Yossi Paltiel
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Yehuda Chanin
On the occasion of his 9th birthday on 9 Teves
Studying the book of Torah Or Mikatz/Chanukah Maamar Tanu Rabanan -- Fourth and Final Class
Yossi Paltiel
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Yehuda Chanin
On the occasion of his 9th birthday on 9 Teves
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Question- the dichotomies don't seem to match up. Chanukah is Ner Neshamah which is the light of struggle with the animal soul which one would think is a more internal and deeper light even if it is not higher. So why do the 8 candles symbolize the נסיכי אדם who are higher and shallower?
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Yitzchak -13 years ago
Amazing stories, ideas and insights. Some of those stories are classics.
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