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Stop Calling (a Part of) Yourself Evil

Obstacles Are Only Obstacles When Taken Out of Context

1 hr 32 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Tazria/Metzorah, 1 Iyar, 5781, April 13, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    One she reconise herself

    The admour hazaken said that sometimes we must shouting against yetser hara .and tell hime you are and you are and you are .negative reaction against him and he will be feel humiliated .

    Maby or certainly your analyse is right but the truth i cannot do a lot .it is too complicatrd

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    How do you reverse a little. It's hard to maneuver. Thanks 

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    I think you did not read it correctly and he is saying edus is not davka with the mouth see sfas emes belowדברים, שבת תשובה, כ׳תרס"א  שבת סהדותא אקרי שבנ"י מעידין בו על הבורא ית"ש ועדים צריכין לשוב בתשובה שיהיו כשרים לעדות כמו שמזהירין עדי הגט לתשובה. ובאמת זה עיקר תכלית איש ישראל שיהי' עד על הבורא ית"ש. וכפי תיקון מעשיו כך הוא מברר זה העדות כמ"ש כמה פעמים כי זה העדות אינו דוקא בפה אבל אתם עדי בעצמיכם. ולכן אמרו שומר שבת מחללו מחול לו. כי מאחר שזכה לשמור השבת כהלכתו ונכנס בזה העדות בודאי נתקבל בתשובה. וז"ש שובה ישראל עד ה' אלקיך אל תקרי עד אלא עד לשוב אל זה העדות. וזה העדות הוא הדעת כמ"ש אתה הראת לדעת. והוא הדביקות באלקות שזה תכלית כל המצות להתדבק על ידם באלקות. וכמו כן להיפוך על ידי עונות נכרתין מזה הדביקות. ועיקר צריכין לשוב אל מה שנשכח אלקותו ית"ש מאתנו כמ"ש השמר פן תשכח את ה' אלקיך. ושבת יומא דזכירה שכל איש ישראל עכ"פ בשבת זוכר בו ית"ש וצריכין על כל פנים לשמור בשבת שלא לשכוח את ה'. ובזה נוכל גם בימי המעשה לזכור בו ית"ש. וזה עיקר התשובה כמ"ש אחת שאלתי מאת ה' כו' שבתי בבית ה' כל ימי חיי כו':  
    ויקרא, אמור, י״חתרמ"ט
      בפסוק ונקדשתי בתוך בנ"י אני ה' כו' (אשר הוצאתי) [*המוציא] אתכם מא"מ כו'. כבר כתבנו כי כשהקב"ה הוציאנו ממצרים באותות ושינוי הטבע כן יצאו נפשות בנ"י מהנהגה הטבעית ולכן יכולין למס"נ על קדושת שמו ית' מה שא"א ע"פ טבע אנושי. וזה עצמו קידוש שמו ית' כדכתי' אתם עדי. וזה העדות אינו דוקא בפה רק שבנ"י הם אות ועדות על הש"י שהוא חידש הטבע ומנהיג הטבע ומשנה הטבע שהרי בנ"י הדבקין בו ית' הם למעלה מן הטבע.  

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  • YA

    Yocheved Arzouan -3 years ago

    Fantastic!!!Very moving and extraordinary!

    Perhaps the voice is mentioned because the Kohen is the only one who can pronounce the verdict Tamei or Tahor

    Not enough words to thank Rabbi Jacobson

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    You mentioned that this perspective of looking at the rah in contest doesn't mean that there's no evil. There are still are challgning moments, ideas, etc. How can we practically take this perspective and apply it?

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    My question is for peole who have fallen to the lowest levels you mentioned that peope can fall. In this world, is this part ofa pla of HKBH that some do fall to the lowest places but are very holy and are forgiven by hkbh?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "Aidus, testimony, must be with the mouth "

    Angels have no free choice.  They can only say "kodesh, kodesh, kodesh". They can only say the emes. They have no mouth with a free choice.  This is  a lower type of emes that has not withstood the test of sheker.  

    People have free choice, can do and see evil and can lie or tell the truth "on the stand". The higher type of emes, that emes which was tested, cross examined and still withstood the test of sheker, is infinitely higher than that of the angels. 

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    Souls today are from a lower sphere. Are our bodies more holy? Is that why there are so many highly sensirive people?

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 years ago

    Someone asked...

    I have heard the Yetzer Haraa defined as unholy even in Chabad literature (not a Rebbe per say). Would you say this is catagorically untrue as per a deeper understanding of yetzer haraa? Called "unholy instincts" - based on what you are saying. Maybe this is ot the right definition?

