Tolna Rebbe tells over that once a talmid who got kicked out of his Yeshiva decided to go to his (the Tolna Rebbe's) grandfather (who was the Rebbe at the time) to ask for advice. The Rebbe at the time was well in his 80's...
When the Rebbe heard what had happened he said to the boy "come let us go immediatly to the Rosh Yeshiva". Being that it was already 11:30pm the bocher said "yashur koach Rebbe but it too late!"
"Too late?? let us go right away". By the time they got to the door it was a little after 12. The Rebbe starts knocking... but no answer. The Rebbe continues to knock until finally the Rosh Yeshiva in his pajamas looks through the peephole sees an old man knocking and feels he must open the door.
The Rebbe looks at the Rosh Yeshiva and asks: "How is it possible that today you kicked out student from your Yeshiva and yet you are able to go to sleep? What about worrying about where this boy is headed in the future? You should be up saying Tehilim the entire night!?"
The Tolna Rebbe Shlita says that when he is asked by principals which teachers to accept he tells them that although a full examination is necessary, there are 2 especially important things:
1)Have the educator converse with a boy in the pricipals presence (without chairs). If the educator bends down while speaking to the child then you know he is a candidate but if he talks to him while standing upright then you will know he is not p for the job.
2) Does the educator know his or her past students full names and their mothers names so that he davens for them once a day.
-Thanks again for a great lesson!-
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Chayamiriam Taurog -15 years ago
This article
A gem of an article!!
Keep it up!! (please)
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Karsten Bannier -15 years ago
What a wonderful assay.It really gives one something to think about inside & outside the home.This article should be more widely published here in South Africa.
Regards Karsten (Northcliff Hebrew Congregation).
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Joseph -15 years ago
To Yitzchok
I agree with you 100%. The Muslims, not the Jews, need to internalize this article.
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Yitzchok Michael -15 years ago
On Promoting Peace Between Cultures
This is fine as far as it goes. We Jews have never insisted that the rest of Mankind has to be like us and obey our laws; we have always been ready (sometimes too ready) to reach out to others in brotherhood and love. What is to be done, though, with cultures that are intrinsically hostile? Need I be specific? It is well known that there are those who want to kill us all, and reaching out to them in love (as some of our leaders astonishingly advocate) is not going to work. The late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, in his writings, includes the thought that anger must conquer whom love can not win.
Until others (the spiritual leaders of Islam, as a case in point) start preaching a message similar to yours to their congregations, reaching out to them with anything other than the sword will avail us all nothing.
Yitzchok Michael
New Haven, Ct.
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dave -15 years ago
the Rabbi wrote "mitzvah" as opposed to mitzvah... this is,as joe correctly said, an expression of humor.
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Joe -15 years ago
To Jerry
I assume the Rabbi meant it as a humorus comment, not literally as a mitzvah. The point is that teenagers strive to discover their independance which can often result in conflict.
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jerry segal -15 years ago
how and why is it a mitzvah for a teen to rebel
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Diego -15 years ago
An important theme!
Your essays are always wonderfull. I beleive that the issue of interpretation is crucial here. The Talmud is a book of discussion and not of dogmas. When we approch our sources with that idea, remebering always the chebrutah study, we learn that the meaning of thigs is always the result of a negotiation wich includes two or more parts. We are never alone.
And Shabbat Shalom from Buenos Aires!
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Jacob -15 years ago
My opinion
To create peace in the world, first create peace at home between ourselves.
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Fred -15 years ago
Only cohanim should be allowed on the tuition committee
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יצחק -15 years ago
רבי אלחנן הי"ד
שמעתי מהגר"מ גולדוואסער שליט"א מפיטסבורג אימרה בשם מרן הגר"א ווסרמן הי"ד, ביאור דברי חז"ל בספרי "ושננתם לבניך אלו התלמידים", שהתורה לא כתבה לתלמידיך, להורות שכדי להצליח בתלמידים צ"ל הגישה אליהם כמו אל בניך, דמי הם בניך? – אלו התלמידים, ורק אז יקויים הושננתם לבניך. ודפפ"ח.
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Elki -15 years ago
How do we change the system?
The shiur was wonderful, but I often feel that the people who heard the most are already on board and want to improve. Then those who need to hear this think "He's not talking to me. I'm a great teacher." There's a first critical step - acknowledgment and striving to be there for students. Unfortunately too many yeshivos and B.Y. type schools looks at their students as assets to glorify the mossad. They forget that in reality, we are employed by the students (or their parents). That doesn't mean doing whatever they demand, but doing what we as educators are there for - the students and to give special care and attention to those who are slipping through the cracks rather than bulldozing the crack and throwing the child to the other side.
