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Torah Or Mikatz/Chanukah Maamar Tanu Rabanan #1

What a Mitzvah Does For You: In Paradise, Your Soul Needs to be Dressed Properly

1 hr 14 min

Class Summary:

Torah Or Mikatz/Chanukah Maamar Tanu Rabanan #1: What a Mitzvah Does For You/ In Paradise, Your Soul Needs to be Dressed Properly. 

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  • B

    Ben -11 years ago

    Does the נפש הבהמית go with the נפש האלקית to olam haba (or are they separate for a bit)?

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: Question
      I don’t know. So what follows are some thoughts (some of it is a bit extreme also).

      There are different ways of serving Hashem, some that involve and elevate the Nefesh HaBahamis more and others that bypass it (to a great degree).

      Like we find I Chassidus regarding Eliyahu taking his body to heaven and not Moshe Rabbeinu, though Moshe was certainly higher than Eliyahu, as Eliyahu elevated his Guf more.

      Similarly, the more one struggles and transforms the Nefesh HaBahamis the more it will join with the Nefesh HaElokis in Olom Haba.

      In other words: When Olom Haba happens all of Klipa will be gone, but thgere are two basic ways for this to.

      1)      The evil aspect of the Klipa is gone and the good is included in K’dusha but it has no association with its identity it had (before) while Klipa,

      2)      The form of the klipa has been elevated (or de-Klipahd) through Avoda (Klipas Noga through Birurim, the complete Klipos through T’shuva or (overcoming) Nisyonos(?)) in which case the Good of the Klipa will exist in the form it had (as Klipa) before but that has now been transformed.

      Similarly, whether one’s Nefesh HaBahamis makes it (as such) to Olom Haba has to do with wheather we dealt with it in this life or not.






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Yossi Paltiel

  • December 7, 2011
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  • 11 Kislev 5772
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