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"Mr. President, G-d Promised the First Jew: I Will Bless Those Who Bless You"

Rabbi YY Jacobson Introducing President Trump

35 min

November 12, 2019: Rabbi YY Jacobson asking President Trump not to fear defending Israel and the Jewish People

Class Summary:

Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson introducing President Donald J. Trump, at a luncheon of America First Action, November 12, 2019, at the InterContinental New York Barclay, in Manhattan. The event, organized by Leizer Schiner, brought together American Jewish donors expressing their gratitude to the President for his unique friendship to Israel and the Jewish people.

Program: MC of event was Kivi Bernard. US Anthem by Beri Weber. Invocation by Rabbi Yisroel Reisman. Words of introduction by Rabbi YY Jacobson. Address by President Trump.

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  • M

    Anonymous -7 months ago

    For those of us with a keen sense of American history, seeing the "America First" logo between some of the most prominent rabbanim in America, most notably the great Rabbi YY, was jarring.  Hearing frum yiddin scream "4 more years" with that logo in the backgrop was likewise disturbing.  While President Trump may indeed be a far better president for the immediate needs and interests of the world of Torah jewry (I think that is clear, given what has transpired on the left), his very personality, personal morality, aversion to truth, promoting personal attacks on others, etc., makes it a busha for such major talmudei chachamim to full-throatedly on a very public platform express adoring feelings for him.  I know this is not a popular opinion in our kehilla, especially while Israel is at war..   

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    • Anonymous -7 months ago


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  • Y

    Yisroel -5 years ago


    I just read your Mishpacha Magazine article about the presidential fundraiser. I just felt the need to tell you that this was an unprecedented demonstration of Hakoras hatov and Kiddush Hashem.  
    it is unprecedented in history that it's specifically the ultra-orthodox Jews that have the ear of the leadership instead of other people. The president has gone out of his way to demonstrate his support for the Jewish community.
    It is so important that the ultra-orthodox community express their appreciation and support for our president and to continue to do so publicly.
    We may not be complacent about having friends in high places but we must recognize this unbelievable time that we are experiencing and utilize it for the betterment of all the Jewish people.
    Emails, letter writing and even calling the White House switchboard are all logged and documented are very important for creating a public record of a communal support for the president. This is something that should be promoted and encouraged continuously.
    מגלגלין זכות על ידי זכאי, אשרי חלקך שזכית לכך.

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  • S

    Shmuel -5 years ago

    What was your source for a beracha for seeing President Trump? Your brother brought down numerous sources that we don't, and according to the Alter Rebbe, that includes even without shem and malchus.

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      There is an argument among rabbinic authorities whether or not this blessing is said for an elected president, who is not a monarch.

      I followed the many halachic opinions (the Shevet HaLevi, Rav Shmuel Wosner; the Shearim Metzuyanim B’Halachah, Rav Shlomo Zalman Braun; Ravi Dovid Yosef, and others) that the blessing should be made even on a president if he has the authority to commute a death sentence and can declare war.

      In addition, as the leader of the free world, the president of the United States has a unique status that increases the validity of making such a blessing.

      The Baal HaTanya, the Alter Rebbe (Seder Birchas Haneehenin, ch. 13) does quotes the Shlchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 224) verbatim, and does not negate Preisdents. However we explain the Shlchan Aruch, we can explain the Alter Rebbe, so there is no proof this way or that.

      On a side note, if I recall correctly, the Rebbe once shared with Rabbi Moshe Feller, that in Halacha he can rely on the Shearim Metzuyanim B’Halachah.

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      There is an argument among rabbinic authorities whether or not this blessing is said for an elected president, who is not a monarch.

      I followed the many halachic opinions (the Shevet HaLevi, Rav Shmuel Wosner; the Shearim Metzuyanim B’Halachah, Rav Shlomo Zalman Braun; Ravi Dovid Yosef, and others) that the blessing should be made even on a president if he has the authority to commute a death sentence and can declare war.

      In addition, as the leader of the free world, the president of the United States has a unique status that increases the validity of making such a blessing.

      The Baal HaTanya, the Alter Rebbe (Seder Birchas Haneehenin, ch. 13) does quotes the Shlchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 224) verbatim, and does not negate Preisdents. However we explain the Shlchan Aruch, we can explain the Alter Rebbe, so there is no proof this way or that.

      On a side note, if I recall correctly, the Rebbe once shared with Rabbi Moshe Feller, that in Halacha he can rely on the Shearim Metzuyanim B’Halachah.

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  • CL

    CHANY LIGETI -5 years ago

    Thanx for showing our support

    Thank you so much Rabbi Jackobson for showing our support towards president trump with such beautiful words

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Thanks to all for your candid feedback, please allow me to explain my position on this.

