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Don't Only Evaluate the Disease; Evaluate the Person

The Torah's Origin for Holistic Medicine

1 hr 22 min

Class Summary:


This Women's class was presented on Tuesday, 2 Iyar, 5778, April 18, 2018, at Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

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  • MS

    Menachem spira -1 year ago

    A gutten erev shabbos rabbi jacobson. My name is menachem spira and I enjoy listening to you very much. I heard you mentioning the meshech chochma and I think you should look at it again because it seems to me that explicitly says not like you. It only matters in times and it doesn't matter if the person itself is ready for the tories. Would to hear what you think. 

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  • BM

    Batya Moller -2 years ago

    Thank you for yesterday shuir I live in London so we listen too your shuir the following day just wanted to let you know how moved to was by the shuir as Iam going through a difficult time for getting th my son I have has decided that stop covered by his head I tried this be   Understanding my f his decision but today shuir has showed me to look at his hart instead so thank you again for the suir 

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Don’t only Evaluate..

    What a wonderful class. But each time there’s a problem to listen it. “File not found” .

    I really want to finish it.

    can you pls fix it?

    Thahks a lot!!!

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  • E

    Esther -6 years ago

    Wow !

    Its so  fascinating to see how everything is in the Torah and how sensitive one should be to another not because it's politically correct. But because it's Jewish !!!!

    Not having answers I find is even harder for people to acknowledge about them self in times of Google.

    Its such a great message combined with Sfira. Love the person, not his problem that gives you power and place to feel needed. Because what's really needed is pure love that actually builds and gives more answers then one can ever  verbally give. 

    tha you for sharing light and good with the world

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Women's Tazria-Metzora Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 18, 2018
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  • 3 Iyyar 5778
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Dedicated by David Schatzkamer in loving memory of his grandmother, Rachel.

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