Torah Or Rani V'Simchi #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Graciously dedicated by Gila Klein l'illui nishmas Feiga Leah bas R' Boruch Hakohen
This class, the third in a series on Rani V'simchi (Torah Or Miketz/Chanukah), was presented on Thursday, 9 Teves, 5785, January 9, 2025, Parshas Vayechi, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
How does the breath work? As we breathe, we tune into the cosmic breath of the Divine. We exhale and surrender, then we inhale and refill ourselves with the life-force and energy.
Torah Or Rani V'Simchi #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Graciously dedicated by Gila Klein l'illui nishmas Feiga Leah bas R' Boruch Hakohen
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Robin -2 months ago
The class sounded very profound however the only thing I understood was that everything is infinite. Sounded like there was a lot of important information in this class; I must not be in a place where I'm able to understand this.
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Thank you
Very meaningful shiur. Thank you Rabbi YY!
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Rotzo and shuv
How does rotzo and shuv work with sickness, disease, and loss?
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Adding to that
What is the connection if any between the physical and spiritual specifically do physical ailments like lung disease, blood diseases represent something spiritual related to rotzo and shuv?
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