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Day #4: Why the Shabbos Candles Trump the Chanukah Candles

The Most Important Front Is Your Home

5 min

Class Summary:

The fourth episode of our Chanukah 5778, a video a day series. 

Why the Shabbos Candles Trump the Chanukah Candles, by Rabbi YY Jacobson.

Please leave your comment below!

  • SEI

    SNK Enterprises, Inc. -4 years ago

    wedding candle holder

    Hi friends i have a some idea of wedding candle holder. Looking for the right parts to make a wedding look good can be somewhat of a challenge, but you may want to also have wedding candle holders be one of the more crucial things to buy. Their appearances vary from one another and the materials they’re made from would either be glass or metal. With that said, here is a list of different kinds of candle holders worth looking into for your wedding reception: Gold Mercury Glass Candle Holders, pillar candle holders, metal candelabras etc. For more information go on https://snkent.com/candle-centerpieces-wedding-reception/

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  • Anonymous -7 years ago

    Thank You Mr Trump

    B"H Mr Trump see Israel as the land that Hashem promised our people, and Jerusalem is the holy city, and he has honor Hashem on Hanukkah.

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  • N

    Nechemia -7 years ago


    1. I am loving these

    2. Assyrian Greeks, not Syrian Greeks - I believe

    3. Straighten out the menorah.. for those ADD ppl like myself, it is so distracting
    4. IN class number 4, a simple svarah might be, that in the days of old, if they ONLY Lit the menorah and not the shabbos 
    Candles, they’d be prohibited from using them, so the light it produced would great more chaos in the home then it solved.... it would create a light, that could not be used... 
    In any event, I am really enjoying
    Gut SHabbos

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  • T

    Terry -7 years ago

    Day #4

    Wonderful reminder about priorities..thank you Rabbi Jacobson


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Chanukah 5778 -- a Video a Day

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 15, 2017
  • |
  • 27 Kislev 5778
  • |

To Benjamin Pisarevsky and Elsa Berros on their upcoming wedding. May you build a beautiful Jewish home, and may G-d bless you with a happy marriage, lots of healthy children, much mazal and parnasah.
From Pascale and David

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