Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by David & Eda Schottenstein; Feivish & Tamar Pewsner; David Farkash & Family
Yud Tes Kislev 5769 (2009), live in Flatbush, in Brooklyn, NY. The Message of Chassidism for Our Times: A Global Celebration of Song & Inspiration
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by David & Eda Schottenstein; Feivish & Tamar Pewsner; David Farkash & Family
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David Austreng -11 years ago
This was a great blessing - toda rabba!
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amir -12 years ago
yoseph and his brothers
wonderful farbrengen.
i would like to know the makor to the chassidish interpetation of the conflict between yoseph and his brothers. it is fascinating i never heard it before (the ackronom of boruch shem kvod malchuto)
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Anonymous -12 years ago
I have listened to many of your divrei Torah but these are among your best. Yasher koach.
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vladimir -14 years ago
thank you
Вольшое Спасиво!!!
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Avraham Schwartzberg -14 years ago
Easier to use
I in honesty prefer Rabbi Jacobson's talks. I think Rabbi Paltiel should have his own section or page so it would be easier to pick out what you desire.
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a.r. -14 years ago
I bahbrought myself and I'm not fah-ruing it one bit
Hi Rab. Jacobson,
still listening to the talks and niggun. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the 'new year' of chassidus, thank you for doing this globally for all of us everywhere!
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Sara -14 years ago
Thank You
Excellent. Inspiring.
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shlomo weinreb -15 years ago
It was great i just got to here it now there are no words to let you know how great it was keep up the great work and thank you
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Sara Kaplan -15 years ago
Yoseph and connection with world
I have been listening to the farbrengen on mp3 and am enjoying it very much. thankyou. but I have a question. How does the concept that Yoseph wanted to work with the world while the other shvatim were involved with holiness apart from the world, fit with the concept that Yoseph represents Talmud gadol while Yehudah represents Maaseh gadol, and in the end Moshiach comes from Yehudah because maaseh gadol. I would be very grateful to get an answer to this question/ Thank you
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JR -15 years ago
The crowd looks mostly like Lubavitchers who chose this over the farbrengen in 770.
How many non-Lubavitchers actually attended?
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Alex Gutt -15 years ago
"Ashreinu ma tov chekeinu" How Beatifull is our lot
How beatifull is our lot of chasidic inheritance. Rabi Jacobson: You cant imagine how much you inpired me with your words. I cannot imagine a world without a switch to turn on the light!
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YYV -15 years ago
just wanted to tell you the fabrengen was superb. I had a couple of pointers but bichlal it was a masterpiece, this coming for a bunch of baalebatim by me, who were watching it in Flatbush online.
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Yochanan Gordon -15 years ago
First of all I was truly inspired by your presentation at the Yud-Tes Kislev Farbrengen which I viewed on theyeshiva.net. I have been accused in the past on your website by a commenter of too freely using the koach haderush which I have tapped into many times over the years. Based on your exposition from the Bas Ayin with the Gematria of Eileh Lo equaling seventy two, I was thinking possibly to add that the Gematria of Eileh (36) is the amount of lights we kindle on Chanukah. In fact, we say on Yom Kippur in Neilah Tamachti Yeseidosai B'shlosh esrei teivos etc... Batuach ani B'eileh. According to the mekubalim that Chanuksh is the Gemar Hachasima perhaps we are hinting to that at the height of Yom Kippur when we say Batuach Ani Beileh. There may be some issues with that but I am going out on a limb - let me know if you agree.
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steve -15 years ago
Yud Tet Kislev
Dear Yosef Yitzchak - Rabbi Jacobson,
My brother Steve and I were given the privilege of offering a blessing motzei Shabbat at Beis Bezalel Chabad in L.A. as ainicles of the Baal Shem Tov while celebrating the New Year for Chasidism.
You have brought us many blessings throughout the years, and We share this blessing with you and your loved ones:
May you and your mispacha and community continue to learn and live Torah.
May you be blessed with Hashem's love and evident blessings.
May you continue to reach out and extend blessings, kindness, wisdom and love to others.
May you continue to illuminate your life, the lives around you and lives throughout the world through your gemilut chasidim.
