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Why You Should Be a Proud Jew Today: Crash Course on Jewish History

Three Truths that Inspired Yisro to Join Israel

1 hr 46 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Yisro, 20 Shvat, 5784, January 30, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

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  • H

    henrycavil -1 month ago

    this video ...this video was awe inspiring jaw dropping hand shaking wisdom and full with indepth knowledge one can use in there every day life...am a 95 year old man and i can say you taught an old man some new tricks rabbi

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  • SG

    Shauli Greenfeld -1 year ago

    שש זכירות

    This class gave me a lot to think about when I remember the שש זכירות during the passionate ברכה of אהבת עולם (talking all about Hashem's love to us and back), where עמלק and מתן תורה are two of them; so this class just brought out the strong feelings of pride as I was feeling while listening to the class, which continues now on every morning. Combine that with the class you gave about remembering מרים - about her watching the miracle of exodus (not לשון הרע as usually explained).

    Thank you very much!

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  • S

    Shulim -1 year ago

    Sad statement

    "if they laid down their weapons there wouldn't be any war"

    This is why they laugh in our faces. Anytime they get bored of fighting they surrender and they have a happy life afterwards. We take good care of them in our prisons until we release them.

    That's not how you fight a war. They're laughing at us. And they will continue to laugh at us until we act like soldiers of Hashem fighting Amalek.

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    • S

      Shulim -1 year ago

      See what Shmuel did to noncombatant Agag. 

      Shimon and Levi in shechem.

      If we want respect we need to respect our brutalized sisters and burned children.

      The war cannot end when they surrender. How shameful would that be.

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      • Anonymous -1 year ago

        Thanks for exposing the logical truth. I don't understand how we can serve food and any comfort to people who love only to killing and burn our babies

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  • S

    shaina -1 year ago

    oday’s shiur was the best of the best I’ve heard. Beautiful structure. Beautiful message. Backed up by our history.
    Amazing intellect and knowledge. WOW.
    This is what we need to hear while history is repeating itself once again at the finish line of גלות. We are blessed to be inspired by your wisdom.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Amalek attacked but was unprovoked and

    Had NO reason to attack..

    Just maybe.....they heard that the yidden had emptied Mitzrayim of its wealth both before leaving and at the yam suf. Maybe Amalek waged war to get the booty!

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Why would Yisro leave Midian when he

    Was on top, comfortable,  a leader, eyc.?

    The same question can be asked of any modern day.BT who becomes frum NOT because he hit bottom, but when he was."on top" one way or the other. 

    The answer is: because it's EMES! 

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    • MY

      mendel yakovson -1 year ago

      but derech hachabad is emes but not evryone is transforming thier lives to soke in the derech of chabad!!! if doubts arise look at the rebbe and see how its true! 

      o what about ezra hasofers sefer torah that the rebbe rayatz (the rebbes shver who he alwas refered to as moshiach and nasi of all jews mamush) testified that daka is with a alef like the shita of the alter rebbe (baal hatanya) and not dakah with a hey and the rebbe has a letter about it but than somune changed it!!!!!!!!! r"l is that EMES???!!!

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    • MY

      MENDEL YAKOVSON -1 year ago


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    • MY

      mendel yakovson -1 year ago

      if so (that its dependent on truth) than why is it that i aproched a bocher in yashiva to ofer him to get an os bisefer torah haklali witch the rebbe said is peekuach nefesh mamush!! and he told me in my face that bieng that its lubavitch witch holds thad daka is written with an alef not a hey (the rebbe rayatz testified that he saw in prag ezra hasofers torah and daka was with an alef) so they hold that its passul so he dosnt agree to get a letter! is that EMES?? and than somune went to change it to a hey and the rebbe shlita writs to somune in a letter about this crime is that EMES???  

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      • Anonymous -1 year ago

        Mendel, people can disagree what is the emes. Reform think they have the emes. Atheists also. Xtians also. Even Hamas, rm"l.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "Yisro heard and came...."

    How did Yisro hear? If he heard of Mattan Torah or Krias yam suf then, nu, everyone in the world heard Hashem's voice or saw water split. If either of these 2, still, Yisro was in Midian. How did he make it with his daughter and grandsons hundreds of miles to the desert so quickly? 

    And, if he heard of Amalek, how did news of this war get to Midian in the days before telephones? Ok, news traveled by caravans, but that strengthens tye question above because it took much time for news to get to Midian and then for Yisro to then travel to the yidden. 

    In general in those days, except for miracles, it is hard to understand how news traveled great distances in a short time..e.g. Yakov "heard" there was food in Mitztrayim. How? 

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    "The most important event in human history

    Is contained in this week's paraha; yet the name of the parsha us Yisro, not Mattan Torah.

    But.....Hashem dictated the Torah to Moshe the stenographer,  without parsha breaks, without parsha names, etc. Later on people, not Hashem broke up the Torah into parshas and gave them names.

    Altho everything is by hashgocha protis, yet the actual division into parshas and the names given are the results of human effort.  

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  • CH

    Chany hiller -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Is there a class for women every week? If yes, at what time?

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    • A

      ADMIN -1 year ago

      There usually is; please check the schedule on the website. The date and time will be posted.

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Yisro Women's Class/ Israel-Hamas War

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 30, 2024
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  • 20 Sh'vat 5784
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Dedicated by Jeanette Dadusc l'illui nishmat her dear father, Sion ben Fraggi, on his 26th Yartzeit, 19 Shvat.

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