    I do not condone any behavior of any President that is wrong. I do not embrace unrefined language or any actions that are wanting, Yet the facts remain, that Donald Trump, notwithstanding all his flaws and shortcomings, canceled the horrific and dangerous Nuclear deal with Iran, a regime yearning to create a second Auschwitz, a despicable leadership which craves to see rivers of blood flowing—heaven forbid—from Jerusalem to Washington. He has been a staunch friend of Israel and the Jewish people. Despite radical pressure and criticism, he in contrast to many former Presidents who promised and did not deliver, relocated the US Embassy in Jerusalem. Under his leadership, the US acknowledged the Golan Heights as part of Israel. He commuted the sentence of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin who did not deserve to sit 27 years in a prison cell. Does he not deserve a thank you?

    Israel is fighting now in Gaza. In the past, the US always called on both sides to show restraint. No more. The President knows the difference between terrorists and the victims of the terrorists—and he calls a spade a spade. He knows this is not a battle of two equal sides. This is a quantum shift in US policy toward Israel. Does he not deserve a thank you?

    The Palestinian Authority was giving billions of shekels a year to the families of ‘Sahids,’ who murdered Jews. In 2016, the PA distributed 303 million dollars in stipends to families of people who axed, stabbed and gunned down Jews—money coming from US taxpayers. The shameful tradition was happening both under Republican and Democratic presidents. Trump was the first leader who said no more. He stopped it. Does he not deserve a thank you?

    The President has made it a priority to fight and destroy terror groups and has worked hard to protect this country from terror. He says it the way it is and does not confuse the good guys with the evil monsters. Does he not deserve a thank you?

    It is not only about the past, but also about the future. He is the President of the US, no matter if one likes it or not. We, the Jewish people, want to use our influence to influence politicians to use their power to defend the good and the innocent, to fight anti-Semitism, to support Israel, to combat terrorism, to cut down ISIS and all other Islamists who crave to see a world drenched in the blood of infidels. How can we try to yield positive influence, if all we do is discuss the flaws of one leader or another, no matter whether true or false?

    In all honesty, do you think as a result of my words at the luncheon, the President might be friendlier to Israel or conversely? In the book of reality, that’s what matters to me: the safety and security of seven million of our brothers and sisters living in the Holy Land.

    Let’s even assume for a moment that you are correct in all of your accusations concerning the President. So what? In Judaism, we always show respect to the office of the presidency, no matter its leader. No other man than Reb Chanina ben Tradyon states in Pirkei Avos: “You must pray for the welfare of the government.” And he was referring to the vicious Roman Empire who tortured him to death! G-d commanded Moshe to show respect to Pharaoh, and Elijah to show respect to Achav—both vicious kings.

    Throughout history, Jews went to meet all types of leaders, of all shades and hues, for this exact reason: to help tip the scale to the good. Sometimes they met with leaders of very low moral standing; sometimes they met heinous and evil kings. The Talmud and Midrash are filled with these narratives. In the Tanach, Esther went to meet Achashverosh who killed his own queen and agreed to a genocidal plan of Haman, because she knew that G-d wants us to employ the natural means to influence leaders to try to do the right thing at the right moment.

    Even if you disagree, there is no need for you to box me into a primitive model just because I disagree with you on this issue. Instead of assuming abruptly that I mortgaged my soul, you can say: I disagree, but I can respect that maybe Rabbi YY was acting in good faith and trying to do the right thing, at least in his estimation. If you could not even entertain such a thought, I pray that you expand your horizons, and that your commitment to kindness, compassion, sensitivity, and decency is internalized by you even when judging someone who went to meet the President of the United States.

    That's one of the reasons it is important to learn Talmud. Every page of Talmud is full of debates and disputations; the sages argue about almost everything. Yet, always with respect and dignity. They do not vilify each other.

    Regardless, life moves on. The President went back to his business, and I went back to my business. It is time to resume our study of Torah, our dedication to prayer, our celebration of Mitzvos, and our work to turn our world into an abode for the Divine, a world filled with goodness, kindness, compassion and holiness.

    Respectfully, and with many warm blessings to all!

    YY Jacobson

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    • Anonymous -5 years ago

      excellent response Rav YY.

      brocho vehatzlocho! 

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    • S

      S.A. -5 years ago

      כמה נכון וכמה צודק!

      שכינה מדברת מתוך גרונך!

      תודה לרב ג'ייקובסון, לאחרונה יוצא לשמוע אותך הרבה ואני תמיד יוצא מחוזק מהדברים,

      תודה רבה! חיזקו ואימצו!

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  • T

    Terry -5 years ago

    Hard to Believe What You Did

    So hard to believe that you introduced Donald Trump; that you feel this way about a man with no morals, ethics, and who does not know the meaning of the word truth.

    Jews are so misled about Trump's support and the support of the conservatives. As I said it makes me very sad to see such an intelligent person as yourself feeling the way you do.

    I pray that someday you don't experience a huge shock.

