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Farbrengen Yud-Tes Kislev 5774 (2013): Can You Love G-d If You Hate Yourself?

Understanding the Conflict Between Yehuda and Yosef; Tools to Build an Intimate Relationship with G-d

2 hr 22 min

By Zalman Kleinman

Class Summary:

Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen 5774 (2013), in the home of Reb Abish Mandel, in Flatbush, Brooklyn, NY. Can You Love G-d If You Hate Yourself? Understanding the Conflict Between Yehuda and Yosef; Tools to Build an Intimate Relationship with G-d. Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen, Celebrating the "Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism"

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  • B

    Berel -11 years ago

    History changing


    Reb Yossi, I just watched your Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen, it was fantastic. Thank you.

    You mentioned the idea that Adam ate a fig and that changed history. I know this is basic Chassidus and I should be ashamed to ask.. BUT, but I am trying to wrap my head around this idea and how this can pertain to people throughout history who were not the "first human being".

    Is it not a bit grand to say that there is a purpose not just in man in general or in general concurrences which play vital roles in history, but in the individual deed/destiny of each and every individual? An extreme example: R"L a airplane with 200 people goes down, to say that each individual is fulfilling his particular destiny and accomplishing his souls purpose by getting on to that flight... and to say that throughout history, the individual struggles and accomplishments of millions of people, were all, history changing events- comparable on some level to Adam eating from the tree..  

    Any thoughts or Mareh Mikomos would be greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you,

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: History changing
      See Sahnderin 37-38, how we are compared to Adam.

      See Sichas shabbos Vayigash 5729, the lessons of the spaceship mission to orbit the moon and the explanation for 39 lashes.

      See Likkutei Sichos vol. 30 Vayishlach the sicha about gid hanaseh -- this is the novel idea of the Baal Shem tov in the meaning of Hashgacha Peratis.

      See Sichas Erev Shavuos 5745 about how each detail reflects the entire kelal.

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  • M

    Mordy -11 years ago

    Thank you!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful Farbrengen, a real breath a fresh air!

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  • C

    Chaim -11 years ago

    Here is the source of the Torah said over from Reb Moshe Valley:



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  • TTMB

    tov tov moed but... -11 years ago

    if you hate yourself can you love Hashem
    However............. what is the bottom line?

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  • Y

    Yochanan -11 years ago



    In the Farbrengen you quote Amos Chapter 11. Its a good thing there were no Episcopalians in the crowd because they would have screamed that there are only 9 Chapters in Amos.

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: Amos
      I meant 8:11

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  • I

    iryna -11 years ago

    Exelent you gave the whole new perspective on the story of yosef I had no idea before

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  • C

    Chaia -11 years ago


    Thank you so much!! it´s a priviledge to be able to participateof a farbrenguen in Brooklyn as if we were there" very inspiring.

    Can i use the idea of Rab. Jacobson´s words to concentrate on the women´s role? with the idea thta a woman is firts a woman and then a mother, but that the ultimate and the purpouse is motherhood and gving.. but first take car of yourself..?


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  • M

    moses -11 years ago

    re: respectfully differ
    the Alter Rebbe writes the source of the energy to truly perform all positive mitzvahs is love of G-d . Then the Alter Rebbe says that the source of energy to shun all negative Mitzvahs is fear of G-d. 

    Putting this in perspective for our generation, the Rebbe said dozens of times, it comes out that love is source of everything, as one of positive mitzvahs if fearing G-d which is the source of energy to shun all things we should not do.

    other words: energy of fear is also love.

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  • MF

    Malka Forshner -11 years ago

    YY is awesome!
    This was a tremendously moving and inspiring farbringen........but I'd have to watch it about a dozen times to even begin to "catch" every point that Rabbi Jacobson was trying to make......a big, big ya'asher koach to all of you, and A gut yom tov, as well!

