Painting by Yoel Judowitz
Chanukah 5779 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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The first episode of our Chanukah 5779/2018 "a video a day" series. Day #1: The Menorah & The Swastika by Rabbi YY Jacobson
Chanukah 5779 -- a Video a Day
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Thank you for this video
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Anonymous -5 years ago
Thank you for this video
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Jody -5 years ago
Dear Rabbi,
I am loving your videos and sharing them! Thank you so much! Happy Chanukah to you and your loved ones! #AmYisraelChai #WeWon. I am the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors and my victory is to live as a strong, proud and connected Jew! And to inspire others to do the same
I am so grateful for your ability to share Torah in a way that bypasses the ears and goes straight to the neshama!
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Juliet -5 years ago
I saw your video on the Menorah & the Swasxxxx (forgive me as I cannot write the word for the evil symbol). To say I was deeply moved would be an understatement. Tears were streaming down my cheeks from the beginning. To see a symbol of light near a symbol of darkness was chilling. Isn’t it profound how one of the most enduring symbols of Judaism is still around while the other is not.
Lighting candles has always had tremendous significance to me due to my grandmother. Even though I can only remember her lighting Shabbos candles, it is all connected. The memories of her lighting candles & bringing the flame to her face with her hands always warms my heart. She passed away a long time ago & will live in my heart forever.
When it was revealed in the video that the photo was taken by the man’s grandmother, it spoke to me on multiple levels. I often look at a photo of my grandmother for comfort. She represents the eternal flame in my heart & I look to her when my light is feeling dim. I am in the process of becoming better acquainted with my Jewish roots & she symbolizes the purity of the religion. Despite any hardships in her life, she would faithfully light the candles every Friday. She will always be my beacon of light & reminder that there is light in the darkness.
Thank you for stirring my soul with this moving tribute.
With Gratitude,Juliet
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HG -5 years ago
Where does it say she is lighting the menorah in Berlin?
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Anonymous -5 years ago
So powerful! Happy Hanukkuh.
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Moriah -6 years ago
Small Correction
YesHar Koach for an amazing video! FYI, if I’m not mistaken, Yehuda Mansbach lives in Beit Shemesh.
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Inspiration of our Generation
I gotta say You are a "ROCK STAR"
The kiddush hashem you made is incredible. WOW! Keep up!
ps. Sounds that there is still hope for a better future for us as jews, To fight for our survival and for our spirit!
Thank You!
May God bless you!
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David -6 years ago
Thank you for this most interesting presentation.
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Deborah -6 years ago
I have been a fan of yours since before we made aliya in 2003. Today, a totally secular friend in Tel Aviv (if there is such a thing) sent me your Channukah clip. Very moving. But I must ask: 80 years later, WHY ARE THOUSANDS OF JEWS IN BERLIN??? Yikes.
Shabbat shalom, chodesh tov and chanukah sameach!
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Fradl -6 years ago
Thank you, Rabbi for the beautiful story of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family.
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Devorah -6 years ago
Kol haKovod!!! So powerful!
"The flag says:Juda die!
Juda lives forever, the lights reply!!!"
And they are right B"H!!! May the light's Triumph over Tragedy and Darkness be complete with MoshiachNow!!
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Riva -6 years ago
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CB -6 years ago
Wow - thank you for your untiring efforts to spread inspiration in yiddishkeit to us all!
Thank you so much! Won't be able to forget this powerful legacy! and that she wrote in 1932 before the true horrors happened yet her retort is still 100% accurate!!
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Miriam -6 years ago
Powerful Beautiful
Deeply impressive... I am humbled.
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Avrohom -6 years ago
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Arlene -6 years ago
A tearful and inspiring happening! The menorah displayed proudly at the entrance of the Brandenburg Gate. What a wonderful sIght to behold.
Thank you for sharing and a Happy Chanukah 🕎
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heather -6 years ago
Wow!! That was such a beautiful video... thank you so much for sharing it and i hope every jewish child in every yeshiva today has the opportunity to watch it... beautiful message... tizku l’mitzvos.