    All the positive things Trump did for Israel are just a slice of his actions and behaviors.  The rest of the pie is so very harmful to the environment, dismantling all the protective legislation,, to human beings whom he mocks and maligns and refers to s... hole countries, and his values which are so far from the teachings of Torah. Yesterday votes trumped a ban on flavored e-cigarettes.  How can votes be more important than a child's health?
    I believe with all my heart that this is NOT in your heart, but when I read your words all that came to mind was Israel Uber Alles.... I know Israel is in a dangerous place, but I for one believe with all my heart that God's will will be done and Israel will continue to exist.
    So, yes, I do disagree with you... And I pray for 2 things: the continued existence of Israel and our ability to repair all the harm that he has done during these three years.

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  • R

    Rachel -5 years ago

    Horrible Event

    What a monster Chillul HaShem on display! The idol worship of that president is embarrassing and makes me, and many others, despise Jewish leaders like yourself.

    With your hollow praises it is obvious that you most definitely condone his disgusting behavior. “This magnitude of a great leader,” you said. Think about what you were saying!

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    • LYM

      Leib Yitzhak Menachem -1 year ago

      You can love a person without condoning their past misdeeds?

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  • J

    Jake -5 years ago

    There is reason to believe that last weeks fundraising event with the President to show him support for what he did and dose for Israel and the Jews, and specially the encouraging words from the Rabbi that the President should continue his support for Israel and not be affraid had an influence on today's announcement of the President!

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  • A

    Ahron -5 years ago


    Rabbi YY you were the emissary of Klall Yisroel to tell the President what real Judaism think about him.

    Thank you

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    this was a mistake

    why would you risk alienating people from your vital torah classes?

    i like trump, but others hate him and they might not listen to your shiurim from now on.

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    • Y

      Yuda -5 years ago

      It is their loss.

      Trump is great. And if a sad liberal wants to go away from hearing the best lectures, then it's good loss, and should not be of any concern.

      Trump is the best friend to all Jews.

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  • J

    Jeff -5 years ago

    I am Upset

    I’ve always respected you and you kept me on the path of still loving Judaism despite my becoming disillusioned. But when I saw you with Trump, introducing him and singing his praises, I was saddened. Not because of any policy disagreement. That I can handle. But because of Trump’s nastiness, his bigotry, his hurtful ways. It’s not worth mortgaging one’s soul to support a policy.

    When Jewish religious leaders give him a hechsher, it says “Thank you for supporting me. Who cares what you do to other marginalized people? Sell them out for us!” It says we Jews are just as ethically narcissistic as anyone else. It says we are only a light unto ourselves. And that for our own benefit we are willing to stand behind a person who defies most mussar books and perkei avot. I am very disappointed.

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    • Y

      Yuda -5 years ago

      Jeff I'm really sorry.

      But believe it or not, as much as we love you, we are not going to change our belief and not support the people who love us and love Israel and love the jews.

       I am sorry you feel otherwise but you cannot impose your liberal views.

      If you don't like the Rabbi now because of his views then you don't deserve to hear him. And you were never a follower.

      Your drinking the wrong coolaid.

      Find yourself.


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      • D

        Doron -5 years ago


        It is suprising to see the tone you take, as well as the content of your words.

        I fail to see how Jeff imposed any liberal views, and I'm not sure who gave you the autonomy to say things like 'you don't deserve to hear him' and 'you were never a follower'.

        The language you use is at worst cultish, at best misplaced.

        If you cannot sentisively address the concerns Jeff raises without passing judgement, then please don't. 


        I can understand why you are bothered, though I am sure Rabbi YY weighed up the situation and had good reason for being involved in this.

        I think it might be best to send Rabbi YY a personal email regarding your concerns.

        Please continue to love Judaism.

        Best wishes to both of you,


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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Lesson to learn from this

    2 lessons we can learn from this event, everything that happens in this world is a lesson to learn from how to serve Hashem.

    1) Every day every single Blessing we say to G-D, G-D responds to us and announcein front of all of the universe and all angles to hear "I like him", Thank You what a blessing, and gives us a big Hug!!

    2) We can feel and see the excitement that there is when people are given the opportunity to thank a King (President), we have this opportunity all day at every given moment we choose, Hashem even wants it from us!!

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  • P

    pinchas -5 years ago

     I'm sure you don't need me for that.... but can't start writign you an email without it.

    מגלגלין זכות ע"י זכאי. Thanks for the tremendous kiddush hashem you made on Tuesday with the President.

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  • M

    Moshe -5 years ago

    Yasher Koach Rabbi YY!

    Now for the Monday morning  talmidei chachamim discussing the invocation of  Shem Hashem in.the brocha! 

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    More of "Full Video"?

    Thanks for this. Some parts seem edited out. Would like to hear full remarks of Rabbi YY and Trump. Is that possible?

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    • I

      Isaac -5 years ago

      Nothing was cut out. It is all the video they have. The entire event was not captured on video.

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  • EZ

    Estée z -5 years ago

    A gutten Erev Shabbos , Rav Jacobson , brings light into others and to the world !!! May we all be zoche to see moshiach Bekarov mamesh !!! 

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America First Action Luncheon for Trump

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 12, 2019
  • |
  • 14 Cheshvan 5780
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