Good Yom Tov
Faith, Steve, Mom aka Ruth, Robert and all the Saunders Mispacha
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Anonymous -15 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson:
It is always a pleasure to see you at my side as before many years ago.
I know you recently met my children(Sara, Dovid) and obviously taked about you.
Keep up the fire, your fire is Emes becasue it is From the Rebbe which is NOT ONLY unextingushiable BUT ALSO it will go from flame to flame until very soon we wil be with THE Rebbe. AshreinuMah Tov Chelkenu thaT WE CAN FEEL AND LITERRLY TOUCH CHASSIDUS AND HOPEFYLLY LIVE BY IT EVERYDAY.
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Elki Rosenfeld -15 years ago
Mi She'lo ra'ah....
I "go" to my weekly Monday shiur with RJJ and have watched "Evening of Song and Inspiration" streamed from other communities.
But Sunday night, much to my delight, I had the opportunity to actually be there.
I am not one who exaggerates, the opposite. Yet, this farbrengen transcended any spiritual/emotional event in which I have participated in the last 15 years. Even though I also see, not just hear, online every week, being there is an entirely different entity.
The evening appealed to intellect, emotion, humor, spirituality and that which cannot always be put into words.
Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson and thank you, the entire staff for your expertise. And my sincere hakaras ha'tov to all the generous sponsors. May Hashem grant you everything you wish for yourselves.
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lawrence -15 years ago
bad name
Chabad makes fabrengens and celebrates Rebbes and liberation dates and tries very hard to engineer achdus during these events. However, there are a couple of hooligans who spoil what might be a monumental achievment (like last night) by taking the liberty to act chaotic and in an unrestrained and even dangerous fashion to others. Last night things were going great until the very end when the dancing began. To (I'll call them hecklers) began whistling loud while in line dancing as if they were on the street trying to hail a taxi cab.
The frequency of this whistling was so high that it completely overwhelmed the music and was so painful to my ears that I was forced to grab my coat and run out of the auditorium Thus ending what had been to that point a beautiful night of celebration and spirituality.
Now, most people would dismiss this complaint of mine in the same way that Rueven wished to prevail upon Yaakov to cede Binyomin in accordance with the demands of Joseph as you mentioned. But really, my complaint is consistent with the position of Yehuda who raised the important question of Yaakov's survival should Binyomin not be returned to him, and whose position which you also mentioned, is the real messianic one.
Perhaps you will now realize that there are "other" reasons as well why Chabad is frequently the object of jest and why it is not taken as seriously as it could be taken. Perhaps if seeks to purge the hooligans in its midst, it will be given the respect it deserves in the future.
Lawrence Kulak
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Molley Resnick -15 years ago
I listened to the entire 3 hours today and tonight (as I was away at the N'shei Convention in Stanford Connecticut )and was truly transported.
It was beyond, beyond ... Thank you very much.
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levi forta -15 years ago
I just want to say a quick thank you for an amazing Farbrengen last night! It was inspiring, interesting and motivating. The crowed of community people that came very much felt the same way, and a great time was had by all.
Hashem should bless you with the strength and ability to continue the holy work that you do, and to continue to inspire Shluchim and their community’s
Thank you
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Aron -15 years ago
now I feel complete having just finished the Flatbush farbrengen
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Yochanan Gordon -15 years ago
The Audio component of the video breaks down a number of times throughout the presentation.
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Anonymous -15 years ago
It was just as powerful a ferbrengen even when listened to on Chof and Chof Aleph Kislev...Yasher Koyach and may you grow from strength to strength.
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Dini -15 years ago
Thank you, Rabbi Jacobson
Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Or vechayus-thank you for bringing Or Vechayus to my life, and my shlichus.
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ML Suriano -15 years ago
Miriam Bas Bilga - Rebe's Audio/video from Chabad site
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abby -15 years ago
is there goin to be a weekly speech tonight? thanks!!!
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Schmuel -15 years ago
Yud Tes Kislev Farb
I was there, it was great
Who was the still photographer shooting for?
Where can I view those photos?
Was anyone else (besides Yeshiva.net)shooting video?
Where could that be viewed?
Thank you Reb Jacobson please come back again to Flatbush!