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Yaakov N -6 years ago
A few inaccuracies
1. There were no elections between Chanukkah 1932 and Hitler (yemach shmo!) being appointed Chancellor of Germany on Jan 30th.
The last "free" elections were in Nov 1932, i.e. before Chanukkah.
The next elections, with cemented Nazi power, were in March 1933.
The chain of events leading up to 1933 is quite complex, there is ample well researched historic literature about it.
2. Despite all his merits, R. Yehuda Teichtal is not the "Chief Rabbi of Berlin". He is the Chabad Head Shliach.
Not sure if there really is such a title, and if there is, it would probably go to
3. Please note
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Please consider these few short point:
1) This clip of inspiration which was only posted 3 days ago has already reached almost 16,000 views here on
I think we can say with confidence, that at least %50 of the people who watched it shared this inspiration with only 1 person, which brings us to at least 24,000 Jews being inspired by this clip. (I didn't count yet how many thousands watched it on, and on whatsup, facebook, etc.)
2) The platform is one of the strongest platforms for "Kiruv Kruvim" in todays generation, when there is such a tremendous need, and so many jews keep their fire for Yiddeshkeit burning from this platform.
3) Rabbi YY has devoted his whole being and soul for this mission, who ever follows his lectures just a little can see it, feel it, and understand the tremendous amount of strength he took on himself למען זיכוי הרבים, ולמען כלל ישראל by doing his work,
So I ask you and everyone that whenever someone has a question of "accuracy" on something that Rabbi YY said "Please email him privately at [email protected] and ask him your question" just for the sensitivity and the אחריות of doing so publicly can do.
I am דן לכף זכות, but I just want to be מעורר this point which im sure you didnt think of.
Thank You.
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cb -6 years ago
Sometimes when something is too overwhelming emotionally we feel the need to bash it down slightly so it's more manageable to take in - and sometimes the bashing down isn't even accurate!
So firstly, please don't take such an awe inspiring, humbling, powerful, empowering talk, that proves how our existence as frum yidden and our flourishing yiddishkeit today is a total 100% massive neis, and try smash it down.
Secondly, the exact dates of Hitler's election make no difference to this story, and thirdly, I'm sure in Hashem's eyes ALL the Rabbi's who go out there to Germany today to do Kiruv and 'bring the greatest light to the place that has the darkest history' in the last 100 years are ALL Chief Rabbis - they rank amongst the HEROES of Klal Yisrael.
Lastly Rabbi Jacobson says quite clearly that Mrs. Rochel Posner lived opposite the nazi headquarters in Kiel - if you listen carefully you will hear how very well researched and very accurately gvien over Rabbi Jacobson's talk is. If your comment can be deleted perhaps it should be!
Thank you
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Yoel Judowitz -6 years ago
The Painting of the Lit Menorah
Grateful to Rabbi YY Jacobson for featuring my painting inspired by the Posner Holocaust-era menorah in his powerful video tonight. Rabbi Jacobson reached out a couple days ago and asked for permission to use the painting. I was more than happy to oblige. Rabbi Jacobson is a phenomenal teacher who always inspires, yet keeps things down to earth at the same time. Hopefully, my artistic contribution will help with his worthy efforts.
Yoel Judowitz
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L. Dayan, Jerusalem -6 years ago
Not sure if this is accurate...
I heard that the menorah is displayed in Yad VaShem all year long, but the family has the use of it every Chanukah.
Thanks for this amazing story.
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Sholomke -6 years ago
So beautiful
So beautiful and inspiring. These 5 minutes will enhance the whole eight days of Chanuka by infusing into them inspiration and meaning. Thank you.
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Nechemiah -6 years ago
Video and story are moradig. However your menorah is slanted... du bist duch a professional... it should be straight.
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Emunah -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
the glasses are bowing in awe at this live current testimony to us yidden!
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Anonymous -6 years ago
This site does not allow a "thumbs up" or like, so I have to write this out in full. I love your comment. Thank you!
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Yitzchak -6 years ago
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Moshe -6 years ago
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Anonymous -6 years ago
Thank you for sharing this very emotional video. I will never forget it. I am 72 years old ang cried for happiness during the entire presentation. Am Yisroel Chai.
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