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  • M

    Mendel -11 years ago

    I respectfully differ
    With tremendous respect Rabbi Jacobson:

    Tanya teaches that bitul and 'fear' comes first (perek 41).

    Rambam / Shulchan Aruch teach that reward and punishment is where we START with children.

    Bitul must come first - you cannot find ONE source to indicate the contrary.

    Please note: I'm not advocating only fear tactics.

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    • ZG

      Zalman G -11 years ago

      Re: I respectfully differ

      In my opinion, chassidus comes with the assumption that the person is already a (healthy) יש and chassidus comes to bring us to the next level, that we should rise to ביטול.

      If you would like to see more on this, there is  geshmake maamar from the tzemach tzedek on this subject from Purim, 5599.

      This maamar explains the importance and place of a person being a יש and מציאות as a foundation to begin עבודת ה'.

      The maamar explains this concept with a beautiful משל and elaborates in great detail the necessity of a healthy ישות in order to approach עבודת ה'. 

      Here is a link to the maamar:


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      • S

        Shea -1 year ago

        "If you would like to see more on this, there is geshmake maamar from the tzemach tzedek on this subject from Purim, 5599.This maamar explains the importance and place of a person being a יש and מציאות as a foundation to begin עבודת ה'.
        The maamar explains this concept with a beautiful משל and elaborates in great detail the necessity of a healthy ישות in order to approach עבודת ה'. "

        -- I couldn't find the maamer in the link provided.

        What is the name of the referenced maamer from the tzemach tzedek?

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  • A

    Aharon -11 years ago

    Thank You
    Rabbi Jacobson, thank you so much for the Inspiration and Torah you are sharing !

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  • YAL

    Yisroel Aryeh Leib -11 years ago

    MP3 MP4
    now deeper into the fahbrengen i want the MP3 MP4 for what I missed.

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  • S

    Sara -11 years ago

    Thank you!
    Just what I needed to hear in order to get back on track with my relationship with Hashem. THANK YOU!

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  • YAL

    Yisroel Aryeh Leib -11 years ago

    MP3 MP4
    Enjoying very much. Learning very much. A bissel mashke. MP3 MP4 for my friends who couldn't make it?

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  • Y

    yaaal -11 years ago

    im not in to this stuff because im fried

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  • RNS

    rabbi nechamia schusterman -11 years ago

    this great we can have a farbregen anywhere .

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  • MMF

    menachem mendel farstuken -11 years ago

    poshet mamush
    this mamash gevaldick this rabbi yossi guy is beautiful they have this in lakewood

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  • DYM

    Dr Yaacov Myers -11 years ago

    yud ts kislev, the Rosh Hashannah of Chassidut. do Good noW!"®
    Ask yourself are you approaching or even beginnig to engage to reach your potential in the noW!. To do this engage yourself with yourself i.e. with G-d within you and say do "Good noW!"®. This is the essence and wellspring's of Chassidic thought in action, as the Baal HaTanya, The Alter Rebbe says in Tanya, on Kislev 13, "do Good". in the time of Mashiach "only this, i.e do "Good noW!"®," proactively. Wishing you this, create a do "Good noW!"® moment, noW!, B"H, "Good noW!"®, Yud tes Kislev, 5774-5775. (5774= noW!, "Good noW!"® as noW! =57 adn 74 = 57+17, a do "Good noW!"® moment has been created between you and i, just noW!, i.e. right noW!, do "Good and right" noW!"

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: yud ts kislev, the Rosh Hashannah of Chassidut. do Good noW!"®

      i don't understand. can anyone explain?

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 2, 2013
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  • 29 Cheshvan 5774
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The event was hosted by Abish and Flori Mendel In tribute to all those who sacrifice for Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel.

לעילוי נשמת אבא מארי ר' יהודה לייב (לייבל) ב"ר מרדכי ביסטריצקי הכ"מ. נלב"ע ד' סיון ה'תשע"ג


Dedicated by Joseph and Sheila Bistritzky 

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