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dena levin -15 years ago
anyway we can access your previous classes on this subject? (Miriam Bas Bilgah)
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Jose -15 years ago
Our community in Aventura FL, really enjoyed it and we thank you, I’d also like to thank my community for bringing it to us; we weren’t listed as a participating community? But we enjoyed all the same
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Yossi Lew -15 years ago
Lukus Lukus
Beautiful way of telling the story of Miriam.
Just one thing: At the Farbrengen of Simchas Torah 1974, after the story of the AR, the Rebbe HIMSELF said that he was wondering why he was told this story, and he said that it was because of THIS story of MBB! It wasn't that it SEEMED to be a similar case with the AR, but it was ACTUALLY the case!
Yossi Lew
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miram -15 years ago
Lukus Lukus
i was listening to the farbregen and i was really intrigued that you brought up the story of miriam bas bilgah. i was at that farbregen and i remember sitting there feeling something amazing was happening that the Rebbe was actually trying to help that neshama. The people around me though did not really get that. i was very suprised and disappointed that i could not share it with anyone.
years passed. i am asking you honestly did the Rebbe mean that? There are so many kids off derech now a days and they are all with that same shoe and are crying out Wolf, Wolf: why do You take yiddishe kishekish out of us??? why are You not there for us?
A person earns money and when he gives tzadakah he gives away his essence. Miriam bas bilgah was crying out that the jews around her have given their all, why Hashem have You done this?
ok maybe that is not the idea you were trying to get over but i feel it is.
With all the rebels, these children of well meaning frumah yidden, are all miriam bas bilgah. The Alter Rebbe helped that man with the dybbuk. The Rebbe -- with that sicha was he trying to tell us something. was it only miriam bas bilgah? NO! i feel the Rebbe knew there would come a time there would be many miriam bas bilgas because for some reason they will rebel. but is it really a full rebellion?
what can be done for these children? Thier mothers went to the mikveh, their father's learned Torah. yes mistakes were made but there is tshuva. Why however do these children have to farshmutz themselves? why must they go through this? why must these parents suffer? its too much to bear.
finger pointing? i cant see it. we can point fingers all day long. The schools , the elders, the parents, and the list goes on.
When i was at that farbregen i felt so sorry for this miriam. she was a bas kohan!how? why?
The children we see on the streets they came from good homes, from homes where there was struggle, some even from parents in name only. But they are jews. Where are those who stood by the Rebbe for 40 years?? I have heard from some of them. ...... oh its just a small but noisy minority. oh they have problems, oh the parents are..,oh that is not my business, oh you know that family...
i am physically and mentally ill from what i have witnessed over the years including what has happened with my own. I cannot tell you the disappointment and the pain.
The only thing that keeps me going is Hashem and the Rebbe but still a day does not go by that my thoughts are with all the miriam bas bilgas and all those people in leadership positions who make believe they don't exist.
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katzman -15 years ago
Thank you for that inspiring farbrengan, Omaha, Nebraska loved it!
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Malka Stern -15 years ago
Thank you very much; this farbrengen brought much light to me, and the lessons are very clear! Keep up the good work! It's catchy.
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H.Hershel Cukier -15 years ago
Yud tes kislev Farbrengen
The farbrengen was powerfull.The message ,especially with emphasis from the Rebbes farbrengen presented the "light"" and the "life"in the most chasidishe way.The nigunnim sung by Chazan Zucker and the choir added the power to absorb the message and the mystro on the keyboard gave an additional simcha with his immaginative musical interpertations .
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Shlomo -15 years ago
To rivkie
Jem has this video
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chana -15 years ago
may you grow from strength to strength
fantastic! especially the nigunim. will it be available for viewing? i wasn't able to watch the complete farbrengen. thank you rabbi jacobson and everyone involved to make it happen.gut yom tov
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Yechezkel Yaffee -15 years ago
Thank you for helping us to share in the light and life of Chasidus.
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rina kramer -15 years ago
just top notch
as always another dimension of learning
thank you
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rivkie -15 years ago
how can i get the clip of the rebbe talking about miriam bas palga. I want to hear that again. Need it urgently!
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