Women's Yisro Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated l'iluy nishmat Hanna bat David from Sydney, Australia, a woman of endless compassion, patience and dedication, by her daughter and grandson on the occasion of her 2nd Yartzeit.
Dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Avraham Feldman and Rut Werthenschlag by their family.
This class was presented on Tuesday, 13 Shvat, 5785, February 11, 2025, Parshas Yisro, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Yisro Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated l'iluy nishmat Hanna bat David from Sydney, Australia, a woman of endless compassion, patience and dedication, by her daughter and grandson on the occasion of her 2nd Yartzeit.
Dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Avraham Feldman and Rut Werthenschlag by their family.
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DM -27 days ago
Chazal states the Three Merits Klal Yisroel
One of the Merits for redemption was klal yisroel Kept speaking Lashon HaKodesh. Of course we understand klal yisroel learnt Egypt copts language. Bit why wpuld HaShem need to speak in copts when all of klal Yisroel knew lashon hakodesh?
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DM -25 days ago
Research of Biblical and Rabbinic Sources
After i researched Biblical and Rabbinic Sources in Medrash, Talmud Chumash Commentaries i in-fact did not find any primary-sources for the idea Bnei Yosroel had a "triad of merits" leading the redemption from Egypt. In fact the one posek in our time that promulgated the idea was the Chasam Sofer in his derashot! Thus, Rav Nechmia is a ptimary-source teaching us language was not a merit!!
Thank You for bringing this medrash and teaching to our attention! I have learnt so much from you!!
Tizku LaMitzvoth
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DM -23 days ago
In further study i found in
Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael:Pischa #5
רבי אליעזר הקפר ברבי אומר
וכי לא היה בידם שלישראל ד׳ מצוות וכו׳
לא שינו את שמם,ולא שינו את לשונם.
So it is a dispute between the sages whether they did or didn't...
in any case the word אנוכי is found when Hashem speak to the אבות . I guess the אבות only knew Copts.
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Dr. Jacob -1 month ago
Delusional Disorder with Rebbe Nachman's Therapy
The hardest symptom in all of psychiatry to treat is delusions.
500x harder to treat a delusion than to treat a hallucination.
(In fact, even in the best case scenario - with proper anti-psychotic treatment, the delusion doesn't completely go away - the patient merely is less persistent and passionate about it.)
And no therapy has shown to fix delusions either...
So I tried Rebbe Nachman's therapy with a patient of mine. (The patient was convinced that there were chipmunks under his shirt and he fell into a depression because "snakes" were breaking into the hospital to attack his chipmunks. And he literally was deteriorating away in his bed all day because of this depression. Pure and simple delusional disorder).
I used Rebbe Nachman's therapy with him - tested it out. I said "Look, who says just because these chipmunks are under your shirt - you can't join everyone else for lunch?" "Who says you can't 'pretend' there are no chipmunks and enjoy your day?". Slowly he began to live like everyone else in the unit - "pretending" with me that there were no chipmunks in his clothes.
(Although unfortunately it all fell apart when one of the nurses starting challenging his delusions - and he had to be moved to the involuntary unit...).
Rebbe Nachman knew what he was talking about!!!!
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