Ki Seitzei
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated in the loving memory of Reb Menachem Nochum ben Reb Moishe Yitzchok Preger In tribute to his yartzeit on 21 Tamuz.
Dedicated by David & Eda Schottenstein in loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov and in the merit of Yetta Alta Shula Schottenstein
On 23 Tamuz, 1570, one of the greatest mystics in Jewish history, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, known as the Ramak, passed away. At his funeral, he was eulogized by his student and contemporary, the greatest Kabbalist, the Arizal, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, who spoke about the reason the righteous experience death.
The class dissects the meaning behind this eulogy of the Arizal and gives perspective on how to appreciate the underlying mechanisms behind world events and our life experiences. It also relates an incredible story about a meeting between the legendary Reb Michael Ber Weissmandel and the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe after the Second World War.
Part of the class is based on Likkutei Sichos vol. 24 Ki Seitzei, analyzing the eulogy of the Arizal.
Ki Seitzei
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated in the loving memory of Reb Menachem Nochum ben Reb Moishe Yitzchok Preger In tribute to his yartzeit on 21 Tamuz.
Dedicated by David & Eda Schottenstein in loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov and in the merit of Yetta Alta Shula Schottenstein
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Anonymous -3 years ago
thanks very good
but in the end the arizal added a 5th person to the list
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Benveniste,Tsfat -13 years ago
I'll take glee.
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MMR -13 years ago
Thank you very much
First Speechless! On a deeper level - Just Superb!
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Another extraordinary class...
As always, many thanks for this inspiring, deep, penetrating class. You can tell I have been listening a while, by my choice of adjectives...Now I should be blessed to remember as well!!
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Shoshanna Huisman -13 years ago
it is all time a Hana'a to listen your shi'urim. they are all time very full of a lot of interesting information's
kol Hakawod
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Anonymous -13 years ago
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Yochanan Gordon -13 years ago
Questions on Shiur
Reb YY,
I haven't heard the shiur yet. However, I looked through the curriculum and have a number of questions. If in fact these questions or some of them are addressed during the shiur then you could make note of that.
1. In listing the 4 individuals who died without sinning why does the Gemara list father and son as well as the inconsistency that by two it lists ben and the other two it lists the person the father of so and so...?
2. The Gemara mentions six individuals who the angel of death had no dominion over. However, Rabbah is not mentioned and the Gemara Elsewhere says about Rabbah,"Lo pasik pumei m'girsa ad she'malach hamaves lo hayah yishlot bei?"
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Shmueli -12 years ago
Re: Questions on Shiur
Perhaps we can answer your questions as follows:
1. In general, naming with two generations is more accurate. As for the switching from ben to av (son of to father of), it appears that when the father of the individual is of greater stature, ben (son of ) is used. When the son of the individual is of greater stature, then av (father of) is used. [Aye, this raises another question- shhh! ]
2. After the Gemara lists the six individuals, it continues that they died with the kiss of G-d. They were holding on a level where regardless of whether they were engaged in Torah Learning or not, the the angel of death had no dominion over them. By King David we also are taught that he learned Torah constantly on Shabbos so that the angel of death would not have dominion over him, however the crafty angel made a distraction to stop King David from learning. A similar incident might have occured for Rabbah, and neither David Hamelech or Rabbah died from the kiss of G-d, the requirement to be listed among those six.
Brocho V'hatzlocho!
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Yechezkel Yaffee -13 years ago
Rabbi Weismandle et al
Another piece of genius presented by Rabbi Jacobson.
Thank you for the opportunity to look more deeply into our own lives.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Requested Information on Reb Nachum Prager
The family of Reb Nochum Preger requested that if any one has any information--history, stories, anecdotes, memories etc. -- about Reb Nochum Preger, they should please email it to: [email protected], or: [email protected]
They want to publish a book about his life and times. Thank you!
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Elie -12 years ago
Re: Requested Information on Reb Nachum Prager
The email address is definitely wrong I tried a few versions and they all came back. Can you post the right one please. Thanks
is this correct ? rebnochumslegacy
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Anonymous -12 years ago
Re: Requested Information on Reb Nachum Prager
Here, try this email of his daughter:
[email protected]
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