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Vashti, Achashverosh, and Haman on the Therapist’s Couch; Esther Takes It All In

How Vashti Triggered Her Husband’s Core-Wound; How Esther Used It to Save a World

1 hr 28 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, 4 Adar, 5785, March 4, 2025, Parshas Tetzaveh, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

The lecture explores the first chapter of the Book of Esther. Why did Vashti trigger such anger in the Persian King? Why does the order of her title keep changing, as well as the musical notes relating to her? We also learn to observe the genius of Queen Esther, who brilliantly played Haman's ego against Achashverosh's paranoia.

The lesson we learn about the courage of Esther and the power to look inward at our deepest triggers and core-wounds, and how when darkness is exposed it loses its power.


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  • YF

    Yitzchak Friedman -7 days ago

    Just want to make rabbi j aware it’s rabbi Avraham e axelrods hilula today , in Baltimore I arranged a Mincha minyan by his ohel . Yitzchak Friedman 9174160861

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    • Anonymous -2 days ago

      סאטמערער אנטי ציוני נטורי קרתא חסיד

      ר' אביגדור מילער זי''ע אומר על הטעיפס שלו שיהדות שלו תודות ר' אברהם אלי'הו אקסלערד ז''ל

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Women's Purim Megillah Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 4, 2025
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  • 4 Adar 5785
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Dedicated by Sarah Malkie Simon, commemorating the yartzeit of her dear husband, R' Yitzchak Yaakov (Jerry) ben Moshe Simon, on the 4th of Adar

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