Women's Yisro Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Yehuda Apfelbaum in the merit of a refuah shelaima for Menachem Mendel ben Vittel
This weekly women's class by Rabbi YY Jacobson was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Yisro, 16 Shevat, 5782, January 18, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Yisro Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Yehuda Apfelbaum in the merit of a refuah shelaima for Menachem Mendel ben Vittel
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Anonymous -1 year ago
where is this from
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Sure isn't that way for baal teshuvas to be accepted to marry lifers.
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David B' Aviv -3 years ago
This lesson was the most accurate and precious time focused I have invested. From the very first minute to the end it was absolutely ravishing. Thank you
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א -3 years ago
ב"ה שאלה
הרי במתן תורה כן היו מחיצות- משה ואהרון לעצמם ,הזקנים לעצמם וכו'..
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Only necessary system to connect in other ways
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Anonymous -3 years ago
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pinhas shaool -3 years ago
אורח לרגע רואה כל פגע
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Anonymous -3 years ago
I hope am yisrael enjoys and inspires the greatness of every single mitzvah as expression of inner soul and od godliness. That's our hope
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Dovid pesach Rosenberg -3 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Friedmann Judith -3 years ago
Rabbi YY you too would need help with your emails.....is there a solution?
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Tamar Lowy -3 years ago
I second that.
I've sent a few emails and haven't received any responses, going back a few years already.
I'm not complaining just wondering if there's a way to delegate....
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Moshe felt that every yid should have access to the top
And so there should not be a hierarchy of courts.
But...as a practical matter one person, even Moshe Rabbenu, can only do so much. The reason Moshe had for not having a hierarchy of courts is not necessarily the only or correct reason. Practical impossibility to hear all cases is another reason not to have a hierarchy. If only one person hears all cases, there will inevitably be a huge backlog. And "justice delayed is justice denied".
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Chaim Schnitzer -3 years ago
Rabbi yy was close to a great man the lubavitcher Rebbe that's why he is sensitive to people's problems
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Moshe didn't know what to do:
1. Whether to undertake the mission to take the yidden out or not,
2. What to do at the yam suf
3. What to answer the complaints of those who carried Yosef's bones and missed pesach,
4. What to answer the daughters of Tzelofhad
5. How to handle the judicial caseload by delegating before Yisro came
Etc etc
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
In essence Yisro was suggesting that there be a hierarchy of courts
This is, lehavdil, the hierarchical judicial system in USA and other western countries. A litigant can appeal from level to level or bigger cases go to higher level (federal) courts.
Ironically in the modern beis din system there is no such hierarchical structure or process of appeal. There are no "higher level" courts for bigger problems and lesser courts for lesser problems.
I.e. Ironically, Yisro's suggestion exists today in nonjewish courts but NOT in Jewish botei din.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Yisro was distraught his son in law was overworked
But. ..Moshe had just inflicted the plagues, dealt with Pharoah, taken the yidden out of Mitzrayim, went thru the Yam suf with them, dealt with their incessant complaints, provided the Mann, etc.
Compared to that what's so hard about being a hard working judge?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Moshe alone was judging the 2-3 million people
Who says that they had much litigation? Maybe there was peace, little or no machlokis?
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