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The Alter Rebbe's Manual for Relationships

How Can Woman and Man Ever Become One? What Is Intimacy?

1 hr 50 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Eisha Ki Tazria #1: The Alter Rebbe's Manual for Relationships. How Can Woman and Man Ever Become One? What Is Intimacy? This class was presented on Parshas Tazria 5777, Nissan-Iyar 5777, April 2017, at Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY. 

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  • AS

    Andy Strowman -4 years ago


    The Rabbi explsins things well. A great teacher. 

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  • MS

    Menachem Solomon -4 years ago

    Maggid Vort

    Great Shiur!

    whats the source for the Maggids vort on a woman being more narrow minded towards guests?

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  • JS

    Joseph S. -7 years ago

    Rabbi Jacobsen, Absolutely fantastic presentation of the Alter Rebbes timeless Kedusha. Anyone who is fortunate enough to tune into your shiurim is blessed beyond any imagination. Thank you could never ever express what your transformational website has done for me

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  • B

    ben -7 years ago

    Rabbi Jacobson once (Yud Shevat kumzitz 5777) elaborated on the correspondence between a Professor in Australia and the Lubavitcher Rabbi, as it was transmitted to you by a friend.

    The Professor, a survivor, went off the derech. He channeled his anger/pain into a career, books and eventually a brazen letter to the Rebbe.

    The mannerism and sensitivity in which the Lubavitcher Rebbe responded was in sync with the multi level middos we discussed, strength and kindness.

    Napoleon was quoted as saying" I don't have to remove your head in order to make me look bigger"

    It's self evident the intent of the Rebbe response was to heal a broken soul.

    The connection: hearing what your partner needs on their terms and providing the gift

    The Prof. needed to be heard and respected for his life experience. The Rebbe empowered the Prof. by reminding him of his glorious lineage. Once the playing field was a bit more level... a relationship could be nurtured.

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Likkutei Torah Eisha Ki Tazria

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 27, 2017
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  • 1 Iyyar 5777
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