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Sometimes the home must be demolished because of the bad that occurred there

    And later the demolished home cam be rebuilt, better. Starting from scratch. 

    The whole world was mostly destroyed in the Mabel because of the aveirahs before then. Then reborn, better.

    Later, Hashem's  home on earth was also demolished, twice. Presumably because there was some form of "bad", e.g. the cardinal aveirahs committed in the first Beis Hamigdash and the sinas chinam committed in the second. 

    We anxiously await the new and improved Third Beis Hamigdash.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    "You're too good to be not good"

    I have seen a common difference between the chinuch given by ffbs and bts.

    Bts often tell a child who has done wrong, even lovingly, that "this or that is not good, must be corrected, etc". Essentially a negatively focused approach 

    But, ffbs often say "Si pasht nisht" in Yiddish, meaning "it's not fitting for you", a positive approach. 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Rabbi, you often speak of the person who constantly denigrated her/himself

    Who puts himself down. Who thinks he's a loser, bad, lazy, worthless, inferior, etc. 

    That is true for some people. 

    But, perhaps there exists also the opposite.  Namely, those who think they are great, Hashem's gift to man, superior, with big egos. Etc 

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    Without the yetzer Hora, without the "bad",

    There is only goodness, purity and the yetzer tov. If that was the case there would be no real 2 choices to choose from with our free choice, the quintessence of humanness.

    When there is only one choice, the yetzer tov, the good, the pure, etc then the free choice is meaningless. 

    To receive a reward for choosing the good there must be (at least) 2 choices and one must be the yetzer Hora, the bad. 

    The fabled Zona was, and the yetzer Hora is, a servant of  Hashem to test, to challenge, to give meaning to  free choice, and ultimately to give us opportunity for growth.  

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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    There was one spice of the 11 that was very foul spelling

    By itself. But, when mixed with the other 10, it produced the ketores without which the ketores was not complete. 

    "Tzibur" stands for "tzaddik", "benoni" and rasha. A tzibur is not complete without the rasha (like in the hagadda) who's presence is as necessary as the tzaddik or benoni to have a tzibur, but....so long as he is "bottel" to the majority, the good part of the klal.

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    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago


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  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago

    The yetzer Hora can be harnessed for the good so long as

    It's "bottel" to the yetzer tov. So long as it remains a (minor) part of the whole.

    Normally we would see self-beutificstion as a self centered "bad", part of the yetzer Hora. 

    But, the righteous women in Mitzrayim used their mirrors to beautify themselves to arouse their husbands and create a new dor although Pharaoh had forbid it.

    Moshe Rabbenu thought these mirrors, part of the self beautification yetzer Hora were to be totally rejected. Not his only mistake! Hashem said to dafka use these mirrors to make the kior, the water basin with which the Kohanim purified  their hands and feet before their Avodah.  

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    • Z

      ziporah -3 years ago

      Moshe Rabbeinu couldn't have known how the women used their mirrors.  The midrash says that they looked (in the fields under the apple trees, at night when they were together with their husbands in a most modest fashion) together with their husbands into the mirrors and told them, "Look at the two of us (in the mirror...) and notice that I am more beautiful than you"  or in an alternative understanding,  "I am beautiful {mimcha} from or because of you,  for your sake"

      Now if Moshe Rabbeinu was not a slave, did not sleep in the orchards after a backbreaking day's work and never experienced a Jewish wife coming to encourage him of his importance to her and to the continuation of the Jewish Nation.. then Moshe Rabbeinu was not privy to the most tzanuah and appropriate use of those mirrors.  We do not usually make such flippant statements about what "mistakes" such a great servant and humble Prophet might have made? 

      Es pasht nisht! 

      Hashem had to reveal this to him because they did not flaunt their beauty in public.  Moshe Rabbeinu was not mistaken... he was clueless on this matter.  It was the best known and unmentioned secret of the women of that generation.  We would do well to try to emulate them in their dedication to their emaciated husbands.

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  • S

    S.F. -3 years ago

    Kiruv in UK

    How can we spread the light of Judaism to the hundreds of thousands of non observant jews in the UK Jewish facts info

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Women's Class: Sefas Emes Tazria-Metzora

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 13, 2021
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  • 1 Iyyar 5781
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Dedicated by Rabbi Avrom Tov Chakoff in loving memory of his father Cheresh ben Yosef.

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