I heard a psak to principals many years ago that the only situation where a calmid/ah may be asked to leave the school if is he or she is a danger physically and/or spritually to other students. That means actively pursuing othere students to drag them down into the worst paths.
There were many menahalim/ot at that lecture. They all nodded in agreement, drove out through the gates and continued business as usual.
Schools should pay much more, but ONLY hire outstanding teachers.
I think our goal is to eradicat the term "kids at risk," which is a misnomer. Chalilah, once on drugs or in the streets they're way past that term. At-risk are the ones who need the love, attention and perhaps modification of curriculum before the worst happens.
The examples and stories were wonderful and I repeated them to many of my friends. As the world works my Litvishe friends were stunned that a Lubavitcher Rabbi told a Chazon Ish story.
There is goes..problems in chinuch...
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DavidB HaLevy -15 years ago
Gratitutde and Praise
Are what we do best and what we lack the most.
Our inner Kohain requires a foundation of constant lovingkindness,yet where is the balance when you(hopefully) realize one day that you are not the center of the universe? You need the Levi emotive attribute of judgment and containment to bring you to the ultimate reality of knowing what to do, or as the Rambam so eloquently refers to it in Old French as ..."Savior faire". A sense or knowledge of what is appropriate in it's place and time.
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Yosef Silverman -15 years ago
A Critical Message, Beautifully Delivered
My 13 year old son,my wife and I watched this lesson together. I was so happy that my son was interested and took in the lessons. Especially the lesson that leaving yeshiva is a matter of spiritual life and the opposite, G-d forbid.
When it was over my son said that this should be shown at the next teachers conference.
Thank you so much!
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steve -15 years ago
thank you
excellent lecture!
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Estie -15 years ago
Thank You
As a mother of a few children thank g-d, you really have made me think about the way I will talk to them in to future. Thank you for a beautiful lesson.
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Dvora -15 years ago
Yitzchak is absolutely right. I myself would run to work in the Jewish community if I could command a salary and benefits plus the training and support that the public school gives me. In the meantime, I'm devoting my hard work to helping Hispanic kids, and supporting my family. It's kind of disappointing and sad that I can't be paid enough to live on in a Jewish school.
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Gershon -15 years ago
Beautiful inspiring story about the Chazon Ish. What a lesson!
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Isaac -15 years ago
Chazon Ish
What a beautiful story about education. I loved the fact that it is about the Chazon Ish zt"l so that no one say it is only the "chassidic" approach to education.
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Yitzchak -15 years ago
Maybe teachers have to be more motivated and inspired and also trained better. They also must be making a good salary, so they can devote themselves to their sacred job.
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Yochanan Gordon -15 years ago
Constructive criticism
Certainly this topic will emerge as the most popular to date. At any given opportunity people capitalize on their ability to expose negativity on the part of the educational system. but before in order to validate the criticism we first have to be in agreeal that there are positive aspects to the system as well. for as many children who unfortunately failed by the system many more have suceeded. needless to say those that have become lost from our midst have to be addressed and those results henceforth diminished. if there was one area that I would like to see addressed in the context of this class it would be that of national unity. throughout the world jewish spectrum there are innumerable amounts of schools representing a cross-section of religious observances and affiliations. orthodox chassidic modern orthodox yeshivish etc... and the list goes on. Every child no matter what school they attended has learned of the inseperable unity of the jewish people. in fact everyone has stories in their own personal life and as portrayed through the writings of chazal that points to this sentiment. but sadly this concept has not become real in each of our lives. until we all have the capacity despite our minor theological differences to embrace and acknowledge our neighbor and love them in context as one of our people this has remained an abstract reality. until the yeshivos speak of and reiterate this unity and how without our very existence as a nation is in question then even the learning which is accomplished lacks its true potency. Does not the Genara say that the word yisrael is a contraction of the words yesh shishim ribbui osios laTorah? Does not the Gemara say that there are six hundred thousand letters in the torah? but the very next second after learning that we have the brazeness and audacity to scorn our fellow. to ake jokes for no purpose or reason debasing our leaders which is akin to violating the shabbos and the very honor of God Almighty. Children are very sensitive. They have the ability to pick up on things that we would never realize and indeed make a big deal about it silently ior vocally. I feel that if the overall attitude and atmosphere in the schools and classroom would become more positive focused on the whole and not merely on the individual then the rate of success will continue to rise and those small numbers but far too many failures will be seen no more.
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Ber -15 years ago
Poor Program
Many yeshivos simply lack a curriculum. Many students simply do not receive a good education.
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